
Key: D, A, G Form: Polka ABC: X:1 T:Svend Madsbøls Polka nr. 1 (aka Hurrapolka) C: Trad. Thy, Danmark R:Polka (play AA BB CC) +A al Fine S:https://spillefolk.dk/nodesamlingen/ M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D |:"D"f/g/f/e/ fd|adfd|"A"ee/f/ gg|"D"f/e/f/g/ aa|f/g/f/e/ fd|ad fd|"A"ee/f/ gf/e/|"D"df "Fine"d2:|| K:A |:"A"c/d/e c/d/e|fe e/#d/e|"E"be e/#d/e|"A"c'a a/g/a|c/d/e c/d/e|fe e/#d/e|"E"be e/f/g|"A"aaa2:| K:G |:"G".b2"D".a2|"G"ggB2|gg […]

Svend Madsbøls Polka nr. 1 (aka Hurrapolka)

Key: D Form: March (song) ABC: X:886 T:Nelly Bly C:Stephen Foster (1826-1864) R:Reel S:Colin Hume's website, colinhume.com - chords can also be printed below the stave. Q:1/2=112 M:2/2 L:1/4 %%MIDI ratio 3 1 K:D P:A |: "D"FGA2 | FGA2 | F>GAB | "A"E2z2 | "D"F>GAA | "G"Bcd>d | "A"cdec | […]

Nelly Bly

Key: G Form: Reel or Hornpipe (Bluegrass) ABC: X: 1 T: Blackberry Blossom #2 (G major / E minor) C: traditional O: America R: Reel Z: transcribed and arranged by Frank Weber M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q: 1/4=175 K: G major % 1 sharp N: N: Tune only: N: ========== […]

Blackberry Blossom

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Miller's Reel R:Reel M:C| %%printtempo 0 Q:180 L:1/8 F:http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/mirror/sfco.puckette.com/reel/Millers_Reel.abc 2024-12-19 004439 UT K:A "A"A,2CE "D"D2FA|"E"E2GB "A"A2cA|"E"BEcE dEcE|BdcB "D"AFEC| "A"A,2CE "D"D2FA|"E"E2GB "A"A2ce|"D"fefg "A"agaf|"A"ecBc A2(3efg:: "A"a2 (ga) fece|"E"b2(bg) agfe|"E"geBe gbeg|"A"fe^df e2(3efg| a2 (ga) fece|"Bm"fgag "A"fece|"D"fdge "A"aged|cABG A4:| MP3: (Played by Gina Fehr) Download this MP3  […]

Miller’s Reel

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC: X:1 T:Liverpool Hornpipe C:Trad. R:Hornpipe N:from 'The Skye Collection of the Best Reels & Strathspeys,' 1887 M:C L:1/8 K:Dmaj |:(AG)|"D"FDFA dfaf|"G"(gf)(ed) "Em"(dc)(BA)|"G"GBGB "D"FAFA|"A"EFGA "A7"(GF)ED| "D"FDFA dfaf|"G"(gf)(ed) "Em"(dc)(BA)|"D"dfaf "A"bgec|"D"d2 "A"f2 "D"d2:|| |:A2|"D"dfdf "A"cece|"G"BcdB "D"(BA)(GF)|"G"GBGB "D"FAFA|"A"EFGA (GF)(ED)| "D"FDFA dfaf|"G"(gf)(ed) "Em"(dc)(BA)|"D"dfaf "A"bgec|"D"d2 "A"f2 "D"d2:|] MP3: Played by Kenric Kite Download […]

Liverpool Hornpipe

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Pam Bockes) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Ebb and Flow

Key: D/A Form: Polka ABC: X:1 T:Fitzwilliam Polka C:Bob McQuillen, 31 Aug 1990 R:Polka M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D V:1 AA |:"D" F2A2d2e2 | f2d2A2F2 | "G"G2B2ABAG | "A"F2E2E2 AA| "D"F2A2d2e2 | f2d2A2F2 | "G" G2B2"A"A2Bc |1 "D"d2D2D2AA :|"D"2d2D2D2 ^cd|| K:A |: "A"e4e4 | efedc2e2 | "D"dedc Bcde | "E"f2e2e2cd | "A"e2cde2cd | efedc2A2 […]

Fitzwilliam Polka

Key: G Form: Strathspey (or reel*) ABC: X: 2 T: The Birks Of Invermay R: strathspey M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj B>c|"G"d3 e d>BA>G|"C"A>GAE|"G"D>ED>B, D2 G>D|B,2 D>E D2-D>B| "G"d2 (3efg d>BA>G|"C"c>BAA|"G"G>ED>B, D2 G>A|"D"B2 A>G "G"G2 D>C| "G"B,3 D E>DE>G|"C"A>GAed>B "D"c>BA>G|"D"c>dc>B A2 d>c| "G"B>de>f g3 e|"G"d>BA>G "C"E2 B>A|"G"G>ED>B, D2 G>A|"D"B2 […]

Birks of Invermay

Key: F Form: Waltz ABC: X:1 T:Fall Days C:Peggy Beck D:The Wild Path M:3/4 L:1/8 K:F P:intro D | "F"C2 F3F | "Bb"F2 D4 | "Gm"D4 E2 | "C"E2 C4 |\ "F"C2 F3F | "Bb"F2 D4 | "Dm"D4 "Gm"FA | "C"G4 | P:A |: "C"FG |\ "F"A2 F2 C2 | […]

Fall Days

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: The Centennial Highway R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Ador AG|:EAAB AGAB|cBcd e2 dc|BGGF G2 BA|GABc dBdB| ABAG A2 AB|cBcd edef|gage dBGA|1 BcBG A2 AG:|2 BdBG A2 ed|| |:eaag a2 ag|edef gfge|dBGG G2 BA|GABc d2 cd| eaag a2 ag|edef gefg|agfd eged|1 […]

Centennial Highway

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Hebridean Milking Song M:2/2 R:Reel C:Trad. L:1/8 K:A E2 |: “A” A3 A A2 A2 | “A” e2 ee c2 e2 | “F#m” AAAA E2 E2 | “D” F2 A2 “E7” c2 B2 | “A” A3 A A2 A2 | “F#m” e2 ee c2 […]

Hebridean Milking Song

Key: G Form: Lullaby/Waltz ABC:  X:1 T:Griffin's Welcome M:3/4 R:Waltz C:Peter Macfarlane ©2023 L:1/8 K:G GA |: "G" B4 B2 | "D" A4 BA | "Em" G g3 d | "C" e4 ge | "G" d3 c B2 | "D" A2 B2 c2 | "Em" B3 A G2 | "C" […]

Griffin’s Welcome

Key: D Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Woodchopper's Reel I: RJ R-73 D reel M: C| R: reel K: D |:\ "D"afdB AdFA | DFAd f2ef | "A"(3gfe cB Ace [1,3 g | a^gab a2f=g :|[2,4 c | "D"dfec d4 :| |:\ "D"DFAd (3BdB AF | DFAd (3BdB Az […]

Woodchopper’s Reel*

Key: G Form: Polonaise ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Swedish Polonaise in G

Key: G Form: Polka ABC: X: 1 T: Ymgyrchdon Y Waunlwyd R: polka M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:de/f/|gd Bd|cA Ac|BG dB|BA de/f/| gd Bd|cA Ac|BG AF|G2:| |:G2|FA A3/2A/|cB B2|GB B3/2B/|dB Bd| ee/f/ ge|dd Bd|cA GF|G2:| MP3: (Melody emphasis, played by Peter MacFarland) Download this MP3  If it plays, […]

Waunlwyd War Cry (aka War Cry of the Men of ...

Key: C Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis, played by Peter MacFarlane) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis, played by Peter MacFarlane) Download this MP3  If […]


Key: Ador Form: Reel ABC: X: 6 T: The Star Of Munster R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Ador ed|:c2 Ac B2 GB|AGEF GEDD|EAAB cBcd|eaaf gedB| cBAc BAGB|AGEF GEDG|EAAB cded|1 cABG A2 ed:|2 cABG A2 Bd|| |:eaab ageg|agbg agef|[g2B2] ga gedg|geaf gedg| eaab ageg|agbg agef|[g2B2] gg [a2A2] aa|b3 a […]

Star of Munster

Key: Am Form: 2/4 Reel.  (Possibly also a waulking song) ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis, played by Peter MacFarlane) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis, played by […]

Alasdair an Dun (Alasdair of the Dun)

Key: Bm Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis, played by Peter MacFarlane) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis, played by Peter MacFarlane) Download this MP3  If […]

Alyssa’s Jig

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis, played by Peter MacFarlane) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis, played by Peter MacFarlane) Download this MP3  If […]

Brookfield Jig

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Heather Hill R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:G2BA BGGB|dedB G3B|dedB degd|egdB A3B| G2BA BGGB|dedB G3B|dedB degd|egdB G3f:| |:gage gdde|gage degd|eaab ageg|abag eeef| gage gdde|gage degd|eaab agea|gedB G3B:| MP3: (Melody emphasis, played by Peter MacFarlane) Download this MP3  If it […]

Heather Hill

Key: G Form: Strathspey ABC: X: 1 P: The Auld Wife Ayont the Fire C: 18th century Scottish C: Jerry Holland tunebook C: Arr. T. Traub 11-03-02 K: G M: 4/4 L: 1/8 |: c|"G"B2 A>G "C"EG G>Bg>d|"G"B2 A>G "C"EB A<B "G" G2 "D"G/A/B/c/ :|2 "D"d>B A<B "G"G2 G>c| |: […]

The Auld Wife Ayont the Fire

Key: G Form: March ABC: X: 1 T: James Cameron R: march M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj DE|G2 GFG2 gf|e2 d<eB2ge|d2 ge d>BA<G|B2 A2 A2 DE| G2 GFG2 gf|e2 d<eB2ge|d2 ge d>BA<c|B2 G2 G2:| |:B2|c>cc<de2d2|e>cc<eB2ge|d2ge d>BA<G|B2 A2A3 [1 B| c>cc<de2d2|e>cc<eB2ge|d2ge d>BA<c|B2 G2 G2:| [2 DE|G2 GFG2 gf|e2 d<eB2ge|d2 ge […]

James Cameron

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Walker Street (Carpenter's Reel) O: Trad B: Cole p.45 Z: John Chambers M: C| L: 1/8 K: G |: "G"~G2 BG [dD]GBG | "D7"ABcd cBAG | "G"BdgB dgBd | "C"cBAG "D7"FDEF | | "G"~G2 BG [dD]GBG | "D7"ABcd cBAG | "G"BdgB dgBd […]

Walker Street (Carpenter’s Reel)

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: X:1 T:Mrs McGillicuddy C:Susan Reid M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D D2 FA BAFA | d2 ef d A2 B | =c2 Bc AGEG | A2 GF EF G1/2F1/2E | D2 FA BAFA | d2 ef d A2 B | =c2 Bc AGEG |1 E2 DC D4 :|2 […]

Mrs McGillicuddy

Key: “D minor-ish” Form: Polska ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly, then up to speed by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To […]

Polska ur Trastadssamlinge

Key: D Form: Bourrée ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Played by Susan Reid Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Bourrée à Gaston Pommiers

Key: A Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: The Farmer's Joy R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Amaj efa c2c|dcB c2A|c2A cde|f3 e3| efa c2c|dcB c2A|cde dcB|1 A6:|2 A3 AGA|| B2E B2B|BcA B2E|B2E Bcd|c2A B3| B2E B2B|BcA B2e|efa c2B|1 A3 AGA:|2 A6|| MP3: Melody, played by Peter MacFarlane Download […]

Farmer’s Joy

Key: Ador Form: Reel ABC: X:12 T:Cluck Old Hen M:4/4 L:1/4 B:Fiddler's Fakebook, p.70 Z:abc-transcription Josh Larios <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, 2014.01.13 K:A dor "A"e (a/e/"G"g) a/(g/ | "A"e) (a/e/) "G"df | "A"e a/e/ "G"(g/f/)g/(f/ | "E"e/)(d/c) "A"A2 :| |: "A"A A "C"[ce]2 | "A"A A "G"G2 | "A"A […]

Cluck Old Hen

Key: G Form: Quickstep (march or reel) ABC: X: 1 T: Green Apple Quickstep C: David Kaynor 1981 %D:1981 R: march, reel Z: 2012 John Chambers S: the Roaring Jelly collection (R-62) B: the Portland Collection v.2 p. 78 M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: G Bc |\ "G"d2d>e | dBGD […]

Green Apple Quickstep

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Half Past Four M: C| L: 1/8 R: reel K: A (3efg |\ "A"a2-ab aecA | "D"defd "E"edce |\ "A"agab aecA | "D"defg "A"a2ef ||\ "G"=gabf gfge | "D"defd "E"efed |\ "A"c2AB cABA | "E"GABG "A"A2 :: zA |\ "A"A2cA dAcA | […]

Half Past Four

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Maloney's Last Glass R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj D2|:d3 c de ~f2|eded B2 g2|~f2 ed e2 dc|d2 cB A2 F2| B3 A BcdB|FBBA B2 Bc|decd BAFE|FBAF E2 D2:| |:B,DDB, DB,A,B,|DGFD EA A2|FBBA BdcB|AFDF EB, B,2| B,DDB, DB,A,B,|DGFD EAAc|decd BAFE|FBAF […]

Malony’s Last Glass (Mahony’s Last Drink)*

Key: Amix* Form: Reel (Bluegrass) ABC: X: 2 T: The Road To Spencer R: reel L: 1/8 K: Amix EAAE A2AB|cdec dcAG|EGGE G2GA|(3BAG ED E2DG| EAAE A2AB|cdec dcAB|cedc AGEF|1 GA (3BAG A2AG:|2 GA (3BAG A2A2|| e2ef e3f|gedf ecAc|d2de dcde|(3fed ce dcAB| ceef e2ef|ge df ecAB|cedc AGEF|GA (3BAG ABA2| e2ef e3f|gedf […]

The Road to Spencer

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: X:1 T:Danse de Foins, La S:Trad Gaspésie, via Lisa Ornstein M:4/4 L:1/8 Z:Based on Airs Tordus 2 transcription, updated from the CD by Steve Fry K:D AO|:"D"[Dd]z [Af]d "A"[Ae]gfe|"D"(d[df])d[df] "A"[A3e3]A|"D"[Dd]z [Af]d [Ae]gfe| "D"[Dd]BAB A2 zA|"D"dz fd "A"egfe|"D"dfdf "A"[A3e3]e|[Ae]fec B/c/B (3ABc| |1 [D2d2][Ae]g fd[Ae]c|[M:2/4]"D"[D2d2]zA[M:4/4]:|2 "D"[D2d2]eg "A"fd[Ae]c|[M:2/4]"D"[D2d2] […]

La danse des foins

Key: Amix Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Froggie On The Carport R: reelM: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amix |:Ace^g a^g a2|Ace^g a^g a2|Acef gagf|edef gf g2| Ace^g a^g a2|Ace^g a^g a2|efed cABG|A6 cB:| |:ABcd e2 c2|d4 d3 B|GAB=c d2 B2|=c4 =c3 B| ABcd e4|a2 a2 g4|efed cABG|A6 cB:| MP3: […]

Froggie on the Carport

Key: A Form: Waltz (Bluegrass) ABC: X:1941 T:Festival Waltz O:england M:3/4 L:1/8 K:A CB,|A,2C3E|G2F3E|F2G2A2|C4CB,| A,2C3E|G2F3E|F2D2C2|(B,4B,)A,| B,2C2D2|E2F2G2|A2G3A|G4GF| E2B,3E|=C4E2|(C4C)D|C4CB,| A,2C3E|G2F3E|F2G2A2|C4CB,| A,CEGAc|B4A2|a2f3A|f4AA| a2f3A|a2=f3A|a2e2cB|A2E2GB| e4e2|c3dcB|(A4A)B|ABcd(3efg| a3baf|g3age|f3gfe|c4ee| f2e2cB|A2c3e|e2d2B2|G4E2| b2g3a|g2f2e2|b2g3a|g4gf| e2B3e|=c4e2|(c4c)d|c3Ace| a3baf|g3age|f3gfe|c4AA| A2B2=c2|c3BA2|a2f3A|f4AA| a2f3A|a2=f3A|a2e2cB|A2E2GB| e4e2|c3dcB|(A4A)B|A4| MP3: (played by Gina Fehr) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for […]

Festival Waltz

Key: Em (F?) Form: English Country Dance, 2/4 ABC: X:1099 T:Childgrove O:england M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:112 B:The Round Band Book of Playford K:F A2 | "Dm"A2d2 d2e2 | "Dm"f4 e2d2 | "Gm"g2f2 e2d2 | "Am"e3d cBA2 | \ "Dm"A2d2 d2e2 | "Dm"f4 "C"e2a2 | "Gm"g3f "A7"efed | "Dm" d6 :: \ […]


Key: G Form: Waltz (song) ABC: X:1 T:Kentucky Waltz C:Bill Monroe Z:V.T. Williams M:3/4 K:G d ef|"G"g4fe|d3B AG|B2B4-|B3G Bd|g4fe|d3B AG|"D"F6-|F4de| f4ed|c3B AG|F2F3G|F4E2|D2F2A2|d2f3e|"G"d6-|d3d ef| g4fe|d3B AG|B2B4-|B3d ga|b4b2|a2b2a2|"C"g6-|g4ef| g4g2|a3g a^a|"G"b3a ge|d4^cd|"A"e3^d e=f|"D"^f3e fb|"G"g6-|g3|] MP3: (Played by Gina Fehr) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed […]

Kentucky Waltz

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: X:1 T:Westphalia Waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Waltz K:G DEF|:G4A2|B4e2|(d6|d3) DEF|G4 A2|B4c2| (A4 A)B|A4G2|F4G2|A4g2|(f4 f)g|f4 e2|d3 ^cde| |1 d2^c2=c2|(B4 B)c|B3 DEF:|2 d2F2A2|G6|G2B2d2|| |:g6|f6|e2f2g2|B6|(3BcB A2G2|(3BcB A2G2| c3 Bcd|c6|e6|e6| e2f2g2|f4e2|d3 ^cde| |1 d2^c2=c2|(B4 B)c|B4d2:|2 d2F2A2|G6|G3|| MP3: (Played by Gina Fehr) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the […]

Westphalia Waltz

Key: C Form: Waltz ABC: X:1 T:The Black Velvet Waltz C:as played by Sidney Baglole, P.E.I. B:Fiddle Music of P.E.I., Ken Perlman R:Waltz M:3/4 F:http://www.tastysoftware.com/abc/BlackVelvetW.abc F:Reposted to tradtunes 5/9/05 K:C L: 1/8 G,2|"C" C2 CB, CE|"C" G2 E2 C2|"F" F2 FE FA| "F" c2 cd cA| "C" C2 CB, CE|"C" […]

Black Velvet Waltz

Key: G Form: Old-Time, Schottische ABC: X:1 T:Duck's Eyeball [2], The S:Lauchlin Shaw (1912-1999, Harnett County, N.C.) M:C| L:1/8 D:Marimac 9064D, Lauchlin Shaw - Sally with the Run-Down Shoes (1996) F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/boatman-tune Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G gf|g2G2 +slide+B3A|G2E2D3F|DEFG ABcd|e2d2d2gg| g2G2 +slide+B3A|G2E2D3F|DEFG ABcd|1 B2G2G2:|2B2G2G4|| +slide+E4+slide+E3D|EFGA +slide+B3A|+slide+B2[e2e2]+slide+B2[e2e2]|B2 Bc BAGF| E4E2EE|EFGA B4|gggg ffff|efe2 […]

Duck’s Eyeball*

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC:  X:1 T:Peek-a-Boo Waltz L:1/8 M:3/4 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D FG|"D"A2f2e2|"G"d2c2B2|"D"[A2A2]F2B2|[A4A4] FG|A2f2e2|d2c2d2| "A7"e3 ^d ef|"7"[A4e4] FG|"D"A2f2e2|"G"d2c2B2|"D"A2F2B2|[A4A4] A_B| "G"=B2g2f2|"A7"e2B2c2|"D"d3 c de|"D"d4 FG|A4f2|A4 A_B| "G"=B4g2|"E7"B4 Bd|"A7"c3 d c2|B3 c B2|"D"[A3A3] B AG|[F4A4] FG|"D"A4f2| A4 A_B|"G"=B4g2|"E7"B4 Bd|"A7"c2B2A2|g2f2e2|"D"d2A2F2|[D4D4]|| MP3: (Played slowly for learning by Gina Fehr) Download this MP3  If it […]

Peek a Boo Waltz

Key: G* Form: Waltz and song ABC: X: 2 T: The Log Driver's C: Wade Hemsworth R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj DD|"G"D2 B2 G2|D4 DD|"C"E2 c2 A2|E4 E2|"D"D2 F2 A2| d2 d2 d2|"Dsus2"e2 d2 ^c2|"G"d4 B2|D2 B2 G2|D4 DD| "C"E2 c2 A2|E4 EE|"D"D2 d2 d2|d2 c2 A2|"G"B2 […]

The Log Driver’s Waltz

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: The Crooked Stovepipe R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj D2|:G2 B2 Bc dB|G2 B2 Bc dB|G2 B2 e2 B2|d2 c2 c3A| F2 A2 AB cA|F2 A2 AB cd|e2 d2 e2 f2|1 G,2 [B2g2] [B2g2] D2:|2 G,2 [B2g2] [B2g2] a2|| |:b4 […]

Crooked Stovepipe, The

Key: G Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Robins in the Snow

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Aimé Gagnon [2] C:2015 version M: 4/4 L: 1/8 R: reel K: G DC|"G"B,DGA B2DC|B,DGA "G#dim"B2AG|"Am7"FGAB cAFA|"D"GABc "D7"d2DC| "G"B,DGA B2DC|B,DGA "G#dim"B2AG|"Am7"FGAB cAFA|"D7"GBAF "G"G2:| Bd|"G"gdgd Bdgd|Bcde "G#dim"dBAG| "Am7"FGAB cAFA|"D"GABc "D7"d2Bd| "G"gdgd Bdgd|Bcde "G#dim"dBAG| "Am7"FGAB cAFA|"D7"GBAF "G"G2:| MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this […]

Aimé Gagnon [2]

Key: Ddor Form: Old-time reel or breakdown ABC: X: 1 T:Devil in the Strawstack M:C| L:1/8 K:Gm |: "Gm"GFDF GFDF | GFDF "F"C4 | "Gm"GFDF G2(d2 |1,3 "Dm"d)cAc dcAc :|2,4 dcA2 G4 || |: "Gm"d2g2 g4 | gagf d4 | "F"fAgA fAgf |1,3 dcAc "Dm"d4 :|2,4 "Dm"dcA2 "Gm"G4 |] MP3: […]

Devil in the Strawstack

Key: Ador Form: Polka (Reel?) ABC: X: 8 T: As I Went Out Upon The Ice R: polka M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Ador |:g>f|"Am" eA BA|eA AB/d/|eA BA|"G" G2 Gg/f/| "Am" eA BA|eA BA|"G" GB dB|"Am" A2:| |:AB/d/|"Am" ea ab|"Em" ag g/e/d|"G" Bd ef|"Em" ga/g/ "D7" fg/f/| "Am" ea […]

As I Went Out Upon the Ice (As ...

Key: A  Form: March? ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

March Forth

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: X: 8 T: The Little Burnt Potato R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj fg|:"D"a^ga ba^g|afd Ade|fef "G"g2f|"Em"efe Bcd|"A7"efe dcB| Ace a3|1 a^ga ba=g|"D"f3 f2g:|2 a^ga b2c|"D"d3 d2e|| |:"D"f2A f2A|f3 f2e|def agf|"Em"g3 gef|"A7"gba gfe| dcB A2a|1 a^ga ba=g|"D"f3 "A7"fde:|2 a^ga b2c|"D"d3 d|| MP3: (Played […]

Little Burnt Potato, aka Frank’s Two-Step

Key: Ddor Form:  ABC: X: 1 T: Sadie at the Back Door C: Jere Canote N: Note from Walter Daves N: Sadie was (is?) his cat, who would meow at the front door N: to get out, and then meow at the back door to get in. M: 4/4 L: […]

Sadie at the Back Door

Key: Gm Form: Schottische ABC: X: 1 T: Stures schottis F:http://www.rudemex.co.uk/library/ABC/Stures%20schottis.abc 2024-02-26 190117 UT K:Gm M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % V:1 D2 |:"Gm"G3/2^F/ G/A3/2 B3/2A/ B/c3/2 |d3/2e/ d/c3/2 B2 G2 |"D"D2 ^FA d3/2c/ B/A3/2 |"Gm"G3/2A/ B/c3/2 "D"d3 D | "Gm"G3/2F/ G/A3/2 B3/2A/ B/c3/2 |d3/2e/ d/c3/2 B2 G2 |"D"D2 ^FA d3/2c/ B/A3/2 […]

Stures Schottis

Key: D Form: Retreat March ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

A Prayer for Jamie

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Evil Diane R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj |:EDEF GABc|d2 EF GABc|d2 cd B2 AB|GBAB GBAG| EDEF GABc|d2 EF GABc|d2 cd B2 AB|1 GDEG A4:|2 GDEG A2|| |:eg|aeea fedc|decd BcAF|EDEF GABG|AGAB cdeg| aeea fedc|decd BcAF|EDEF GABG|1 AFEF A2:|2 AFEF A4|| […]

Evil Diane

Key: D Form: Reel  ABC: X: 4 T: Dick Gossip's T:  The Castle R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:de|"D"f2 af gfed|f2 af gfed|"G"e3/2e1/2ef gfed|"A"e3/2d1/2ef gfed| "D"f2 af gfed|f2 af gfed|"G"cdef gece|"A"d2 dc "D"d2:| |:ef|"G"gB B2 "G"gB"G"aB|"G"gB B2 gfed|"A"(3cBA eA fAeA|(3cBA ef gfef| "G"gB B2 "G"gB"G"aB|"G"gB B2 gfed|"A"cdef […]

Dick Gossip’s

Key: D Form: Reel (March?) ABC:  X: 40 T: John Howatt C: H. Dunlop S: Bernie Waugh R: Reel M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: D defg\ |:\ "D"a2fd "A"g2ec|"D"d2AG FDDF|"Em"E2FG ABcd|"A"eAfA g2fg| "D"^gafd "A"=g2ec|"D"d2AG FDDF|"Em"E2FG ABcd|1"A"eABc "D"defg:|2\ "A"eABc "D"d2dA|| |:\ "D"defg afdf|"A"gfed ceAc|"D"defg "Bm"afdf|"E7"aba^g "A"a4| "F#m"abaf "G"gfed|"A"eAfA "D"GFED|F2AF "G"G2BG|1"A"ABcA "D"d2dA:|2\ […]

John Howatt’s

Key: Bm Form: Retreat March ABC:  X: 1 T: Dark Lowers The Night R: retreat march M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Bmin |:d>c B2 B>c|d>e f2 f2|ga f2 e>d|cB c4| d>c B2 B>c|d>e f2 f2|ga f2 f>e|dc cg f2 f2|g2 a2 a2|a>g f2 e>d|cB c4| d>c B2 B>c|d>e f2 f2|ga […]

Dark Lowers the Night

Key: D Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Julianne Johnson R: reel S: Portland Collection v.1 p.116 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: D z2 |\ "D"fafe dfed | Bd- de d2fg | a2 a2-aab2 | "A7" a8 | "D"fafe dfed | Bd- de d2e2 | f2 e2 "G"dAB2 | "A7" […]

Julianne Johnson

Key: Bm/D (A & B parts) Form: Reel ABC: X: 3 T: Reel De Bergerville R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Bmin |:"Bm"B3B BABc|dcde f/g/f d2|B3B BABc|"F#7"dedc "Bm"B/c/B A2| "Bm"B3B BABc|dcde f/g/f d2|B3B BABc|1 "F#7"dedc "Bm"B/c/B A2:|2 "F#7"dedc "Bm"B/c/BB2|| K: Dmaj |:"D"A2BA F2A2|dcde f/g/f d2|A2BA F2FG/A/|GFED "A"E2E2| "D"A2BA F2A2|dcde […]

Reel de Bergerville

Key: Ddor/C (A & B parts) Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on […]

Milton Bridge

Key: Ddor Form: Polska ABC: X: 164 T: Polska ur Trästadssamlingen S: utlärd av [[Personer/Markus Svensson]] O: Småland D: [[Grupper/Sågskära]] - Orm R: Slängpolska Z: Nils L, 2008-12-15 M: 3/4 K: Ddor L: 1/8 |: d(A F)(A d)c | BA B2 c2 | d(f e)(d c)d | e(d c)(B A)A […]

Slängpolska ur Trästadssamlingen

Key: G Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Bob’s Boomerang*

Key: D Form: Québecois Six-Huit (Jig) ABC:  X: 1 T: Deuxième Partie De Quadrille D'Île D'Orléans R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj "D"dfd "F#/C#"cfc|"Bm" B2 B B2A|"D" dfd "B7/D#"cfc|"Em"B2 BB2A| "A7"ege "Bm"dfd|"A7/C#" c2 cc2B|"A7"A2 A ABc|1 "D"dcB "A7"AFA:|2 "D"dAF2<D2|| |:"D"F2>F2Ad|f3f2d|"D"e2 d "B7/D#"c2d|"Em"g3g2f| "A7"e2 ee2d|c2 cc2B|A2 A ABc|1 "D"dcB […]

Deuxième Partie de Quadrille d’Île d’Orléans

Key: Amix Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: June Apple R: reel M: C| L: 1/8 K: AMix eg |: "A"ageg ageg | aged cdef | "G"gfef gfef | gagf e2eg | "A"ageg ageg| aged cBAA | "G"G2GA BAG2 |1 "A"A3BA2 eg :|2"A"A3BA2 ed|| |: "A"c2cB A2AB | c2cd e2A2| […]

June Apple

Key: A Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T:Danse De Chez Nous S:Trad, arr Phil Rowe M:6/8 K:A E|"A"EAc e2c|f2c ecA|"A"EAc e2c|"F#7"f2c "E"dBG| "E7"EGB d2B|e2B dBG|"E7"EGB dcB| [1"A"Acf ecA:| [2"A"Ace a2||e|"A"a2c e2A|c3 -c2E|"A"EFG "F#m"ABc| "Bm"d3 -d2e|"E"f2B d2E|G3 -G2e|"E7"gfe dcB| [1"A"Acf "E7"e2:| [2"A"Ace a2|| MP3:(Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, […]

Danse de Chez Nous

Key: G* Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

Farewell to Devon

Key: C* Form: Song ABC: X: 1 T:Will The Circle Be Unbroken (#63) C:Charles H. Gabriel (music) and Ada Ruth Habershon (words), 1908 C:A P Carter, 1931-39 (adaptation) M:4/4 L:1/4 K:D |A, B,|"D"D2 D2-|D2 F E|D2 F2-|F2 F E|"G"D3 E |D2 B,2|"D"A,4-|A,2 A, B,|D2 D2-|D2 F A|A2 F2- |F2 "^TAG"D […]

Will the Circle be Unbroken

Key: C* Form: Waltz ABC:  X: 1 T:Storms are on the Ocean C:DAD/A P Carter, Maybelle Carter, Sara Carter M:3/4 L:1/4 N:Verse followed by Chorus, Repeat K:D MP3:(Played by Randy Hough) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet […]

Storms are On the Ocean

Key: G Form: Old-Time March ABC:  X: 1 T: John Brown's R: march M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj DE|:G3G G2e2|d2B2 BAGB|A4 B2BA|G2GE EDDE| G3G G2e2|d2B2 BAGB|A4 B2BA|1 G3G GEDE:|2 G3G Gzef|| |:g2gf e2d2|e2f2 g3e|d2B2 BAGB|A2d^c defa| g2gf e2d2|e2f2 g3e|d2B2 AcBA|1 G2GF GABd:|2 G3G GEDE|| MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this […]

John Brown’s March, aka Harper’s Ferry

Key: Am* Form: 6/8 march ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Melody Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: Harmonies Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. […]

Brian Boru

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X:1 T:Saute de Lapin [1] M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:120 R:Reel K:G |:"G"BcBA GABc|"G"d2B2"D7"A4|ABcB ABcd|"C"e2f2 "D7" (3(ded d2)|! "G"BcBA GABc|"G"d2B2 "D7"A4|ABcB ABcd|1"D7"edfd "G"g2 z2:|2 "D7"edfd "G"g2 |! |:ef|"G"gdBc d2ef|gdBc d2dd|"D7"^cddd cddd|"D7"^cddd cddd|! "G"gdBc d2ef|gdBc d2dd|"D7"^cddd cddd|"D7"edfd "G"g2:|! MP3: (Played by Gina Fehr) Download this MP3  If it […]

Saut de Lapin*

Key: Bm/D Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by the composer, Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]


Key: A Form: Jig  ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by the composer, Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Jericho Road

Key: D Form: Slangpolska  ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3:(Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Långt Jässpod på Bergson

Key: G (but sung in various keys depending the singer’s range.) Form: Song (2/2) ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played and sung by George Belcher and Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for […]

Lay Down Your Weary Tune

Key: C Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T:Rock Valley R:Jig Z:Chris Falt <email hidden; JavaScript is required> M:6/8 L:1/8 K:C ((3G,/2A,/2B,/2)|"C"C2E GFE|"G7"D2E F2A|GAG GBd|"C"cBc AGE|! C2E GFE|"G7"D2E F2A|GAG GBd|"C"c3 c2:|! |:g|"C"gag gag|e2c "F"cBA|"C"G2c cBc|"G7"ed^c d2g|! "C"gag gag|e2c "F"cBA|"G7"GAc Bcd|"C"c3 c2:|] MP3: (Played by Susan Reid, slowly for learning.  See the […]

Rock Valley Jig

Key: G Form: Polska ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Played by Susan Reid. Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Drömmen (Polska)

Key: D Form: March ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3:(Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

La Petite Marche

Key: Dm Form: Waltz ABC: X:1 T:The Willow Stick C:Pete Sutherland D:Sunday River N:https://open.spotify.com/album/4UHM6pjTUm2t2VUYf91YeB Z:MB M:3/4 L:1/8 K:Dm |: D3 |\ "Gm"G3A Bc | dB "F"c3A | "Gm"BG "F"A3B | "Gm"GF DC DF | "Gm"G3A Bd | "F"fd "Eb"g3f | "Dm"d2 D3F | "Gm"G3 :| |: ABc |\ "Gm"df g3f […]

The Willow Stick

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC: X:1 T:Spring Mill C:Pete Sutherland D:Sunday River N:https://open.spotify.com/album/4UHM6pjTUm2t2VUYf91YeB Z:MB M:3/4 L:1/8 K:D |: "A"A3E A2 | "A/C#"e4 Ae | "D"d4 ed | "A"c2 A2 (3ABc | "G"d2 e3d | "A"c2 A2 E2 | "D"F2 A3E | F2 A2 "(E)"B2 | "A"A3E A2 | "A/G#"e3A ce […]

Spring Mill

Key: G Form: Polska ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Dismisjons Polska

Key: D Form: Rag ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

To Twenty More

Key: C Form: Reel ABC: X:821 T:Pointe au Pic C:anon. S:Nottingham Music Database F:http://abc.musicaviva.com/tunes/anon/pointe-au-pic/pointe-au-pic-1.abc M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C g/2e/2g/2|\ "C"dcBA/2B/2|\ G/2G/2G3/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "C"dcBA/2c/2|\ "G"B/2B/2B3/2g/2e/2g/2|\ dcBA/2c/2|\ "G"B/2B/2B3/2g/2e/2g/2|\ a/2g/2e/2g/2a/2g/2e/2c/2|\ "C"G2-G/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "C"dcBA/2B/2|\ G/2G/2G3/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "C"a/2g/2e/2g/2a/2g/2e/2c/2|\ "F"a3A/2B/2|\ "F"cB/2c/2"D"dc/2d/2|\ "C"e"Am"a2e|\ "G"gf2B|\ "C"c3B|\ "Am"A3/2B/2cd|\ e/2a/2a/2b/2a/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "Am"aa/2b/2a/2g/2e/2g/2|\ a/2a/2a2A|\ "G"G3/2A/2Bd|\ "G"g/2g/2g3/2e/2d/2e/2|\ "G"gg/2a/2g/2e/2d/2e/2|\ g/2g/2g2B|\ "Am"A3/2B/2cd|\ e/2a/2a/2b/2a/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "Am"aa/2b/2a/2g/2e/2g/2|\ a/2a/2a2a|\ "F"c'c'2a|\ "C"gg/2a/2"Am"g/2e/2c/2d/2|\ "D"e/2g/2e/2c/2"G"d/2c/2B/2d/2|\ "C"c2-c/2|| […]


Key: G Form: Slow air or lament ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis, played by Peter Macfarlane) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis, played by Peter Macfarlane) Download […]

Flying Free

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Reel de la Bourgeoise (Townswoman’s Reel)

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

Druppels & Drempels

Key: G Form: Hornpipe ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Melody emphasis Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: Harmony emphasis Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

Westward Willa

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X: 84 T: Top O' The Hill C: Andy DeJarlis S: Bernie Waugh R: Reel M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: A |:(3efg|\ "A"aece aece|~f2e2 e2ef|"G"=gagf ged=c|B=GBG B2 (3efg| "A"aece aece|~f2e2 e2E2|"E"EFGA BcdB|1"A"cAA2 A2:|2"A"cAA2A4|| |:\ "A"[A,2E2][A,E][A,E] [A,2E2][A,E][A,E]|\ [A,E]CEC A,2A,2|"G"=G,B,DF =G2A=c|B2AF =GEDB,| "A(or F)"[A,2E2][A,E][A,E] [A,2E2][A,E][A,E]|\ [A,E]CEC A,2 […]

Top o’ the Hill

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played by Sarah Hotchkiss and John Mowad) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (played slowly for learning by Sarah Hotchkiss) Download this MP3  […]

Rainbow Trout

Key: G Form: “a swingy reel” ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (A MIDI simulation for the moment.  Fiddle rendition coming soon.) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to […]

Kingsbury Branch

Key: C Form: Jig ABC: X:1 T:The Cellist T:Melody C:David A. Kaynor M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Jig K:C G|"C"G2c "G"dcB|"C"c3G2G|"F"A2B cd2|"G"(d3d2)g|"F"a2a agf|"Em"(g3g2)e|"Dm"f2ed2c|"G"BdBG2G| "F"ABc "G"d2c|"C"c3G2G|"F"ABcc2d|"G"(d3d2)g|"F"a2a agf|"Em"(g3g2)e|"Dm"fed"G"d2c|"C"(c3c2)g|| "F"a2a agf|"Em"(g3g2)e|"Dm"f2ed2c|"G"BdBG2G|"F"ABc"G"d2c|"C"c3G2G|"F"ABcc2d|"G"(d3d2)g| "F"a2a agf|"Em"(g3g2)e|"Dm"f2ed2c|"G"BdBG2G|"F"ABc"G"d2c|"C"c3G2G|"F"ABcc2B|"C"(c3c2)|] MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony […]

The Cellist

Key: D Form: Gånglåt (Walking Tune) ABC: X: 1 T: Gärdebylåten R: Gånglåt M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:FG|ABAF ABAF|A2fe d2c2|BdBG BdBG B2gf e2d2|c3d c2B2|A2g2 f2e2|1 dcde f efg|a2a2 a2:|2 d2fd cdec||d2f2 d2fg |:a4 fdfa|b2a2 g2f2|g3f e2f2|g2f2 e2d2|c3d c2B2|A2g2 f2e2|1 dcde fefg a2a2a2fg:|2 d2fd cdec|d2f2 d2|| MP3: (Melody emphasis, […]


Key: F* Form: March* ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Charlie’s March

Key: F Form: Slangpolska ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Lydia Levins slängpolska in F

Key: D Form: Reel (old-timey style) ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3:* Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  […]


Key: A Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played by Peter Clayton) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Peaches and Sweet Honey*

Key: D Form: Waltz* ABC: X: 1 T:Salamonie Waltz C:Fred Weaver M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Waltz K:D "D" F A3 AB|"D7" AA FE DA| "G" B3 G DB,| "Em" G,2 B,G GE| "D" F A3 AB|"Bm" AA FE DF|"Em" E3 D EF| "A7" G2 F2 E2| "D" F A3 AB|"D7" AA FE […]

Salamonie Waltz

Key: Ador Form: Reel or Schottische ABC: X: 1 T: Miss Shepherd R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Ador |:A|A,B,CD E2 DC|B,GFG DB,G,B,|A,B,CD E^GAc|BA^GB cAA:| ^g|a2 ed cBAF|G2 D CB,A,G, ^g|a2 ed cBAc|BA^GB cAA ^g| a2 ed cBAF|G2 DC B,A,G,B,|A,B,CD E^GAc|BA^GB cAA| MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this […]

Miss Shepherd

Key: C Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Les Gailurons

Key: C Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Mrs. O'Sullivan's R: jig S: Fiddle Hell Online 2022-3-26 handout for Fiddle Hell jam session B: the Portland Collection 3 p.142 Z: 2022 John Chambers M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: C |:\ "C"EGG GED | EGG c2B | "F"ABA AGA | "G"cde […]

Mrs O’Sullivan’s

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC:  X: 1 T: Kevin Keegan's R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj D2|:"G"B3A Bd|"D7"c2B2c2|"G"d g3 B2|d3e dc| B2 DG AB|"Am"c2A2G2|"D7"FG A2D2|FG A2D2| "G"B3A Bd|"D7"c2B2c2|"G"dg3 B2|d3e dc| B2 DG AB|"D7"c2 A2F2|"G"G2 B3"(D7)"A|1 "(G)"G4 D2:|2 "(G)"G2B2d2|| "G"g2f2a2|"C"g2f2e2|"G"d g3 B2|d3e dc| B2 DG AB|"Am"c2A2G2|"D7"FG A2D2|FG A2D2| "G"g2f2a2|"C"g2f2e2|"G"d […]

Kevin Keegan’s Waltz, aka Timmy Connors’

Key: Edor Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: The Caribou R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Edor |:B2ED EFGA|B2ED EFGE|D2FD DADD|BDDA DDFD| E2ED EFGA|Bdef g2fg|afge efec|1 dBAF EdcA:|2 dBAF E4|| |:Be2B efed|Bdef edBd|Ad2A d3e|fedf edBA| Be2B efed|Bdef g2fg|afge efec|dBAF E4:| MP3: Do you or your friends play this tune? […]

Caribou Reel, aka The Caribou

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]


Key: A mix* Form: Jig (?) ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3*: (Played by Pam Bockes on mandolin) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click […]

Snipe II’s Fancy

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Maggie O'Ham C: trad. Shetland S: https://natunelist.net/maggie-o-ham/ R: jig Z: 2023 John Chambers N: bowings from Tom Anderson Q: "jig" R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: A %%slurgraces 1 %%graceslurs 1 %%stretchlast no |:\ vA2(uB/c/ e2.f) | ve2(uc B3) | vA2(uB/c/ […]

Maggie o’ Ham

Key: A Form: March ABC: X: 1 T: Multnomah March C: Bob McQuillen 8 Apr 89 B: Bob's Note Book 9 p. 82 B: Portland Collection v.2 p.141 R: march Z: 2016 John Chambers M: 2/4 L: 1/8 F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/Contra/learnM/Multnomah_March-A-32-3.abc 2023-07-27 143757 UT K: A "E7"AB |:\ "A"c>B AE | "D"F […]

Multnomah March

Key: G Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Garster's Dream R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:G2 B BGB|cdc BAG|FGA ABA|AdB AFD| G2 B BGB|cdc BAG|F2 E DEF|1 G3 G2 D:|2 G3 G2 d|| |:gag gdB|ABA AGE|gag gdB|ded def| gag gdB|AcB AGE|G2 E DEF|1 G3 G2 d:|2 G3 […]

Garster’s Dream

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X: 8 T: The Reconciliation R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj |:"A"AAcA eAfA|eAfA "E7"ecBc|"A"AAcA eAfA|"(E)"ecBc "E7"AFEF| "A"AAcA eAfA|eAfA "E7"ecBc|"A"ABAF EFef|1 "E7"ecBc "A"AAcB:|2 "E7"ecBc "A"ecBc|| |:"A"AA/B/ ce ~a3f|"E7"efed cdBc|"A"AA/B/ ce ~a3e|"Bmi"fbba "E7"gefg| "A"~a3e fa ec|"Bmi"dcBA "E7"BAFG|"A"~A3F EFef|1 "E7"ecBc "A"~A3E:|2 "E7"ecBc "A"ecBc:| MP3: (Played by […]

The Reconciliation, aka The Olive Branch, The Peacemaker

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Leeds Brewer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Maddie’s Pride

Key:  Dmix Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Granny In The Corner T: The Volunteer R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmix GE|:D3E G3B|AGAB G2AB|c2cB cBAG|E2ED EGGE| D3E G3B|AGAB G2AB|cded cAGE|1 D3E D2GE:|2 D3E D2Bc|| |:dgdB c2cA|B2BA GABc|dBcA BAGE|D3E D2Bc| dgdB c2cA|B2BA GABc|d2c2B2E2|1 D6Bc:|2 D6|| MP3: (Played by Susan […]

The Volunteer, aka Granny in the Corner

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Byron and Jake

Key: G Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

La Cordon

Key: Dm Form: Jig ABC:  X:7306 T:The Sailor's Wife O:england M:6/8 L:1/8 C:Kerry Elkin K:C "Dm"DEF E2 D|Ade f2 g|agf "Dm"edc|"C"AcA GEC|"Dm"DEF E2 D|Ade f2 g|"Dm"agf "Am"edc| 1 d3 d3:|2 d3 d2 e||"Dm"fga fga|fga agf|"C"ecg ecg|ecg "Am"gfe| "Dm"fga agf|"C"ecg g3|"Dm"afd "Am"gec|1 d3 d2 e:|2 d3 d3| MP3: (Played by Susan […]

The Sailor’s Wife

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Sysan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

The Way Home

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: %abc-2.2 %%rightmargin 0.8cm %%leftmargin 0.8cm %%topspace 36 % %%partsbox true X:1 %MIDI gchordoff %MIDI gchord fzzfzz %MIDI stressmodel 2 %%MIDI program 1 110 % Instrument Fiddle %%MIDI program 4 107 % Instrument Koto %%MIDI program 5 70 % Instrument Acoustic Grand Piano C:Peter Clayton O:arr. […]

There and Back to See How Far it is

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X:13 T: The High Road To Linton R: reel Z: abc-edited-by: AW (chords and G naturals in B part) M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: A |:"A"ce ef a2 ae|"(D)"fe fg a2 e2|"A"ce ef a2 ae|"(D)"fa ec "E"B2 "(A)"A2:| |:"A"ce e=g "D"fd df|"A"ec ce "E"fB Bd|"A"ce […]

The High Road to Linton

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC: X: 1 T: Ironlegs R: hornpipe M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:AG|F2AF EFGE|F2DC D2 (3AAA|B2c2 d2e2|cdBc A2AG| F2AF EFGE|F2DC D2 (3AAA|Bcde fedc|d2dc d2:| |:ag|fgfg efef|fgfg efed|dede cdcd|dede cdcB| BcBc A2 (3AAA|BcBc A2 (3AAA|Bcde fedc|d2dc d2:| MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If […]

Iron Legs, aka Ironlegs

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC: X:1 T:Eli's Hornpipe R:Hornpipe C: Steven Howland M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Dmaj |:"D" d2 d>c d4 | "A" e>f g>f e>d c>B | A>B A>G F>D F>G | A>B A>G A4 | "D" d2 d>c d4 | "A" e>f g>f e>d c>B | A>B A>G F>D E>F […]

Eli’s Hornpipe

Key: A Form: March ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Treaty of Paris*

Key: Ador Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 % T:Reel à Nazaire M:C| L:1/8 S:Pascal Gemme workshop 4.28.17 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion F:http://tunearch.org/wiki/Reel_à_Nazaire 2023-05-11 182743 UT K:Ador D||EAAB cBc"v"E|z"v"DEF GEFD|EAAB cBc"v"e|z"v"edB cAAD| EAAB cBc"v"E|z"v"DEF GEFD|EAAB cBc"v"e|z"v"edB cAAG|| +slide+[E2B2]Be dA{c}BA|G"v"g z"v"g ag{a}ge|+slide+B2 Be dA{c}BA|GABd ^cAAG| +slide+[E2B2] Be dA{c}BA|G"v"g z"v"g ag{g}ge|+slide+B2 Be dA{c}BA|GABd ^cAAD|| MP3: […]

Reel à Nazaire

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Galen's Arrival C: Alasdair Fraser R: reel Z: 2005 John Chambers M: C| L: 1/8 K: G zGA \ | "G"B3A BGdB | "Am"c3B cAec | "G"Bdgd "C"ecAG | "D7"FGAB cDBA \ | "G"B3A BGdB | "Am"c3B cAec | "G"Bdgd "D7"ecAF | […]

Galen’s Arrival

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Do you […]

Shirt. Take Off Your Snowshoes*

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Up in the Morning

Key: Ddor Form: English Country Dance Jig ABC: X: 1 T:Scotch Cap S:Colin Hume's website, colinhume.com - chords can also be printed below the stave. Q:3/8=120 M:6/8 L:1/8 F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/mirror/Colin_Hume/Scotch_Cap.abc 2023-05-05 172851 UT K:DDor P:A |:z | "Dm"D2D d2d | "Am"e2d c2A | "G"B2d B2A | B3 d2 :| P:B |: […]

Scotch Cap

Key: G Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: The Lark on the Strand #1 (G major) T: The Primrose Vale T: Primrose Vale T: Primrose Glen C: traditional O: Ireland R: Double Jig Z: transcribed and arranged by Frank Weber M: 6/8 L: 1/8 Q: 1/4=170 K: G major % […]

The Lark on the Strand

Key: Am or Ador* Form: Jig ABC*: X: 1 T:Old Geese In The Bog, The T:Rooms Of Doogh, The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:jig F:http://sessionite.com/docs/sessionite.abc 2023-05-04 184443 UT K:Amin |:cEE GEE|CEE GEE|cEE GED| EAA A2B|cEE GEE| CEE GEE|cBA GED| EAA A2B:|cee gee| aee gee| cee gee| gaa a2e|cee gee| aee ged| cBA […]

The Geese in the Bog, aka The Old Geese In ...

Key: G Form: Morris Dance ABC: X:8 T:Ragged Crow C: N: M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G "G"G3 A B2 B2 |"D"A2 A2 "G"G>B d2 |"C"e2 e2 "G"d>B G2 |"G"G>FG>B "D"A>F D2| "G"G3 A B2 B2 |"D"A2 A2 "G"G>B d2 |"C"e2 e2 "G"d>B G>B |"D"A2 F2 "G"G4 || "G"d2 d2 "C"e4 |"G"G>F G>A […]

Ragged Crow

Key: G Form: English Hornpipe or Country Dance tune ABC: X: 1 T:Portsmouth R:Hornpipe C:Trad. Playford 1709 O:England M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=140 F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/mirror/code.google.com/Portsmouth_1.abc 2023-04-30 184708 UT K:G D2|"G"G3A BAGF|"C"E4e4|"G"d2B2 "Em"cBAG|"D"A6D2| "G"G3A BAGF|"C"E4e4|"G"d2B2 "D"cBAB|"G"G6:| |:d2|"G"g3a bagf|"G"g2d2B2d2|"G"g2B2 "Em"cBAG|"D"A6 D2| "G"G3A BAGF|"C"E4e4|"G"d2B2 "D"cBAB|"G"G6:| MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, […]


Key: G Form: March ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid, composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Morse’s March

Key: G Form: English Country Dance ABC: X:1 T:Ungaresca C:Pierre Phalése, 1583 R:English Country Dance M:C| L:1/4 K:G "G"GGAG|GDDE/F/|GGAG|D2D2:| |:BBBA/B/|cBAG|BBBA/B/|cBAc|BGAG/^F/|G2G2:|] MP3: (played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To […]

Ungaresca (Dance name: Ashford Anniversary)

Key: A Form: Andro* ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (A slightly ornamented version played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click […]

Andro (or En Dro, or An Dro) from David Surette*

Key: G Form: 2/2 square reel ABC:  X: T: Les Soeurs Cotnoir - Reel T: (By Eric Favreau) M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K:G |:"G" B2GB "D"A2FD|"G"GDB,D DGAB|"C"c2Ac "G"B2 GB|"D"Adfe dcBA| "G" B2GB "D"A2FD|"G"GDB,D DGAB|"C"cdef fgge|[M:6/4]"G"d2BB "D"cAFF "G"G4:| |:"G"Bddd "D"cAFD|"G"G2 DB, G,B,DB,|"C"CDEG cBAG|"D"FGAF D4| "G"Bddd "D"cAFD|"G"G2 DB, G,B,DB,|"C"CDEG cBAG|"D"FGAF "G"G4:| MP3: […]

Les soeurs Cotnoir

Key: G Form: Polska ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played slowly by Susan Reid and with polska 1-3 rhythm tapped) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (played up-tempo) Download this MP3  […]

Ed’s Gladda (Ed’s Happy Tune)

Key: C Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played by Susan Reid, composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

The Sledding Hill

Key: Em Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page […]

The Girl I Left Behind Me (Old-time version*)

Key: D Form: Polka ABC: X:1 T:Birds at the Feeder R:Polka C:Susan Reid N:composed as companion tune with The Newer Polka. M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D |: Ad Bd | AF ED | Ad BA/B/ | df ef | Ad Bd | AF ED | E>F GA | FD D2 :| |: […]

Birds at the Feeder*

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Master of the Dance C:David Kaynor O:unknown M:C| L:1/8 F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/by/David_Allen_Kaynor/Master_Of_The_Dance.abc 2023-03-14 000431 UT K:D "D"D2 DE F2 FE | DEFD "A"EA, (3A,A,A, | "D"D2 DE F2 ED | "A"CEAB AGFE | ! "D"D2 DE F2 FE | DEFD "A"EA, (3A,A,A, | "D"D2 DE […]

Master of the Dance

Key: Am* Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: La Démêlée R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amin E2 Ac eedc|BABc dedc|E2 ^GB edcB|ABcd eeEe| E2 Ac eedc|BABc dedc|E2 ^GB edcB|1 Acec A2 EE:|2 Acec A2 G/A/G/A/|| K:C |:G2 EG CGEG|CEGc eGce|d2 Bd GBdB|gfdB G2 G/A/G/A/| G2 EG CGEG|CEGc e3 […]

La Démêlée

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Les Vagues du St-Laurent M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:130 C:Aimé Gagnon R:Reel O:[G Z: Contributed 2016-03-15 04:50:57 by Kevin Carr email hidden; JavaScript is required K:G MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed […]

Les vagues du St Laurent (The Waves of the St ...

Key: G* Form: Reel ABC*: X: 1 T: Bennachie Sunrise R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj |:E2 cA B3 c|E2 cA BAFA|E2 cA Bcdf|1 eccA BAFA:|2 eccA BAFE|| |:Aaae f4|e>fec BAFE|Aaae f3 e/f/|1 a>fec f3 e:|2 a>fec f4|| MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3.  If it […]

Bennachie Sunrise

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: X: 2 T: Sister Jean R: barndance M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:dB|ABde f2 fd|g2 ge f2 fg|f2 ef gecd|e2 d2 d2:| |:fg|a2 A2 AFAd|B2 G2 A2 Ag|f2 ef gecd|e2 d2 d2:| MP3: Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click […]

Sister Jean

Key: G Form: March ABC:  X: 1 T: Captain Taylor's R: march M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj DE/F/|G>F GA|B2 gf|eg/e/ dB|AB/A/ GA| B>A B/A/G/F/|EG FA|G2 G>F|G2:|de/f/| g2 fg|e2 fg|a>g fe|d2 Bd|e>d ef| gf ed|e>d eg|ed BA|G>F GA| B2 gf|eg/e/ dB|A2 GA|B>A B/A/G/F/| EG FA|G2 G>F|G2|| MP3: (Played slowly for […]

Captain Taylor’s March

Key: C* Form: Polka (slow) ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played by Art Edelstein) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Lady Gethin

Key: G Form: Polska ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Kry På Dig, Carolyn!

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: X:282 T:Wee Murdie C:Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 322.3 I:322 3 R:Jig Z:Carl Allison L:1/8 M:6/8 K:D d/e/ | fdd edd | fdd e2 d | Bee e2 d | Bee ede | fdd edd | fdd e2 d | Bdd d2 B | […]

Wee Murdie

Key: Am Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X:1 T:Rabbi’s Hornpipe (Leopold Bloom’s Hornpipe) M:4/4 L:1/8 C:Trad K:Am | “E7” E2 |: “Am” A>F (3ABc) “E7” B>_A/ F>A | “Am” A>B c>_^d “E7” e2 _d>e | “Am” ^f>e d>c “B7” d>c B>A | “E7” e2 E2 E2 (3E^F#G) | “Am” A>F (3ABc) “E7” […]

The Rabbi’s Hornpipe

Key: F (Em?)* Form: 6/8 (six-huit) but not a jig(?); seemingly a particular Québécois form. ABC*: X:1 T:Six-Huit du Petit Sarny C:Eric Favreau Z: R:jig M:6/8 L:1/8 K:Emin B3 Bcd | B3 BAG | EFG AGA | BGE D3 | B3 Bcd | B3 BAG | EFG AGA |1 BGG […]

Six-Huit De Petit Sarny

Key: D Form: Cajun reel ABC: X:11080 T:Mon Vieux Wagon M:2/4 L:1/16 A:Cajun Z:<email hidden; JavaScript is required> www.trytel.com/~cfalt/Fiddle/CFtunes1.abc K:D a2a2 fedB|A2d2 f4|a2a2 fedB|AFE2 D4|! a2a2 fedB|A2c2 e4|A2c2 eee2|f2e2 d4|! f2f2 edBA|A2d2 f4|f2f2 edBA|f2e2 d4|! f2f2 edBA|A2c2 e4|A2c2 eee2|f2e2 d4|] MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it […]

Mon Vieux Wagon

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Up to speed) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page […]

Hackbury Hop, aka Hackberry Hop

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

Gumbo Waltz

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Up to speed) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page […]

Springfield Girl

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Up to speed) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page […]

Farewell to Blighty

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Les Brunets dans la Forêt

Key: G Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: la Marche au Camp O: Qubec M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: G |: "G"Bcd BGG | DGA BGA | Bcd BGG | DGF "C"E3 \ || EFG "G"DGF | "D7"FGA "G"BGA | DGA B2B |1 dBG "D7"A3 :|2 "D7"BAF "G"G3 || |: […]

La March au Campe

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: X:1 T:Reel de la cabane C:Réjean Lizotte M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel D:Maréemusique: Collection Heritage vol. 5, Réjean Lizotte - "L'ultimate album" (2017) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D D2 FA BABA|FDFD EFEF|D2 FA BABA|FDEF D2DF| DAFA BABA|FDFD EFEF|DAFA BABA|FDEF D3|| F|D2 FA (d/c/d) cd|cdcB G3d|cdcB G3d|cdcA F3A| […]

Le Reel de la Cabane

Key: Amix Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: The Weaver R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Amix |:a|"A"AAA cBA|cde g3|"G"GGG B2G|d2G BAG|"A"AAA cBA|cde g2a|"E"ede "G"gdB|"A"AAA A2:| |:e|"A"AAa acc|ecc a2c|"G"BBg gBB|dBB gBB|"A"AAa acc|ecc g2a|"E"dcd "G"gdB|"A"AAA A2:| : (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the […]

The Weaver

Key: Bm Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

St Patrick An Dro

Key: G Form: Slow air ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page […]

Atlantic Crossing

Key: Dm Form: Waltz ABC: X:1 T:Hˆkpers Waltz C:Lars Hˆkpers Z:BM M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:130 K:Dm A2|"Dm"d3e fa|"Gm"g3f ed|"A"^c2A3 G|"Dm"F4E2|F2 EF AG|"C"E4 c2|\ "G"=B2 GA Bd|"A"A4 A2| "Dm"d3e fa|"Gm"g3f ed|"A"^c2A3 G|"Dm"F4E2|D2 ^CD EF|"Gm"A2G3E|"A"F2E2 D^C|"Dm"D4:| |:A2|"Dm"AF FD FA|AF FD FA|A2G3F|"A"E4G2|GE E^C EG|GE E^C EG|"A"G2A3G|\ "Dm"F3E FG| "Dm"AF FD FA|AF FD FA|"Bb"B2d3c|"Gm"B4B2|"Edim"AB cB […]

Hökpers Waltz

Key: Dm Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Hökpers Waltz

Key: C Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by the composer, Michael Burnyeat) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]


Key: D Form: Reel ABC*: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Played slowly for learning, then up to speed by Susan Reid.) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To […]

Clam Diggers

Key: E Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Played by George Belcher) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Fat Mountain

Key: Em Form: Reel ABC*:  X: 1 T: Misty Morning C: Doyle Lawson S: From the "Bluegrass Album Band Vol 6, "Bluegrass Instrumentals" S: MandoZine TablEdit Archives Z: TablEdited by Mike Stangeland for MandoZine L: 1/8 Q: 440 M: 4/4 F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/mirror/mandozine.com/Misty_Morning.abc 2023-01-07 211403 UT K: G z2 [e2B2] [e2B2] [e2d2] […]

Misty Morning

Key: D* Form: Waltz (Ballad) ABC:  X: 1 T: Dark As A Dungeon R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Cmaj ED|C2 C2 CD|E2 G2 G2|A2 c2 (cd)|d4 c2|e2 e3 d|c2 G2 GG|A2 c3 c|A(GG4|G4)ED|C2C2CD|E2 G2 G2|A2 c2 (cd)| d4 cc|e2 e3 d|c2 G2 G2|A2 c3 c|A(G G4|G4) GG|G2 d3 […]

Dark as a Dungeon

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by George Belcher) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]


Key: A Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by George Belcher) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]


Key: Dm Form: Hambo ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Do you know […]


Key: F Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by Leeds Brewer & Pam Bockes.) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

County Road

Key: Em Form: Jig ABC:  X: 4 T: Jump At The Sun R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Edor "Em"EGB ^A2B|EGB ^A2B|eBB eBB|BAG"B"F3|"E"EGB ^A2B|EGB ^A2B|eBB "Am"cBA|"B7"GAF "Em"E2:| B|:"Em"eBB gfe|"B7"fBB agf|"Em"gfe gfe|"B"fBB "B7"c2B|"Em"eBB gfe|"B7"fBB agf|"Em"ezB "Am"cBA|"B7"GAF "Em"E2:| MP3: (Played at moderate speed, then slowly for learning by Sarah Hotchkiss.) Download […]

Jump at the Sun

Key: D* Form: Lullaby ABC:  X: 1 T: Suo Gan R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj G3 A B d3|A3 G B A3|G3 A B d3|A2 B2 G4:| B3 c d B3|e3 c d B3|B3 c d2 B2|g3 e d4| G3 A B d3|A3 G B A3|G3 A […]

Suo Gan*

Key: Dm Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Solstice, The M: 4/4 L: 1/8 R: reel K: Fmaj A,C|:DdAF DE2D|CE (3EEE FEDC|DdAF DE2D|1CEA,C D2DC,:|2CEA,C D2Ac|| dD (3DDD cD (3DDD|=BG (3GGG AFDF|CF2F2A2A-|AC2f ec=Bc| dD (3DDD cD (3DDD|=BG (3GGG AFDF|CF2F2F2F|GFEF D2|| MP3: (Played at moderate speed, then slowly for learning by Sarah […]

Solstice, The

Key: D* Form: March? ABC:  X:1 T:The Holly Tree (Y Gelynnen) B:Singing Together, Autumn 1971, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % K:D F2 |D2F2 D2F2 |D2F2 A3A |B2B2 e3d | c2 A6 | d3d D2F2 |D2F2 B3A |G2(FG) E2A2 | F2 D6 | DEFG A2A2 |DEFG A3A |B2B2 e3d […]

The Holly Tree (Y Gelynnen)

Key: Amix Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Da Caald Nights O' Winter R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amix |:eaaf gefd|(3BBB ge (3ddd fe| eaaf gagd|efdf (3eee e2:| |:AAcA eAcA|(3BBB ge d2 df| eAcA eAce|efdf (3eee e2:| MP3: (Played slowly for learning, then up to speed by Sarah […]

Da Caald Nights O’ Winter

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in […]

Jeanie’s Reel

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in […]

Jeanie’s Reel

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC:  X: 1 T: Lonesome Eyes R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj A, D<E|:F3 A d<c|B3 A A<B|F6-|F3 A, D<E| F3 A d<c|B3 A A<B|E6-|E3 A, D<E| F3 A d<c|B3 A A<B|F6-|F3 D d<c| B3 A A<B|E3 D E<F|D6-|1 D3 A, D<E:|2 D3 A […]

Lonesome Eyes Waltz

Key: Dm Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Tam Lin T: The Howling Wind T: The Glasgow Reel C: Davey Arthur S: Elke Baker's version Z: John Chambers M: C| L: 1/8 K: Dm B, \ | "Dm"~A,2 DA, FA,DA, | "Bb"~B,2 DB, FB,DB, | "C"~C2 EC GCEC | "Dm"FEDC […]

Glasgow Reel, The*

Key: A Form: Waltz ABC: X:1 T:The Autumn Waltz M:3/4 R:Waltz C:David Kaynor, 1980 L:1/4 K:A |:”E” c/d/ | “A”e3/Ac/d/ | e3/Ac/d/ | e/c/ e/a/ “E7″e/d/ | “A”c2 c | “Bm”d2 B/c/ | d3/ B/d/ |1″E”e/f/ e/c/ d | “A”c2 :|2″E” e/f/ e/c/ B/G/ | A2|| (3e/f/g/) | “A”a3 | […]

Autumn Waltz, The

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC:  X:5412 T:Raemona's Waltz O:england M:3/4 R:Waltz C:Brian Hebert N:C Ricker's Old Teacher. K:G dc (3BcB G>E||D2 B3 D|_E2 B3 _E|=E2B3d|c2 B2A2|G2E3G|F2GA3| D6 |D3B,C^ C|D2B3D|_E2B3_E|=E2B3d|c2B2A2|G2E3G|F2GA3| G6 |G3D (3EFE|D2B3D|_E2B3_E |=E2B3d|c2B2A2|G2E3G|F2GA3| D6 |D3B,C^C|D2B3d|_e2B3E|=E2B3d|ed Bd BA|G 2E3G|F2GA3| G6 |G3def|| |:'g6|f2dB3|c3d (3efg| d6 |e3f (3gfe|de dc B2|A2 ^C2 (3efe|d3 d […]

Raemona’s Waltz

Key: Em* Form: Air ABC*:  X:168 T:B168- Greensleeves S:(1st/6) Q:1/4=120 L:1/4 M:6/4 K:Gm G|B2cd3/2e/2d|c2AF3/2G/2A|B2GG3/2^F/2G|A2^FD2G|\ B2cd3/2e/2d|c2AF3/2G/2A|B3/2A/2G^F3/2=E/2F|G3D3|\ (f3f2)=e/2d/2|c2AF3/2G/2A|B2GG3/2^F/2G|A2^FD3|\ (f3f2)=e/2d/2|c2AF3/2G/2A|B2G^F3/2=E/2F|(G3G2)|] MP3*: (Played by a Vermont group calling themselves 29 Strings.) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. […]


Key: D Form: Reel* ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in […]

Reel en Ré d’André Alain

Key: D Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: The Lemonville R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj f2g|aba afd|fgf fdA|ded dAF|G3 e2f| gag gec|efe ecA|cBA gfe|f3 f2g| aba afd|fgf fdA|ded def|B3 e2f| gag gec|efe ecA|cBA gfe|d3 d2A| |:FGA ABc|ded def|gag gfe|B3 B2d| cea aed|cea aed|cea gfe|1 fdB A2G:|2 d3 […]

Lemonville Jig

Key: Em Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Three Score and Ten

Key: G* Form: Polska ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly at first for learning, then up to speed.) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, […]

Polska Från Svenarum

Key: D Form: Polka ABC:  X: 1 T: Hakki's Polka Z: Johnny Jay, Melody Player S: https://thesession.org/tunes/4866#setting4866 R: barndance M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj DE|:F2 A<F G2 B<G|A2 f<d A3 F|G2 B<G A,2 CE|D2 DE F2 DE| F2 A<F G2 B<G|A2 f<d A3 F|G2 B<G A,2 C<E|1 D4 D2 […]

Hakki’s Polka

Key: A Form: Sønderhoning ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Kællingens Kat

Key: A Form: Sønderhoning ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Kællingens Kat

Key: Em Form: Hornpipe ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

King of the Fairies

Key: D Form: Reel ABC:  X:469 T:Grey Owl C:John Arcand R:Reel Q:110 M:2/4 K:D "D "A,DDF (3EFED2|A,DDE F2ED|"Em "EFGA BGE2|\ M:3/4 EFGA "G "B2BA Bcde| M:2/4 "Bm "f3e fgfd|BcBA F2Ac|"G "BGBd "A "cAce|1"D "d2[fd][fd] [fd]2D2:|2"D "d2[fd][fd] [fd]2fg|| |:"D"abaf dAde|"Bm "fgfd B2BA|FBBA Bcde|"A "fd[e2A2] [e2A2]fg| "D "abaf dAde|"Bm "fgfd B2BA|FBBA Bcde|1"A […]

Grey Owl

Key: Gm Form: Slow air ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Melody) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: Melody emphasis with harmony) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Prince Charlie’s Last View of Scotland

Key: A Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T:Joe Foster's Jig C:Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 307.1 I:307 1 C:Lindsay Ross R:Jig Z:Carl Allison L:1/8 M:6/8 K:A E | "A"A3 "F#m"A2 "E7"B | "A" cdc BAB | "F#m"c2 f f2 g |"F#m" aff f2 g | "D"a3 a2 f | […]

Joe Foster’s Jig

Key: Gm* Form: Schottische ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played slowly for learning) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Schottis fran Lima

Key: D Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Jonah's First Change C: trad. O: arr. Calvin Vollrath R: jig S: Fiddle Hell Online 2022-4-11 handout for Calvin Vollrath workshop N: Johah's First Change was learned from Gilbert Anderson. N: Notation by Trent Bruner Z: 2022 John Chambers M: 6/8 L: […]

Jonah’s First Change

Key: D Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Jonah's First Change C: trad. O: arr. Calvin Vollrath R: jig S: Fiddle Hell Online 2022-4-11 handout for Calvin Vollrath workshop N: Johah's First Change was learned from Gilbert Anderson. N: Notation by Trent Bruner Z: 2022 John Chambers M: 6/8 L: […]

Jonah’s First Change

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3.  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Coming soon, we […]

Untitled* G Tune

Key: Em Form: Reel ABC:  X: 2 T: Hugh McKenna's R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Emin ba|:g2e2 e2B2|eBef g2ag|f2d2 a2d2|fdfg a2ba| g2e2 e2B2|eBef g2ga|b2e2 bagf|1 g2e2 e2ba:|2 g2e2 e2gf|| e2B2 B2^d2|eBef g2ag|f2d2 d2A2|FAde f2gf| e2B2 B2^d2|eBef g2fe|d2Bd B2AF|E4 E2gf| e2B2 B2^d2|eBef g2ag|f2d2 d2A2|FAde f2ed| e2d^c d2cB|A2Bc B2AG|F2c2 BAGF|E4 […]

Hugh McKenna’s

Key: A Form: Pipe march ABC:  X:1 T:Flett from Flotta R:March C:Donald Macleod O:Scotland M:C| L:1/16 K:D f2e2 || "A"c3e c2B2 c4 A2c2 | e3f e2c2 e4 c2e2 | "D"f3e f2a2 f4 e2c2 | "D"f3e c2A2 "G"B4 f2e2 | "A"c3e c2B2 c4 A2c2 | "F#m"e3f e2c2 "D"a4 A3B | "A"c4 […]

Flett from Flotta

Key: A Form: Strathspey ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in […]

Frederick Street

Key: A Form: Strathspey ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in […]

Frederick Street

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Round The Horn R: reel C: Jay Ungar M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj DEF|:G2G2BAGA|Bd2ed4|cdefe2g2|a6ga| b2g2a2f2|gfed BAGB|A2d2BAG2|1 E4EDEF:|2 E8|| |:e3fe2d2|B4B2B2|A3AG2A2|B2d2d4| g3ag2e2|dedc BAGB|A2d2BAG2|1 E4EGBd:|2 E6|| MP3: Played by Jim Coppock as learned from Rodney Miller and Andy Davis Download this MP3  If it […]

Round the Horn

Key: Em Form: Reel ABC:  MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".    Sheet Music in PDF: Meg Gray YouTube:  Source: George Hawkins Other […]

Meg Gray

Key: G Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music […]

The Scurry

Key: G Form: March or hornpipe(?) Can you help? ABC*:  X: 1 T:Neil Gow's Farewell to Whiskey R:Country Dance B:The Athole Collection M:C| L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:G B,/A,/|G,G/A/ B/A/G/B/ AE EF/G/|DG/A/ B/A/G/B/ dBB>d| e/f/g/f/ e/d/B/d/ c/B/A/G/ A>B|D/E/G/A/ B/A/G/A/ BGG:| |:B/c/|dB GB/d/ c/B/A/G/ AB/c/|dBgB dgg>d| e/f/g/f/ e/d/B/d/ c/B/A/G/ A/c/B/A/|D/E/G/A/ B/A/G/A/ BGG:| MP3: […]

Farewell to Whiskey, aka Niel Gow’s Farewell to Whiskey

Key: D* Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X: 1 T:Daniel O'Connell, The Home Ruler C:Frank McCollum of Ballycastle R:hornpipe D:Noel Hill & Tony Linnane Z:id:hn-hornpipe-10 M:C| Q:160 K:D FE|\ "D"D2FA "Bm"D2FA|"D"dfed "Bm"B2dB|"A"~A3B "F#m"AFDF|"G"(3GFE FD "Em"B,DA,B,| "D"D2FA "Bm"D2FA|"D"dfed "Bm"B2dB|"A"~A3B "F#m"AF (3EFG|"D"F2D2 D2:| |:dB|\ "D"Addc "G"d2df|"A"afbf "D"afed|"A"efed "Bm"BAde|"D7"fded "G"BdAB| "D"Addc "G"d2df|"A"afbf "D"afed|"A"efed "Bm"BAdB| "A7"AFEF […]

Daniel O’Connell, the Home Ruler

Key: B♭ Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Played by Jacqueline Schwab Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Third Lake

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Played by the Will Patton Quartet Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Upper Valley

Key: Am Form: Waltz ABC:  X:1 T:Ocoee C:Pete Sutherland B:The Neighborhood Waltz D:(1) Julee Glaub - Fields Faraway - 2001 (2) Clayfoot Strutters - Sunday River M:3/4 L:1/8 K:Am E2 \ |: "Am"AB ce dB | "G"g3e dB | "Em"G3A Bd | "Am"c2 A4 | "Am"AB ce dB | "G"g2 […]


Key: D or G* Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Return From Helsinki R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:d4 B2AG|F3G A3D|EFGB A2GF|E2D2 DBcd| decB A2d2|B3c cBAG|E2GB A/B/AGF|1 G4- G2D2:|2 G4 GABd|| |:e2ed e2cd|efg2 efga|abaf g2fe|dBA2 GABd| e2ed e2cd|efg2 efga|abaf g2fe|1 dBA2 G2g2:|2 dBA2- A4|| MP3*: Played by […]

Return from Helsinki

Key: D Form: Polka ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music […]

Mud Season Polka

Key: Em Form: Reel? ABC: X: 1 T:Reign of Love C:Keith Murphy M:C| K:Em L:1/4 |:"Em"E F/2G/2 A B|G2 F2|"D"A G/2F/2 E A|G/2F/2 E F/2E/2 D| "Em"E F/2G/2 A B|G2 F2|"D"A G/2F/2 E/2F/2 D|1 "A" E3 B,:|2 "A" E4|| |:"Em"e B d A|A B/2A/2 G F|"D"A G/2F/2 E A|"G"B G"D"d2| […]

Reign of Love

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: X: 1 T:Maggie West's Waltz C:Mairearad Green S:Keith Dickson, Edinburgh Z:Nigel Gatherer M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G G>A | AB A>G | E>G-G2 G>A | B>d-d>g (3gab | bb | g>e-e2 g>e | d2-d>B- (3BAG | A2-A>B A>G | A2-A>d G>A | AB A>G | E>G-G2 G>A […]

Maggie West’s Waltz

Key: D / Bm* Form: March ABC*:  X: 1 T: Ukraine National Anthem R: march M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Emin "G"B3B BABc|d3c B2"D#m"A2|"Em"G2B2"B"F2B2|"Em"E3F G2"D"A2| "G"B3B BABc|d3c B2"B7"A2|"Em"G2B2"B"F2B2|"Em"E4 E2z2| "B"F3F BAGF|"Em"EFGE "B"F2F2|"Em"G2G2"D"A2A2|"G"B4 B2z2| "B"F3F BAGF|"Em"EFGE "B"F2F2|"Em"G2B2"B"F2B2|"Em"E3F GABc|| |:"G"d3^c d2B2|"D"A2A2 dc"D#"BA|"Em"G2G2 "D"A2A2|"G"B3A GA"D7"Bc| "G"d3^c d2B2|"D"A2A2 dc"D#"BA|"Em"G2B2 F2B2|1 "Em"E3F GABc:|2 "Em"e4 e4|| […]

Ukrainian national anthem

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music […]

Tripping Through The Hemlock

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Coming soon. […]

Mirror Jig

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: X:1 T:My Darling Asleep S: Tom Smith tradtunes 2003-3-7 R:jig M:6/8 K:D |: "D"fdd "A"cAA | "G"BAG "D"A2G | FAA def | "G"gfg "Em"eag | "D"fdd "A"cAA | "G"BAG "D"A2G | FAA def |1 "Em"gec "D"d2e :|2 "Em"gec "D"d2z || |: "D"FAA "G"BAG | "D"FAA […]

My Darling Asleep

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Radio Shetland M:C| L:1/8 R:hornpipe A:Shetland K:G GA|B2 BG A2 AF|GAGE D2 GA|B2 BG ABAF |A<(dd2) d3 D|G2 AG F2 AF|EFGE D2 G A|B2 BG ABAF|D<(GG2)G2 :|:Bc|d2 dB G2 GD|EDEG D2 GA|B2 BG ABAF |A<(dd2) d3 D|G2 AG F2 AF|EFGE D2 GA|B2 BG […]

Radio Shetland

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X:214 T:Father Kelly's Reel R:reel S:P. Haverty M:C| L:1/8 K:G GA|B2 GB AGEG|DGGF GABd|c2AB cBAG|EAAG ABcA| B2GB AGEG|DGGF GABc|d2 Bd gdBd|1 cAFA G2 GA:|2 cAFA G2 Bc || d2Bd gdBd|d2 Bd gdBd|e2 ce agfe|defg agfe| d2Bd gdBd|d2 Bd gdBd|c2Ac B2 GB|1 AGFA G2 Bc :|2 […]

Father Kelly’s

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music […]

In the Great Room

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music […]

Owl and the Hedgehog, The

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music […]

Blueberry Tune, The

Key: G Form: Jig ABC:  X: 7 T: Out On The Ocean R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:GE|"G"D2B BAG|BdB A2B|"C"GED G2A|"D"B2B AGE| "G"D2B BAG|BdB A2B|"C"GED G2A|"D"BGE "G"G:| |:Bd|"Em"e2e edB|ege edB|"Bm7"d2B def|"C"gfe dBA| "G"G2A B2d|"C"ege dBA|"G"GED G2A|"D"BGE "G"G:| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the […]

Out on the Ocean

Key: A* Form: Slide ABC:  X: 1 T: Kings Of Kerry R: slide M: 12/8 L: 1/8 K: Amaj c3 cBA F2A E2A | F2A E2c B3 BAB | c3 cBA F2A E3 |1 e2c BcB A3 A2B :|2 e2c BcB A3 Ace || a3 afe f3 e3 | c3 […]

Kings of Kerry slide

Key: D Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Don Tremaine's Reel O: RJ R-38 O: New England M: C| S: Roaring Jelly collection R: reel K: D FG |\ "D"ABAG FADF | "G"GFGA BcdB | "A"Aceg fcec |1,3 "D"dAFB A2 :|2,4 "D"d2d2 d2 :| |: ef |\ "G" gage "D"fgfd […]

Don Tremaine’s reel

Key: Bm Form: Polka ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Can you […]

B minor Polka*

Key: C and D* Form: English country dance tune ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Melody emphasis Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: Harmony emphasis Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click […]

De’il Take the Warr

Key: G Form: Strathspey ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Melody emphasis Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: Harmony emphasis Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

Callum Beag

Key: Dm* Form: March? ABC*:  X:91 T:Mardi Gras C:trad N:original url: www.wolfram.claranet.de O:Poitou M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4=140 K:D Bcdef2Pf2| e2a2Pe2c2| A2c2Bcde| f2f2f4| Bcdef2Pf2| e2a2Pe2c2| A2c2Bcdc| B4B2z2:| |: FDB,DF2F2| d2c2A4| A2F^GA2A2| F2A2B4| FDB,DF2F2| d2c2A4| A2F^GA2A2| F2A2B4:| MP3: Played by Susan Reid Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Mardi Gras Tune

Key: Dm Form: Waltz ABC:  X: 1 T: Farewell Marian R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Fmaj |:AdA =B^cd|e2 A4|fgf ede|^c2 A4|AdA GAF|BdB ABG|FA F2E2|D6:| A2 c3A|G2 A4|A2 c3d|e2 A4|f2 g3g|f2e2d2|ce c2=B2|A6| AdA =B^cd|e2 A4|fgf ede|^c2 A4|AdA GAF|BdB ABG|FA F2E2|D6|| MP3: Melody emphasis Download this MP3  If it plays, […]

Ffarwel I’r Marian (Farewell to the Shore)

Key: A* Form: Jig ABC*:  X: 1 T: le Tourment T: the Torment C: Jean-Paul Loyer 1975 %D:1975 R: jig O: Qu\'ebec N: Sometimes played with the parts in the other order. M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: G D \ |: "G"G2G "D7"AGA | "G"Bdc BAG | "C"E2c cBc | […]

Le Tourment

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: X: 1 T: Merch Megan R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:d>c|B2 G2 G2|e4 d2|c2 cB A>G|F2 D2 dc| B2 G2 G2|e2 d2 B2|c/d/c B2 A2|G4:| d2|g2 ga ga|f2 fg fg|e2 ef g/f/e|f2 ef d2| g2 ga bg|f2 fg af|eb ag fe|d3 e […]

Merch Megan

Key: D Form: Senpolska ABC:  X:240 T:Polska efter Einar Viklund R:slängpolska O:Nyland (?) Z:id:hn-sp-240 M:3/4 L:1/16 K:D A3F D2F2 G2B2 | A2BA G2AG F2A2 | d3d A2c2 d2f2 | e2fe d2ed c2A2 | A3F D2F2 G2B2 | A2BA G2AG F2A2 | d3d A2c2 d2f2 | efec d8 :| |: f3f […]

Senpolska efter Einar Viklund

Key: D Form: Métis style reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Played slowly for learning, but check out the YouTube below to hear it played bt the composer. Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for […]

Rod’s Favorite Reel

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC: X: 1 T:Haapavesi Waltz (\251 Keith Murphy) C:W-54 R:Waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 K:D A cA|"D"cd dA cA|cd dA cd|"Em7"e2 eg fd|"A"e2 A2 Bc| "D"cd dA cA|cd dA cd|"Em7"e2 ef "A"e/d/c|"D"d3 :|] |: e fg |"D"a2 ag fd|"G"g3 f2 g| "A"eA Ag fg| e2 A2 fg|"D"a2 ag […]

Haapavesi Waltz

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X: 1 T: Bonnie Isabell Robertson R: hornpipe M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj AG|:FAdf gfed|cdec ABAG|FAd2d2ef|(3gag (3fgfe2AG| FAdf gfed|dcBA BAGF|GBAG FDEC|1 D2D2D2AG:|2 D2D2D2fg|| |:afdf gece|dBGB AFD2|gabg fgaf|(3gag (3fgfe2fg| afdf gece|dBGB AFDF|GBAG FDEC|1 D2D2D2fg:|2 D2D2D2|| MP3: Played slowly for learning. Download this MP3  If it […]

Bonnie Isabel Robertson

Key: G Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Korolenko R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj BA|:G2G GFG|DED DBA|G2G GFG|G2E EAB| c3 cBc|d2d dcB|1 ABA AGA|BGE DBA:|2 AGE DBA|G3 G2D|| |:E3 E2D|E2F G2E|DGG AGA|BAB dBD| EEE E2D|E2F G2E|DGG FGA|1 BGF G2D:|2 BGF G3|| MP3: Melody emphasis Download this MP3  […]

Korolenko’s Backyard

Key: Em** Form: Reel ABC:  X: 4 T: Italian Rant R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Emin |:EFGA B2B2|c2BA B2B2|A2AB G2G2|FEFG E4:| |:e4 d4|^cBcd B4|BcBA B2 B2|A3B G4|GABG A2 F2| FGAF G2 E2|EFGA B2B2|c2BA B2B2|A2AB G2G2|FEFG E4:| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Italian Rant, The, aka La Mantovana

Key: Em** Form: Reel ABC:  X: 4 T: Italian Rant R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Emin |:EFGA B2B2|c2BA B2B2|A2AB G2G2|FEFG E4:| |:e4 d4|^cBcd B4|BcBA B2 B2|A3B G4|GABG A2 F2| FGAF G2 E2|EFGA B2B2|c2BA B2B2|A2AB G2G2|FEFG E4:| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Italian Rant, The, aka La Mantovana

Key: F#min* Form: March ABC: : 1 T:Farewell to Dundee M:2/4 L:1/8 R:March N:"Slow" S:Morison - Highland Airs and Quicksteps, vol. 1 (c. 1882) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F#min B2 | F>B B>c | A>B c>e | f>a f>a | f/e/c B>A | F>B B>c | A>B c>e | f>a f>a | […]

Farewell to Dundee

Key: G Form: March ABC:  X:1 T:Cindy and Carol C: Rebecca Rose Weiss ©June 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G |:"G"G4G3A | B2G4F2 | "C"E4E3F | G2E4"Am"E2 | "G"D3ED2C2 | "Em"B,2D2G2B2 |1 "C"A2G2F2G2 | "D"A2D2E2F2 :|2 "C"A2G2"D"F2A2 | "G"G2A2B2c2 || |:"G"d4d3e | d2c2B2A2 | "C"G3FG2A2 | G2F2"Am"E4 | "G"D3ED2C2 | "Em"B,2D2G2B2 |1 […]

Cindy and Carol

Key: G* Form: Song* in 4/4 time ABC:  X: 8 T:A Man's a Man For a' That M:4/4 L:1/4 C:Robert Burns R:Song K:G D,|"G,"G,>A,G,D,|"C"E,G,"D"A,C|"A,m"B,>A,"D"G,D,|"C"E,2"D"F,>G,|"G,"G,>A,G,D,|"C"E,G,"D"A, C |"G,"B,>A,"C"G,E,| "D"D,2D,C|!"G,"B,>CDB,|"C"C>B,"D7"A,C|"G,"B,>CDD,|"C"E,2E,C|"G,"B,>CDB,|"A,m"EA,"D7" A, C| "G,"B,>A,"C"G,E,|"D7"D,2D,|| MP3*: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet […]

A Man’s a Man for a’ That

Key: D* Form: Jig  ABC*:  X:919 T:Rocking the Baby S:Celine Donague, Glasgow Z:Nigel Gatherer M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D FAA GAA | FAA GFE | FAA GAA | DDD FED | FAA GAA | FAA GFE | D2F E2F | DDD D3 :| dFF AFF | dFF GFE | dFF AFF | […]

Rocking the Baby**

Key: Bm Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 R:Reel C:David Kaynor, 2015 L:1/8 K:Bm dc | “Bm” B2 BA Bcde | fBBA B2 dc | B2 BA Bcde | “A” cAA^G “F#m” A2 dc| “Bm” B2 BA Bcde |fbba b2 fd | “Em” e2 ed edBc | “Bm” eddA B2 :|| |:Bd […]

Andrea’s Choice

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC: X: 1 T: The Homer Spit R: hornpipe M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:D3E FEFG|Addc d3e|f3e dedB| =c2 A2 A2 de| f3e dedB|=c2 (3ABc dcAG|FD (3EFG AFGE|1 F2 D2 D2 AF:|2 F2 D2D2 fg|| |:afge d2 fg|afge d2 AG| DEFG A^GAB|=c2 A2 A2 fg| […]

Homer Spit, The

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC: X: 1 T: The Homer Spit R: hornpipe M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:D3E FEFG|Addc d3e|f3e dedB| =c2 A2 A2 de| f3e dedB|=c2 (3ABc dcAG|FD (3EFG AFGE|1 F2 D2 D2 AF:|2 F2 D2D2 fg|| |:afge d2 fg|afge d2 AG| DEFG A^GAB|=c2 A2 A2 fg| […]

Homer Spit, The

Key: Dm Form: Slow March? Can you help? ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Dreyser No. 27

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X: 1 T: Loch Ruan M: 4/4 L: 1/8 R: hornpipe K: Dmaj (A>B)|d2 (Aa) f2 (ed)|e2 (fg) B2 (e>d)|c2 (BA) g2 (ec)|d2 (ef) A2 (A>B)| d2 (Aa) f2 (ed)|e2 (fg) B2 (e>d)|c2 (BA) g2 (ec)|d2 d2 d2 f>g| a2 (fd) Aa fg|e2 (fg) B2 […]

Loch Ruan

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Give The Fiddler A Dram M: 4/4 L: 1/8 R: reel K: Gmaj |: (3DEF | G2GA BAGG | AG=F2 =F2FE | D2d2 dedc | BAGF G2 :| Bc| d2g2 gag=f | edcB c2cB | A2a2 abag | fed^c d2B=c | d2g2 […]

Give the Fiddler a Dram

Key: F Form: Waltz ABC:  X: 1 T: Sunday River Waltz [F] C: Pete Sutherland R: waltz Z: 2007 John Chambers <email hidden; JavaScript is required> B: The Waltz Book I M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: F FG \ | "F"A2 c3 A | "C7"G4 FG | "F"A2 c3 A […]

Sunday River

Key: Gmix Form: Reel? Can you help? ABC: X: 1 T:Scottish Urbaine I:last changed 14/2/2016 F:http://www.campin.me.uk/Music/Edinbal.abc C:Gregory Jolivet M:C L:1/8 %Q:1/2=90 P:AABB K:GMix P:A DGGF G3 A |BGBc d2 B/c/d|cBAG F3G|[1 AcAG F2D2:|\ [2 AcAF G4 || P:B B2 Gc- cG d2-|ded^c d2 B/c/d|cBAG F3G|[1 AcAG F2D2:|\ [2 AcAF G4 […]

Scottish Urbaine

Key: G Form: Polka ABC: X: 1 T: Rachel Dafydd Ifan M: 2/4 L: 1/8 R: polka K: Gmaj |: D/G/ |\ BB Bc | d/e/d/c/ B/c/d | AA AB | c/d/c/B/ cD/G/ | B (3B/B/B/ Bc | dd/c/ Bd | c/d/c/A/ F/A/d/c/ | BG G :| |: d |\ […]

Rachel Dafydd Ifan

Key: G* Form: March? ABC*: X:7917 T:The Queen's dream C:anon. O:Wales Z:Transcribed by Frank Nordberg - http://www.musicaviva.com F:http://abc.musicaviva.com/tunes/wales/the-queens-dream.abc M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D "^Allegro ma non troppo"(a>b) ag|f2 d(e/f/)|gfed|c2A2|(Bc)de|f2a2|(gf) e>d|d3z:| (fg).a.g|(fg).a.g|(fb).a.g|f2d2|(efgf|efgf)|(ea)gf|e2c2| (d>e) dc|B3B|(e>f) ed|c2A2|(Bc)de|f2a2|(gf) e>d|d2z2|] MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for […]

Queen’s Dream

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Can you […]

John Lover’s Gone

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Devil Eat the Groundhog C: Owen "Snake" Chapman S: Paul Smith & Friends N: Snake Chapman explained that "Devil" was the name of his dog. R: reel Z: 2012 John Chambers M: C| L: 1/8 K: G |: "G"G,B,DG "C"E2E2 | "G"DEDB, […]

Devil Eat the Groundhog

Key: Edor Form: Slip jig ABC: X:1 T:Fig for a kiss M:9/8 L:1/8 S:James Kelly workshop Z:Foty, Caroline C. <email hidden; JavaScript is required> N:The c near the end may be c# instead. R:slipjig K:EDor F | "Em"G2B E2B BAG | "D"FGA D2A "(B7)"AGF | "Em"G2B E2B BAG | "G"BdB […]

Fig for a Kiss, A

Key: Dm Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]


Key: D* Form: Hornpipe? Can you help? ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (played by Sarah Hotchkiss) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Huw Puw’s Barge

Key: Dm Form: March? Reel? Can you help?  ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

Gwaithdy Arian (Silver Workshop)

Key: Gm* Form: Air ABC: (The G major version)* X:11 T:Clychau Aberdyfi [Bells of Aberdovey] S:Sian Phillips and Jodee from book. H:Cerddoriaeth allan o opera Liberty Hall gan Charles Dibdin in Drury Lane 1785. B:yes O:Wales Z:Lesl M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G B3c B2A2|B2d2 D2c2|B3c B2A2|B2d2 D2c2| B2A2 c2B2|A2d2 G2BG|E2A2 D2F2|G2G2 z4| […]

Clychau Aberdyfi (Bells of Aberdovey)

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: Andre Alain's R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:A|DF/G/A DFA|dcB B2 A|DFA DFA|GFG E2 F| DFA DFA|dcB B2 A|Ace Ac/d/e|gfe d2:| |:g|f2 f def|gfg ee/f/g|afd edc|B2 c A2 e| faf dd/e/f|gfg e2 g|afd edc|A2 c d2:| MP3: (played slowly, then […]

Six-huit (6/8) d’André Alain

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (Played by the composer, John Mowad on guitar and Sarah Hotchkiss on fiddle) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image […]

Kerry Sunset Waltz

Key: Em Form: Waltz ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: (slow for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Magic Waltz

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T:Fleur de Mandragore C:Michel Bordeleau S:Roaring Jelly collection R:Reel L:1/8 M:C| K:A |"A"EGAE GABA|Aced cAAA|"F#m/C#"EGAE GABB-| BABd cAAA| "D"EGAE GABA|Aced cAAA|"E"EGAE GABB-|1BABd cAA2:|[2 BABc Aceg || | "A"a4 a2 ga| "Bm"bAaA (3gag ec |"D"dfed cABc|"E"defg agfe| "A"a4 a2 ga| "Bm"bAaA (3gag ec |"D"dfed […]

Fleur de Mandragore

Key: C* Form: Song ABC:  X:1 T:An English Country Garden (2x) R:reel C: England C: arr. T. Traub 5-20-02 Z: from www.contemplator.com/tunebook/englmidi.htm M: C L:1/4 K:C |: "C"c c/B/ "F"A A|"G"G/A/G/F/ "C"E E/F/|"C"G C "F"D F|"G"E>D "C"C2 :| "C"c c/A/ "G"B G| "C"c c/A/ "G"B G| "Am"c c/B/ "D"A c| […]

English Country Garden, An

Key: D* Form: Waltz ABC:  X: 1 T:Haapavesi Waltz C:W-54 C:\251 Keith Murphy R:Waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 K:D A cA|"D"cd dA cA|cd dA cd|"Em7"e2 eg fd|"A"e2 A2 Bc| "D"cd dA cA|cd dA cd|"Em7"e2 ef "A"e/d/c|"D"d3 :|] |: e fg |"D"a2 ag fd|"G"g3 f2 g| "A"eA Ag fg| e2 A2 fg|"D"a2 ag […]


Key: Gm Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: Miss Sophia Campbell C: Robert Mackintosh Z: John Chambers R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gm B/c/ \ | "Gm"d3 g^fg | dBG "C7"Bcd | "F"c3 f=ef | cAF "Dm"ABc \ | "Gm"d3 b3 | "D"ag^f "Cm"g=fe | "Gm"dcB "D7"AG^F | […]

Miss Sophia Campbell

Key: A Form: Bridal March ABC:  X: 1 T: Tillsammans - Brudmarsch [A] C: Anders Eriksson C: arr. Gunnar \"Osterg\aards, Bengt Jonsson R: march S: http://spelmanslaget.nu/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Tillsammans1.pdf Z: 2020 John Chambers M: 2/4 L: 1/16 K: A % - - - - - - - - - - %V: 1 staves=2 […]

Tillsammans (Together)

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 3 T: Roseville R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj dedc | BAGF | E2G2 | A3B | AGFE | DEG2:||:z2ba | gfed | B2d2 | e3f | edBA | B2d2|dedc | BAGF | E2G2 |A3B | AGFE | DEG2:|E2c2 | cdcB | […]

Roseville, The

Key: G* Form: Song* (in 4/4 time) ABC:  X: 107 T:The Parting Glass N: page 36 N: hexatonic R: Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G BA| "G"G3E E D2 E| G2 G2 "C"A2GA|"G" B2 B2BAGA| B3D D2BA| G3E ED2E| G2 G2 "C"A2GA|B2 e2dBAB| G3E E3 B|"G"dBde d3 B|dBde d3 B|"C" c2 B2 […]

Parting Glass, The

Key: Em Form: Waltz ABC:  X:17854 T:Trowie Burn, The R:Other O:Shetland M:6/8 C:Fredemann Stickle K:G G2A Bed|BAG A2c|\ {Bc}(2BA (2:3:3AG/A/|{Bc}B2A (2:3:2G/E3/|\ G2A Bed|BAG Bcd|\ (2eE {Bc}B2A|(2:3:2G/E3/ E3:| g2a baf|\ M:9/8 g2d (2:3:2B/G3/ A2c|\ M:6/8 {Bc}(2BA AGA|{Bc}B2A (2:3:2G/E3/|\ g2a baf|\ M:9/8 g2d (2:3:2B/G3/ Bcd| M:6/8 (2eE {Bc}B2A|(2:3:2G3/E3/ E3|\ g2a baf|\ M:9/8 […]

Da Trowie Burn

Key: A Form: Bluegrass reel ABC: X:1 T:Gold Rush T:From the playing of Stafford Harris via Tricia Spencer and Howard Rains C:Byrone Berline and Bill Monroe D:Tricia Spencer and Howard Rains - The Old Texas Fiddle Volume 3 N:Chord arrangement from Howard Rains M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel Z:Jan Howard 2023 K:A […]

Gold Rush

Key: Gm Form: Reel ABC:  X:1\ T:La M\'e9lodie Courte\ C:2020 Kenric A Kite\ M:4/4\ L:1/8\ R:Slow reel\ K:Gm\ GA |:"Gm"B2 d2 "D"c2 BA |"Gm"G>A GF "D"D2 GA |"Gm"B2 d2 "D"c2 BA |1"Gm"(G4G2)GA :|2"Gm"(G4G4)||\ |"Gm"G3 B A/G/F/D/ | B2 AB c2 B2 |d2 d2 "A"g2 ^c2 |"D"d3 e d/c/B/A/ \ |"Gm"G3 […]

La Mélodie Courte

Key: Gm Form: Reel ABC:  X:1\ T:La M\'e9lodie Courte\ C:2020 Kenric A Kite\ M:4/4\ L:1/8\ R:Slow reel\ K:Gm\ GA |:"Gm"B2 d2 "D"c2 BA |"Gm"G>A GF "D"D2 GA |"Gm"B2 d2 "D"c2 BA |1"Gm"(G4G2)GA :|2"Gm"(G4G4)||\ |"Gm"G3 B A/G/F/D/ | B2 AB c2 B2 |d2 d2 "A"g2 ^c2 |"D"d3 e d/c/B/A/ \ |"Gm"G3 […]

La Mélodie Courte

Key: D Form: March (?) ABC: Can you provide ABC notation for this tune? Please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Can […]

Highland Rim

Key: Am Form: Polska or Slip Jig* ABC*:  X: 1 T: Enkronaspolskan Z: Mario S: https://thesession.org/tunes/7890#setting7890 R: slip jig M: 9/8 L: 1/8 K: Amin E2e3d e2B|d3 B2d c2B|A2^G ABc dBc|A2^G ABc ABG| E2e2d2 e2B|d3 B2d c2B|A2^G ABc dBc|AB^G A3-A2G:| |:E3-E2^G ABc|d2c2Ac B2A|^G2^F GA2 B2c|A2^G ABc ABG| E2^G ABc d2d-|d2c2Ac […]

Enkronapolskan (Enkronaspolskan)

Key: Am/C Form: Reel (quickstep) ABC:  Melody X:1 T:The Quilter's Quickstep C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C |:E/G/|"Am"Ac/A/ "G"Bc/B/|"Am"A/E/E/D/EA/B/|"C"cG/c/"D7"dc/d/|"E"e2ed/B/| "Am"Ac/A/ "G"Bc/B/|"Am"A/E/E/D/Ec/d/|"C"e/c/G/c/"G"dB/G/|"Am"A2A:| |:e/f/|"C"ge/f/ge/f/|g/e/c/G/EG/F/|"C" E/G/c/G/ E/G/c/G/|"G7"F/G/F/E/ Dd/e/| "Dm"fd/e/fd/e/|"G7"f/d/B/A/G>e|1"Dm"fd/e/ f/e/f/og/|"G"a/g/g/^f/g:|2"Dm"fa/f/"G" dA/B/|"C"cc/B/"C"c|| Melody and low harmony X:1 T:The Quilter's Quickstep (Harmonized Low) C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C [V:1]|:E/G/|"Am"Ac/A/ "G"Bc/B/|"Am"A/E/E/D/EA/B/|"C"cG/c/"D7"dc/d/|"E"e2ed/B/| […]

Quilter’s Quickstep

Key: Am/C Form: Reel (quickstep) ABC:  Melody X:1 T:The Quilter's Quickstep C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C |:E/G/|"Am"Ac/A/ "G"Bc/B/|"Am"A/E/E/D/EA/B/|"C"cG/c/"D7"dc/d/|"E"e2ed/B/| "Am"Ac/A/ "G"Bc/B/|"Am"A/E/E/D/Ec/d/|"C"e/c/G/c/"G"dB/G/|"Am"A2A:| |:e/f/|"C"ge/f/ge/f/|g/e/c/G/EG/F/|"C" E/G/c/G/ E/G/c/G/|"G7"F/G/F/E/ Dd/e/| "Dm"fd/e/fd/e/|"G7"f/d/B/A/G>e|1"Dm"fd/e/ f/e/f/og/|"G"a/g/g/^f/g:|2"Dm"fa/f/"G" dA/B/|"C"cc/B/"C"c|| Melody and low harmony X:1 T:The Quilter's Quickstep (Harmonized Low) C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C [V:1]|:E/G/|"Am"Ac/A/ "G"Bc/B/|"Am"A/E/E/D/EA/B/|"C"cG/c/"D7"dc/d/|"E"e2ed/B/| […]

Quilter’s Quickstep

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Our Village Chanteyman C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G Bc|"G"d2gd B2AG|"D7"FEFG ABc2|"G"d2gd B2AG|"D"FDGFG2Bc| "G"d2gd B2AG|"D7"FEFG ABc2|"G"dgdB "Am"cBAG|"D7"FDGF "G"G2:| |:GA|"G"B2AF GDB,D|"C" CEGE"D7" DFAc|"G"B2AF GDB,D|"D7"CDGFG2GA| "G"B2AF GDB,D|"C" CEGE"D7" DFAc|"G"dgdB "Am"cBAG|"D7"FDGF" G"G2:| X:1 T:Our Village Chanteyman (Harmonized Low) C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 […]

Our Village Chanteyman

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Our Village Chanteyman C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G Bc|"G"d2gd B2AG|"D7"FEFG ABc2|"G"d2gd B2AG|"D"FDGFG2Bc| "G"d2gd B2AG|"D7"FEFG ABc2|"G"dgdB "Am"cBAG|"D7"FDGF "G"G2:| |:GA|"G"B2AF GDB,D|"C" CEGE"D7" DFAc|"G"B2AF GDB,D|"D7"CDGFG2GA| "G"B2AF GDB,D|"C" CEGE"D7" DFAc|"G"dgdB "Am"cBAG|"D7"FDGF" G"G2:| X:1 T:Our Village Chanteyman (Harmonized Low) C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 […]

Our Village Chanteyman

Key: F Form: Waltz ABC:  X:1 T:Passages C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:3/4 L:1/8 K:F |:C2|"F"F2FA cA|F2FA cA|"Bb"B2 FA Bd| "F"c3f ga| "C7"b2ge cB|"Gm"G4 GA|1"Bb"B2Bc dc| "C"c4:|2"C7"Bc BG FE|"F"F4|] |:(3(EFE)|"Dm"DF AF AF|DF AF AF|DF AF AF|d3A df | "Gm"g2 gd BG|"Dm"A2 AF D2|1"G"GA =BG Bc|"C"c4 :|2"C7"Bc BG FE|"F"F4|| X:1 T:Passages […]


Key: F Form: Waltz ABC:  X:1 T:Passages C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:3/4 L:1/8 K:F |:C2|"F"F2FA cA|F2FA cA|"Bb"B2 FA Bd| "F"c3f ga| "C7"b2ge cB|"Gm"G4 GA|1"Bb"B2Bc dc| "C"c4:|2"C7"Bc BG FE|"F"F4|] |:(3(EFE)|"Dm"DF AF AF|DF AF AF|DF AF AF|d3A df | "Gm"g2 gd BG|"Dm"A2 AF D2|1"G"GA =BG Bc|"C"c4 :|2"C7"Bc BG FE|"F"F4|| X:1 T:Passages […]


Key: D and A Form: Reel ABC: Can you help? MP3*: (Played slowly for learning, then up to speed.) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Slider’s Reel

Key: D and A Form: Reel ABC: Can you help? MP3*: (Played slowly for learning, then up to speed.) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Slider’s Reel

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:New Paths C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:A |:eg|"A"a2ag"D" f2ed|"A"c2ec "E7"dBAG|"Bm"FAED "A/C#"CEAB|"D"cAdc "E" B2eg| "A"a2ag"D" f2ed|"A"c2ec "E7"dBGE|"Bm"DFED "A/C#" CEAB|"E7"cABG "A" A2:| |:AB|"A"c2cA EAAB|c2cA EAAB|"F#m"cAFA cAFA|"Bm" dBfe "E" e2fg| "A"a2ag "D"f2ed|"A"c2ec "E"dBGE|"Bm"DFED"A/C#" CEAB|"E7"cABG "A"A2:| X:1 T:New Paths (Harmonized Low) C:David A. Kaynor, May […]

New Paths

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:New Paths C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:A |:eg|"A"a2ag"D" f2ed|"A"c2ec "E7"dBAG|"Bm"FAED "A/C#"CEAB|"D"cAdc "E" B2eg| "A"a2ag"D" f2ed|"A"c2ec "E7"dBGE|"Bm"DFED "A/C#" CEAB|"E7"cABG "A" A2:| |:AB|"A"c2cA EAAB|c2cA EAAB|"F#m"cAFA cAFA|"Bm" dBfe "E" e2fg| "A"a2ag "D"f2ed|"A"c2ec "E"dBGE|"Bm"DFED"A/C#" CEAB|"E7"cABG "A"A2:| X:1 T:New Paths (Harmonized Low) C:David A. Kaynor, May […]

New Paths

Key: Dm Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Minor Setbacks C:David A. Kaynor, May 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Bb |:BA|"Gm"BGDC DGBA|BGDC D2Bc|"C"c2GD =EGcd|=egge "D7"^fddc| "Gm"BGDC DGBA|BGDC D2Bc|"C"c2GD =EGcd|"D7"dcAD"Gm"G2:| |:ga|"Gm"bggf g2ga|bggf d2dB|"C"c2GD =EGcd|=egg=e "D7"^fdfa| "Gm"bggf g2ga|bggfd2Bc|"C"c2GD =EGcd|"D7"dcAD"Gm"G2:| MP3: (Played by Rebecca R, Weiss) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Minor Setbacks

Key: C Form: Jig ABC:  X:1 T:Montague May C:David A. Kaynor May 1, 2021 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:C |: G|"C"c2d cEF|G2E CEG|c2d cBc|"G"d3 d2B| "C"c2d cEF|G2E "Am"CEG|"Dm"ABc "G" dcB|"C"c3c2:| |:e|"F"f2g f2g|f2g agf|"C"e2g gae| g3g2e| "F"fed cBA|"C"G2E"Am" CEG|"Dm" ABc "G" dcsB|"C" c3c2:| MP3: (Played by Rebecca R, Weiss) Download this MP3  If […]

Montague May

Key: D Form: March ABC:  Melody: X:1 T:Bridal March from Western Dalarna T:Melody M:4/4 R:March C:trad. L:1/4 K:D |:A, | "D"A,3/D/DD | D2FD/F/ | A3/F/Ad | A3/G/FF/A/ | "Em"G2E3/F/ | GBA/G/F | "D"F3/E/"Em"EE | "A"E3 :|| |:A | "Em"g3e/g/ | "D"fdfd/f/ | a3d/f/ |afaf/a/| "Em"b3/a/ge |"A"c3e/g/ | "D"f3/d/ d/e/ "A"d/c/ […]

Bridal March in D*

Key: D Form: March ABC:  X: 1 T: Pete's March C: Bob McQuillen Z: John Chambers <email hidden; JavaScript is required>, rev. T. Traub 5-20-02 M: C L: 1/4 K: D A,B,| "D"D2 "Bm"D>F | "G"ED "D"D>E | "D"FA Ad | "G"B2 "D"A2 | "Bm"f>e df | "G"e>d Bd | […]

Pete’s March

Key: G Form: March ABC: X: 1 T:Red and All Red C:Thompson, 1757 N:Originally in 2/4 S:Colin Hume's website, colinhume.com - chords can also be printed below the stave. Q:1/2=100 %%MIDI gchord bb M:2/2 L:1/4 K:G P:A GA | "G"BA Bd | "C"G2 GA | "G"BA Bc | "D/F#"A2 AA […]

Red and All Red

Key: A Form: Strathspey ABC:  X:2 T:Iron Man, The R:strathspey C:James Scott Skinner (1843-1927) Z:id:hn-strathspey-2 M:C| K:A A2c>A BB|c2e>c de|f2d>f e2c>e|(3dcB (3cBA Gc| A2c>A BB|c2e>c de|f2d>f eA|1 (3Bcd (3dcB cE:|2 (3Bcd (3dcB ce|| |:a>Ag>A f>Ae>A|(3cBA e>g a>ec>A|dE BE|d/c/B c/B/A (3Bcd (3efg| a>Ag>A f>Ae>A|c/B/A e>g a>ec>A|d2f>d (3eag (3fed|1 (3cBA (3GAB ce:| […]

Iron Man, The

Key: A Form: Waltz ABC: Can you help? MP3: (played by the composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: Too_light_to_land […]

Too Light To Land

Key: G Form: March ABC: Can you help? MP3: (played by the composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: Tune_For_A_Sunny_Day […]

Tune For A Sunny Day

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you help? MP3: (played by the composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: A_Brisk_Wind […]

A Brisk Wind

Key: A Form: Waltz ABC: Can you help? MP3:(played by the composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: The_Chickadee_and_the_Sparrow YouTube:  […]

Chickadee and the Sparrow, The

Key: A Form: Waltz ABC: Can you help? MP3:(played by the composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: The_Chickadee_and_the_Sparrow YouTube:  […]

Chickadee and the Sparrow, The

Key: C Form: Jig ABC: Can you help? MP3:(played by the composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".              […]

First of Spring, The

Key: C Form: Jig ABC: Can you help? MP3:(played by the composer) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".              […]

First of Spring, The

Key: G Form: Air ABC:  X:1 T:A Long Goodbye C:David A. Kaynor March 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G |:"D"DG2A2|"G"B3B B2A2|c2B4A2|"Em"G3AGF3|G4G2F2| "C"E4E3D|"D"D4D3C|"G"B,2G6-|G3:| |:DF2G2|"D"A3DFG3|A3DB2A2|"C"G2E2DC3|"G"D3:| "D"CB,2C2|"G"D3D"D"EF3|"G"G3GAB3|"C"c4c3d|c3DG2A2| "G"B3Ac2B2|"Am"A2G4A2|"D"B4A4|"G"G3|] |:AB2c2|"D"d4d3d|d3ed3c|"C"c3B"D"B3A|"G"B3:| BB2A2|"C"G4G3F|G3AG2E2|"D"D3DG2A2|"G"B4-B4| "Am"A4A3B|"D"A3GB2A2|"G"G4"D"G3A|"G"G3|] MP3: (played by Rebecca Weiss) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet […]

A Long Goodbye

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Played at dance speed) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet […]

The Revival

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:December Reel C:David Kaynor C:& Gianna Marzilli Ericson, C:December, 2019 M:4/4 L:1/8 R:Reel K:A |:EG | "A"a2 ag fedc | "E"BAGA B2EE | EFGA BcdB | "A"ABcd "E"e2cB | "A"a2 ag fedc | "E"BAGA B2EE | EFGA BcdB | "A"cA "E"BG "A"A2 :|| |: […]

December Reel

Key: D Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T:Pays de Haut M:C| R:reel K: D fg| "D"afaf d2ef| "Em"gfge c2ef| "A7"gfge c2A2| "D"defg a2fg| "D"afaf d2ef| "Em"gfge c2ef| "A7"gfge cABc| "D"d2f2 d2 :| |:A2| "D"FAdA FAdA| "G"GBdB GBdB| "A"ABcd efec| "D"defg a2A2| "D"FAdA FAdA| "G"GBdB GBdB| "A"ABcd efec| "D"d2f2 d2 :| […]

Pays de Haut

Key: A Form: Waltz ABC: X: 47 T: In Memory of Herbie MacLeod M:3/4 R:waltz C:Jerry Holland L:1/8 Z:added by Alf warnock email hidden; JavaScript is required - www.alfwarnock.info/alfs K:A E AB|"A"c4 dc|"E"B3B AB|"A7"ca3 (3gag|"D"f3f ec|\ "A"e2 A2 B2| "F#m"ce3 (3cdc|"Bm"B6|"E7"B3E AB| "A"c4 dc|"E"B3B AB|"A7"ca3 (3gag|"D"f3f ec|\ "A"e2 A2 Bc|"E"Bc2c […]

In Memory of Herbie MacLeod

Key: D Form: Jig ABC:  X:1 T:David's Boots C:Steven Howland R:Jig M:6/8 L:1/16 K:D | "D" d2c2B2 c2B2A2 | "A" B2A2G2 "D" F6 | "A" E2F2G2 A2B2c2 | "A" d2e2f2 e6 | | "D" d2c2B2 c2B2A2 | "A" B2A2G2 "D" F6 | "A" E2F2G2 A2B2c2 | "A" A2B2c2 "D" d6 […]

David’s Boots

Key: D Form: Jig ABC:  X:1 T:David's Boots C:Steven Howland R:Jig M:6/8 L:1/16 K:D | "D" d2c2B2 c2B2A2 | "A" B2A2G2 "D" F6 | "A" E2F2G2 A2B2c2 | "A" d2e2f2 e6 | | "D" d2c2B2 c2B2A2 | "A" B2A2G2 "D" F6 | "A" E2F2G2 A2B2c2 | "A" A2B2c2 "D" d6 […]

David’s Boots

Key: G Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X:595 T: Lucy Farr's Barn Dance M: 4/4 L: 1/8 R: hornpipe %barn dance K: G DE/F/|G2 G2 G2 G2|GABG E2 D2|B2 B2 B2 B2|BcdB A3 A| BcdB G2 G2|GABG E2 D2|DEGA BddB|A2 G2 G2 :| A2|BcdB G2 G2|GABG E2 D2|DEGA BddB|B2 A2 A3 A| […]

Lucy Farr’s Barn Dance

Key: D Form: Old-time country rag reel ABC:  Can you help? MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Harmony emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions […]

Old Parnell Reel

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Villagers C:David A. Kaynor March 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G |: DF | "G"G3A BDBrD | "C"EGcE "D" DFAF | \ "G"G3A BDBD | "Am"ADcD "D" d2DF | "G"G3A BDBD | "C" EGcE "D"DFAFw | \ "G"G3A "Am" BDAD | "D"DGGF "G" G2 :| |: […]


Key: G Form: Waltz ABC:  X:1 T:West Leyden Waltz C:Jimmy Nelson Z:arr. Chad Miller, abc Bill Obermeyer R:waltz L:1/4 M:3/4 K:G B2 B/B/ | Bc^c | d2 d/d/ | deB | dcA | DFA | ed3/2^c/ | d2 D | B2 B/B/ | Bc^c | d2 d/d/ | deB | […]

West Leyden Waltz

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Sharp Curve Black Ice C:David A. Kaynor March 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G |: "Am"A3B cAcA|"D"A3c dAdA|\ "Am"A3B cAdA| "Em"eAdA cAB2| "Am" A3B cAcA|"D"A3c dAdA|\ "Am" A3B cAdA|"Em"eAdA "Am" cAA2:| K:C |:"G"GABd g2ga| "C"gega gecG|\ K:C "G"GABd g2ga|"Em"gedB "Am" cAA2| "G"GABd g2ga|"C"g2ga gecG|\ "Am" A3B […]

Sharp Curve Black Ice

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Stalwarts C: David A. Kaynor March 2021 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:A |:fg|"A"a2ga"D"f2df |"A"e2ce "E"dBGE |\ "D"DFED "A"CEAc | "Bm"Bdfe "E"e2fg | "A"a2ga "D"sf2df | "A"e2ce "E"dBGE | \ "D"DFED "A"CEAc|"E"BAGA "A"A2:| |:GA|"E"B2BG EFED | "A"CEAB c2Bc |\ "D"defg afbas | "Bm"gefe "E"e2fg | "A"abag "D"f2ed […]


Key: G Form: Waltz ABC:  X:1 T:Stephan and Lori C:David A. Kaynor February 2021 M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G |: BA| "Em"G2E2ED| B,2E2BA | G2E3D|E3B cB| "Am"A2E3D| E3B cB |1"Am"A3E FG | "B7"F4:|2"D" A3 G "Am"FE|"D"ED D2 B,C || "G"sD3G FG | D3G FG | "Am"E3A GA |E4E2 | "D"F3d ^cd|"G"G3 d […]

Stephan and Lori

Key: Dm Form: Waltz ABC: Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Can you help? Sheet Music in PDF: YouTube:  Can […]

Wilhelmina Waltz

Key: Am Form: Slow Air ABC:  X:4 T:The Braes of Lochiel Z:Jack Campin, 2006, http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/ M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=60 K:A Minor e|A>GB A2A|a>ge d<eg|Geg e<dB| Bge d<eg|Beg|B2A A2 :| g|a>ga a2e|a>ge d<eg|Geg e<dB| Bge d<eg|Beg|B2A A2 :| MP3 Melody emphasis: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Braes of Lochiel

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Honeylocust C: Use old-time syncopations C: Honeylocusts are one of my favorite kinds of tree! C: Rebecca Rose Weiss ©2016 K: D M:4/4 DE | "D" F2 F2 "A" E2 FE | "D" D3 (DD2) B,D | "A" E3 F ED B,C| […]


Key: G Form: March or hornpipe? ABC:  X:573 T:Planxty George Brabazon M:C L:1/4 K:G g/e/|"G"d G c/B/A/G/|d G (c/B/)A/G/|"Am"e A (A/B/)c/d/|\ e A (A/B/)c/d/|"G"(e/d/)c/B/ g f/e/|"Em"(e/d/)c/B/ "C"(c/B/)A/G/|\ "D"(B/A/)G/E/ (D/E/)G/A/|"G"B G G|| ||(g/a/)|"G"b (g/b/) "D"a (f a)|"C"g (e/g/) (e/d/)c/B/|\ "Am"e A (A/B/)c/d/|e A A (g/a/)|"G"b (g/b/) "D"a (f/a/)|\ "C"g (e/g/) (e/d/)c/B/|"D"(c/B/)A/G/ […]

Planxty* George Brabazon

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T:Tommy People's Reel T:Tune learned at Matt Molloy's 2 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G "G"GDDB cDBD|"D"ADDG FGAF|"G" GDDB cDBD|"D"Addc AGFA| "G"GDDB cDBD|"D"ADDG FGAF| "G"GDDB cDBD|"D"Addc AGBd| "C9"g2dg egdg|"G"gabg agdg|"C9"g2dg egdB|"D"cBAc "G"BGG2| "C9"g2dg egdg|"G"gabg agdg| "C9"g2dg egdB|"D"cBAc "C7"BGG2| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click […]

Tommy Peoples’ Reel

Key: B♭ Form: Hornpipe ABC:  T:Vice President Kamala Harris' Hornpipe C:© January 2021 Rebecca Rose Weiss M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Bb |:"Bb"B2FD B,3 D| "Eb"EDCE "Bb"DB, B,2 | "F"A,B,CD "Eb"EFGA | "Bb"BcdB "F"cAFA | "Bb"B2FD B,3 D | "Eb"EDCE "Bb"DB, B,2 | "Cm"A,B,CD "F"EFGA |1 "Eb"B2"F"BA "Bb"B4 :|2 "Eb"B2"F"BA "Bb"B3 g|| |:"Bb"f2b2 […]

Vice President Kamala Harris’ Hornpipe

Key: G Form: Jig ABC:  X: 2 P: Gigue des sucres O: Trad Qu\'ebec R: jig Z: 2006 John Chambers <email hidden; JavaScript is required> F: http://tradquebec.over-blog.com/article-4344084.html M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: G |: FE \ | "G"D2G D2G | DGA B3 | "Am"cBc "D7"ABc | "G"e2d B2G \ | […]

Gigue des Sucres

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X: 31 T: Jennings' Champion -- Clog R:reel B:Ryan's Mammoth Collection N: 158 944 Z: Contributed by Ray Davies, ray:davies99.freeserve.co.uk M:C| L:1/8 K:D u(F>.G)|\ {B}v(A>.^G)"_SEGUE"A>F D>FA>d | c>"4"ed>B A>ce>g |\ f>d"4"e>c d>BA>F | B2 E2 E>FG>^G | {B}A>^GA>F D>FA>d | c>"4"ed>B A>ce>g | f>d"4"e>c d>BA>G […]

Jennings’ Champion Clog

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: Humber to Winooski YouTube:  Midi: […]

Humber to Winooski

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC:  X:500 T:Tennessee Waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 C:North American K:D DE|"D"F2 A2 DE|F2 A2 de|f2 a2 fe|"G"d2 (B2 Bc)| "D"d2 A2 F2|B2 A2 F2|"A"E4 EF|E4 DE| "D"F2 A2 DE|F2 A2 de|f2 a2 fe|"G"d2 (B2Bc)| "D"d2 A2 F2|"A"G2 F2 E2|"D"D4 DE|D4 de|| "D"f2 a2 f2|e4 ff|"G"e2 d2 B2|"D"A4 […]

Tennessee Waltz

Key: Ddor Form: Polka ABC:  X:9007 T:Idbury Hill R:Polka C:Trad. O:England, Bledington Z:Paul Hardy's Session Tunebook 2020 (see www.paulhardy.net). Creative Commons cc by-nc-sa licenced. M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:1/4=140 K:Ddor "Dm"A2 AB c2 A2|"C" GFED C2 DE|"Dm"F2 A2 "A7"AGFE|"Dm"D4 D4:| |:"Dm"A2 AB c2 A2|"G"dcBA G2 G2|"Dm"A2 AB "Am"c2 A2|"Dm" d3 c A4|"Dm"A2 […]

Idbury Hill

Key: G Form: Jig ABC:  X: 7 T: The Humours Of Lisheen R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj Bd|:"G"efg {g}edB|cBA "Em"{d}BGE|~G3 "G".B.d.B|.BAG "D"ABd| "G"efg edB|"Am"cBA "Em"BGE|~G3 "G".B.d.B|1 "Em"AGF "G"GBd:|2 "Em"AGF "G"G2D|| |:"G"GBd "Em"ggg|agf "Em"g2e|fed "Bm"edB|"Am"cBA "Em"BGE| "G"GBd ggg|"D"agf "Em"g2e|"G"fed edB|1 "Em"AGF "G"G2D:|2 "Em"AGF "G"GBd|| MP3: (played by Pam […]

Thrush in the Straw, aka The Humors of Lisheen

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC:  > X:164 > T:Corrèze > S:Monique Lebossé (wife of Paul Marchand) via Éric Favreau > L:1/8 > Q:1/2=90 > M:3/4 > K:Gmaj > |:D GA |B2B2AB | G2 GA Bc | d2 de fg |1 d3:|2d4|| > |:ef | g2 gf ed | B2B2AB | […]


Key: A Form: Reel ABC*:  X: 1 T: the Boys of Malin S: Fiddle Hell 2018 class by Don Roy R: reel M: C| L: 1/8 K: A |:\ ("A"uAB)cd eAce | "D"fAdf "A"edc(uB | AB)cd "F#m"eAce |\ [1 "Bm"fdBc "E7"d2(ucB) :|[2 "Bm"fdBc "E7"defg |] "A"aA (3vAuAvA vcAce | aAag […]

Boys of Malin, The

Key: G Form: Ragtime ABC:  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).   Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Can you help? Sheet Music in PDF: […]

Bernie’s Mittens

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: PurpleAndPearls YouTube:  Source: Susan […]

Purple and Pearls*

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  Sheet Music in PDF: PurpleAndPearls YouTube:  Source: Susan […]

Purple and Pearls*

Key: D Form: March ABC:  X:1 T:New Dawn, New Day C:c. 2021 David A. Kaynor M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D |:A|"D"ab/a/ "A7"gf |"D" ga2A |"Bm"d/e/f "Em"ed |"A"cA2A | "Bm"Bc/d/ "Em"ed |"A"c/B/A "G"B/A/G | "D"Ad "A"dc|"D"d3:| |:e/d/| " A " cA "Em"A/B/c/d/ | "A" cA "Em"A/B/c/d/|\ "A" ef ga| "G"g2"D"fe/d/ | "A"cA "Em"A/B/c/d/ […]

New Dawn, New Day

Key: F Form: 6/8 Jig ABC:  X:1 T:Sustainers C:c. 2021 David A. Kaynor M:6/8 L:1/8 K:F |:"F"F2G AGF |Acd c2c |"Bb" d2f gfd |"F"c3-c Bc| "Bb" d2f "Gm" gfd | "F"c2f "Dm"cAF | |1 "Gm" G2c "G" dc=B |\ "C"c2A BAG:|2"Gm"GAB "C7"ABG | "F"F3ABc || |:"Bb" d2b bfd|"F"c2a afc|"Gm"B2g "C7"ecB|"F"A3 […]


Key: A Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: John Allan's R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Amaj |:EEE A3|cBA e3|fea fea|fec B2c| EEE A3|cBA e3|fea fea|fec A3:| |:AAA a3|fef a3|fea fea|fec B2c| [1 AAA a3|fef a3|fea fea|fec A3:| [2 EEE A3|cBA e3|fea fea|fec A3|| MP3: (Played slowly for learning) […]

John Allan Cameron’s Jig*

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC:  X: 3 P: The Shepherd's Wife O: Trad Z: John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> M: 3/4 L: 1/4 K: G D \ | "G"G2A | B2c | d2g | g>fd | "C"e>fg | "G"dcB | "A(m)"A>BG | "D7"FED | y2| "G"G2A | B2c | d2g | g>fd […]

Shepherd’s Wife Waltz

Key: G* Form: Reel/Song* ABC:  X:1 T:Lazy John N:From a 1990 concert recording at Berea College of fiddler N:Clyde Davenport, b. 1921, Monticello, Wayne County, south-central Ky. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel/Song Q:"Moderately Quick" D:https://soundarchives.berea.edu/items/show/513 Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G [G,2D2]-|[G,D]EG2+slide+[A3A3]A|(A/B/A) G2[GA]-[G2B2]G|D-EG2 [A2A2]A(A/B/|A)GEG [GA]-[G3B3]| DEG2+slide+[A3A3]A|(B<A) G2[GA]-[G2B2]G|D-EG2 [A2A2]A(A/B/|A)GEG [GA]-[G3B3]|| |:A-Bd2 d-e2d|edB2 +slide+[A4A4]|(DE)GG A2AB|A-GE-G […]

Lazy John

Key: G Form: March ABC:  X: 1 T: Grand Etang C: Howie MacDonald, SOCAN R: march, strathspey Z: 2014 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> S: PDF image from Lance Ramshaw labelled 2009-07-26 D: Howie MacDonald, A Few Tunes, LP, 1987 M: C L: 1/8 K: G %%slurgraces EF |\ "Em"G3 E "D"F>E […]

Grand Étang (Big Pond)

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC: X: 1 T:Lord Inchiquin M:3/4 K:D A|"D"d2 defe|"G"d2 edcB|"D"A2 F2 A2|f4 e2|\ "G"d2 edcB|"D"A2 G2 F2|"Em"G2 BAGF|"A"E4 ag| "D"f3 e d2|"G"d2 c2 B2|"D"A2 F2 A2|f4 e2|\ "G"d2 edcB|"D"A d3 F2|"A"E4 D2|"D"D4 :: A2 ||"A"ABcd e2| e2 d2 f2|"D"f2 d2 f2|"A"e4 d2|\ "D"defg a2|"D"a2 "G"b2 g2|"D"f3 […]

Lord Inchiquin

Key: Am Form: Reel ABC: X:5722 T:Sackett's Harbor O:england S:via PR M:4/4 L:1/4 K:Am A2 |"Am"E/2G/2A/2B/2 AA/2B/2|c/2B/2A/2G/2 BE|"G"GG G/2A/2B/2c/2|\ d/2c/2B/2c/2 d/2c/2B/2c/2| "Am"E/2G/2A/2B/2 AA/2B/2|"Am"c/2B/2A/2G/2 "Em"BE|\ "Am"c/2d/2c/2A/2 "G"B/2c/2B/2G/2|"Am"AA :: A/2B/2c/2d/2 |"C"e/2d/2c/2d/2 eg|e/2d/2c/2B/2 AB/2c/2|"G"d/2c/2B/2c/2 dg| d/2c/2B/2A/2 Gc/2d/2|"C"e/2d/2c/2d/2 eg|"C"e/2d/2c/2B/2 "Am"A2|\ "Am"c/2d/2c/2A/2 "G"B/2c/2B/2G/2|"Am"AA :| MP3: (Slow for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click […]

Sackett’s Harbor

Key: G Form: Air or slow waltz ABC: X: 1 T: Miss Rowan Davies M: 3/4 L: 1/8 R: waltz K: Gmaj BA | G4 D2 | D3 E F2 | G6 | G2 g2 f2 | e3 G G2 | d3 G B2 | A6 | A4 BA | […]

Miss Rowan Davies

Key: Ddor Form: Reel ABC:  X:8314 T:Julia Delaney R:Reel D:Paddy Glackin: Ceol ar an bhFidil le Paddy Glackin. D:Bothy Band 1974. Z:id:hn-reel-78 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=200 K:DDorian dcAG F2DF |E2CE FEFG |dcAG FDFG|Addc defe| dcAG ~F3G|~E3G ~F3A|dcAG FDFG|Addc d2de:| |:fede fagf|ecgc acgc|fede fagf|fedc Adde| fede fagf|ecgc acgc|fedf edce|Addc d2de:| MP3: (played […]

Julia Delaney

Key: G Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X: 1 T:The Harp and Shamrock C:Pat Crowley R:hornpipe D:At it Again, John Carty Z:Paul Stewart Cranford (P.S.C.), <http://www.cranfordpub.com> Q:300 L:1/8 M:C K:G gf|edBe dBGB|AE ~E2 G3 A|B2 eB e2 ge|dB ~B2 (3(ABc) BA| GEED E2 DE|GABG ABdg|eage dBGB|(3ABA G2 G2:| |:Bd|e3 f efgf|edde d2 […]

Harp and Shamrock, The

Key: G Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X: 1 T:The Harp and Shamrock C:Pat Crowley R:hornpipe D:At it Again, John Carty Z:Paul Stewart Cranford (P.S.C.), <http://www.cranfordpub.com> Q:300 L:1/8 M:C K:G gf|edBe dBGB|AE ~E2 G3 A|B2 eB e2 ge|dB ~B2 (3(ABc) BA| GEED E2 DE|GABG ABdg|eage dBGB|(3ABA G2 G2:| |:Bd|e3 f efgf|edde d2 […]

Harp and Shamrock, The

Key: G Form: Hambo ABC*:  X: 1 T:Bror Dahlgrens hambo C:Bror Dahlgren R:Hambo Z:Patrik Månsson, 7/7 2008 O:Skåne B:[[!Omtyckta Skånska Allspelslåtar]] D:Inspelad av Jeanette Eriksson på skivan "Låtar på Skånska" (2007) M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G |: "G"D2 B,>D E>D | B,2 D>G B2 | "D7"d2 c>A F>A |[1 "G"e2 d>B G2 […]

Bror Dahlgrens Hambo

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X:14203 T:Repeal the Poll Tax R:Reel O:Scotland M:4/4 C:Sandy Mathers K:A AB | \ ceec dcBc | AFEF A2FA | B2BA cefe | afec B2AB |\ ceec dcBc | AFEF A2FA | B2BA cefe | afec A2 :: \ ce | \ f2fe faaf | […]

Repeal the Poll Tax

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 5 T: Green Mountain Petronella I: Green Mountain PetronellaR-42Greel M: C| R: reel K: G "G"D2G2 GFGE| D2B2 BGAB| "D"c2cB ABcd| "C"e2d2 "G"d4| "G"D2G2 GFGE| D2B2 BGAB| "D"c2A2 AGFG| "G"A2G2 G2z2 :| |:Bd| "G"gggz "D"fffz| "C"efge "G"dBGB| "C"edef "G"g2B2| "D"B2A2 A2Bd| "Em"gggz "Bm"fffz| "C"efge […]

Green Mountain Petronella

Key: D Form: March or reel or polka or… ABC:  X: 1 T: Petronella I: M: C| R: reel K: D dA| "D"F2AF "A"E2AF| "D"D2D2 D2FA| d2cd "E"e2d2| "A"cdBc A2dA| "D"F2AF "A"E2AF| "D"D2D2 D2FA| d2cd "A"e2c2| "D"d6 :| |:dA| "D"F2fd "D7"A2af| "G"g2gf "Em"edcB| "A"A2ec A2ge| "D"f2fd AdAF| "D"D2fd "D7"A2af| "G"g2gf […]


Key: A Form: Slip jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Soggy's Z: Piano Box Version by Martin Fleischmann H: Created 2016-11-13 / Last Modified 2016-11-28 R: slip jig M: 9/8 L: 1/8 F:http://etunebook.ch/Irish%20Tunes%20-%20Martin%20Fleischmann.abc 2021-01-14 160731 UT K: Amaj |:"A"!1!E2E cEB BAE|"f#m"!2!F2F BFA AFE|"bm"!2!F2!1!F !2!BAB !3!c!4!e!3!f|"E"a2f ecB BAF| "A"E2E cEB BAE|"f#m"F2F B2c […]


Key: G Form: Reel* ABC:  X: 23 T:Chicken Pecking T:Earl Grey M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:112 Z:Brian Martin <email hidden; JavaScript is required> Winterbourn Downs Morris (rcvd Jan 2003) K:G G>AGD | EGDB | cAc/B/A/G/ | FAAB/A/ | G>AGD | EGDB | cede/f/ |1 gGG2 :|2 gGG |] ((3d/e/f/) | gGfG | […]

Earl Grey (aka Chicken Pecking)

Key: A Form: 3/4 pipe march? Can you help? ABC:  X:662 T:When the Battle Is O'er B:Army Manual of Bagpipe Tunes (1934) Z:Nigel Gatherer L:1/8 M:3/4 K:A A>B | c2 a2 fe | c2 A2 A>B | c2 e>c BA | B4 A>B | c2 a2 fe | c2 A2 […]

When the Battle is O’er

Key: Dm Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:The Barred Rocks of Craggy Island M:4/4 R:Reel C:Kenric A Kite ©2019 L:1/8 K:Dm A,2 |: "Dm" (D2D2) DEFD |"Am" E2 C2 CDEC | "Gm" D2 B,2 B,CDB, | "A7" ^C2 A,2 A,2 C^2  | "Dm" DEF(D D)EFD | "Am" E2 C2 C2 DE […]

Barred Rocks of Craggy Island

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Chamberlain’s Dash M:4/4 R:Reel C:Kenric A Kite ©2020 L:1/8 K:G Bc |"G" d2 Bc d2 Bc |"G7" dedc BA G2 |"C" G2 EF G2 EF | "Am" GAGA GF E2 | "G" D2 GA B(d d2) | "G" D2 GA B(d d2) | "Em" […]

Chamberlain’s Dash

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X:1 T:Old Aunt Jenny with Her Nightcap on S:Estill Bingham (Ky.) M:C| L:1/8 F: https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/old-aunt-jenny-her-nightcap Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G B-||BA BA G2 GG|A2G2E3D|BBAA GGBA|D2E2 G4| BBAA GGBB|A2G2E3D|BBAA GGBB|D2E2 G3B|| e4 e4|efgf e2d2|B2B2 dBAA |[M:6/4]G2G2A2G2 E4| [M:C|]e4 e4|efgf e2d2|B2B2 dBAA|[M:6/4]G2B2D2E2 G4|| MP3: Download this MP3  […]

Old Aunt Jenny with her Nightcap On

Key: G Form: Slide ABC: X: 1 T: Merrily Kissed The Quaker R: slide M: 12/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:D|GAB G2B c2A BGE|GAB DEG A2A AGE| GAB GAB cBA BGE|GAB AGF G3 G2:| |:A|BGG AGG BGG AGG|GAB DEG A2A AGA| BGG AGG BGG AGG|GAB AGF G3 G2:| |:d|g2g a2a […]

Merrily Kissed The Quaker

Key: G Form: Slide ABC: X: 1 T: Merrily Kissed The Quaker R: slide M: 12/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:D|GAB G2B c2A BGE|GAB DEG A2A AGE| GAB GAB cBA BGE|GAB AGF G3 G2:| |:A|BGG AGG BGG AGG|GAB DEG A2A AGA| BGG AGG BGG AGG|GAB AGF G3 G2:| |:d|g2g a2a […]

Merrily Kissed The Quaker

Key: Fm* Form: Air* ABC: * X:1 % T:Fair-Haired Child [3], The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:Bunting - A General Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland (1796, No. 13, p. 7) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Dmin "Slow"(3A/B/c/|d2 (e/d/) ^cde|f>gf e2A|(BAG) (FGA)|~c>(de/c/) A2 (3A/B/^c/| d2 e/d/ (^cd).e|(f>gf e2) F/G/|.A.F.A .G.F.E|(D3 D2)|| D(F/G/A/=B/) cA(A|=B)G(G […]

Fair-haired Child, The

Key: Fm* Form: Air* ABC: * X:1 % T:Fair-Haired Child [3], The M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air B:Bunting - A General Collection of the Ancient Music of Ireland (1796, No. 13, p. 7) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Dmin "Slow"(3A/B/c/|d2 (e/d/) ^cde|f>gf e2A|(BAG) (FGA)|~c>(de/c/) A2 (3A/B/^c/| d2 e/d/ (^cd).e|(f>gf e2) F/G/|.A.F.A .G.F.E|(D3 D2)|| D(F/G/A/=B/) cA(A|=B)G(G […]

Fair-haired Child, The

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC:  X:4 T:Leona Tuttle T:Written to help celebrate my grandmother's 90th birthday C:\2511986 Larry Unger B:The Curvy Road to Corinth Z: transcribed by Mary Lou Knack 9-Apr-1999 M:3/4 Q:1/4=120 K:D Ac| "D"d3e fe| "F#m"d2c2BA| "G"B3c dB| "D"A2F2G2| \ "F#m"A3B AF| "Bm"A2F2ED| "Em"E2F3G| "A7"F2E2Ac| "D"d3e fe| "F#m"d2c2BA| […]

Leona Tuttle

Key: G** Form: Slow Air ABC*:  X: 2 T: A Week In January R: slow air M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj GG, FA Bd ba | ag fg d2 gf | eG cd d2 dB | cd Bc DF AF | GG, FA Bd ba |ag fg d2 gf […]

A Week in January

Key: E♭ Major(?)* Can you help? Form: 3/2 Scottish pipe tune ABC*:  X: 2 T: A Bhriogais Uallach R: three-two M: 3/2 L: 1/8 K: Amix |:AAAB A2AB AGd2|deee c2Bc dcB2|deee A2AB AGd2|[M:C] eAA2 (G2G)A BA(A2A4):| [M:3/2]|:aeee edde eeg2|gaaa f2ef gfe2|deAB GAAA Bde2|[M:C]gAA2 (G2G)A Bd(A2A4):| MP3: Download this MP3  If […]

Pompous Trousers (A’ Bhriogais Uallach)

Key: G Form: Ganglat? or march ABC: Do you know a source for ABC notation? Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]


Key: G* Form: Polska ABC: Do you know a source for ABC notation? Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  […]

Clarinet Polska

Key: G Form: Reel (English Country Dance) ABC: X: 1 T:Jamaica M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/8=400 K:G "G"G2 B2 B2 cd | "C"e2 d2 e4 | "G"d2 B2 B2 AG | "D"A4 "G"G4 :| "G"g2 g2 "D"f2 ed |"C" e2 e2 "G"d2 B2 |"G" g2 g2 "D" fg a2 |"A" e4 "D"d4 […]


Key: G Form: March ABC: X: 1 T:Grandfather's Clock R:March C:Henry C. Work 1876 O:USA P:A((AB)2C2)2C M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:G P:A |:DD|"G"G2 FG "D"A2 GA|"G"B2 cB "Am"E2 AA|"G"G2 GG "D"FE F2|"G"G4 "G"G2:| P:B Bc|"G"d2 BA "Em"G2 FG|"C"AG "D"FE "G"D2 Bc|"G"d2 BA "A7"G2 FG|"D"A4 "D"A2 DD| "G"G2 z2 "D"A2 z2|"G"(3BBB cB […]

Grandfather’s Clock

Key: G Form: Jig ABC:  X:1374 T:Cuil Aodha Jig O:England M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Martin Hayes K:G g|gfd cAd|GFG B2c|dcB cAG|FDD cBA| G3 GFG|A^GA fga|gfd cAd|GAF G3:| g3 gfg|ade fga|gfd c2d|cAG FGA| g3 gfg|ade fga|gfd cAd|GAF G3:| MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page […]

Cuil Aadha Jig (Coolea)

Key: F Form: Reel ABC: Do you know a source for ABC notation? Can you help? MP3: Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Played “briskly”) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on […]

Reel des Neuf Mois (Nine Month Reel)

Key: A  Form: Polka ABC:  X: 1 T: Chinquapin Hunting R: polka M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj |:"A"e3e|"D"fec2|"A"e3e|"D"fecd|"A"e3e|"D"fefg|"A"abaf|"E"efed|"A"cBA2:| |:"A"a3a|a2g2|"D"f3f|f4|"A"a3a|fgaf|"E"efed|"A"cBA2:| [|"D"f3e|fec2|"E"B3B|B4|"D"fefg|f2fg|"E"efed|"A"cBA2| "D"f3e|fec2|"E"B3B|B4|"D"fefg|a2af| "E"efed|"A"cBA2|] MP3: (played slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (played “briskly”) Download […]

Chinquapin Hunting

Key: D Form: Jig ABC: Do you know a source for ABC notation? Can you help? MP3: (Kindly contributed and played by Becky Tracy and Keith Murphy) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to […]

Cararroe*, The

Key: Am Form: Jig ABC:  X:44 T:Scatter the Mud R:jig O:Ireland M:6/8 L:1/8 K:Am d | "Am" eAA B2 A | eAA ABd | eAA B2 A | "G" dBG GBd | "Am" eAA B2 A | eAA AGE | "G" GAB Bge | dBA A2 :| d | "Am" […]

Scatter the Mud

Key: A Form: Polka ABC:  X: 1 T:Britches Full of Stitches T:Breeches Full of Stitches R:polka Z:id:hn-polka-14 M:2/4 L:1/8 K:A A>B cA|BA cA|A>B cA|BA FE|A>B cA|BA ce|A>B AF|FE E2:| |:e>f ec|BA Bc|e>f ec|BA F2|e>f ec|BA Bc|A>B AF|FE E2:| MP3: (played slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click […]

Britches Full of Stitches

Key: D Form: Polka ABC:  X: 2 T: Bill Sullivan's R: polka M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:c|d2 d>B|AF d2|FA dB|AF ED| d2 dB|AF d2|FA E>F|ED D:| |:D/E/|:FA AF|GB BA|FA FA|FE ED/E/| FA- AF|G/A/B BA|FA E>F|1 ED- D:| MP3: (played slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, […]

Bill Sullivan’s Polka

Key: G Form: Reel* ABC: If you know of a source of ABC notation, Please let me know. MP3: (Played by Doug LaPoint) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Played by Jean Rhéaume) Download this MP3  If […]

Le Reel de mon Grand-Père d’Aimé Gagnon

Key: G* Form: Jig ABC*:  X: 1 T:Paddy Fahey's M:C| L:1/8 Q:200 S:THSP C:Paddy Fahey R:reel Z: K:Ddor "Dm"DA,DE FEFG|Add^c d2de|fedf edcA|"C"dcAG FDEC| "Dm"DA,DE FEFG|Add^c d2de|f2gf edcA|"C"dcAG "Dm"FDD2:|: "Dm"Ad~d2 fded|"C"c2Gc EcGc|"Dm"Ad~d2 fded|"C"cBcd "A"ed^cd| "Dm"a2^ga ABcA|"C"dcAG FDEC|"Dm"DA,DE FEFG|"C"Add^c "Dm"d4:|| MP3*: (played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click […]

Paddy’s Porch*

Key: A Form: Walking tune or slow march ABC:  MP3, played by Susan Reid: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: Melody emphasis, played by Peter Macfarlane Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and […]

Warm in the Winter

Key: Edor Form: Reel ABC:  X: 8 T: Ships Are Sailing I: Ships Are SailingR-115E Dorreel %%musicspace2pt M: C| R: reel %%staffwidth 15cm K: EDor "Em"Beed BcdB| "D"AD (3FED AD (3FED| "Em"EDEF GFGA| Bdef gfed| "Em"Beed BcdB| "D"AD (3FED AD (3FED| "Em"EDEF GFGA |1 "D"Bded "Em"e2ed :|2 "D"Bded "Em"e2 |] […]

Ships are Sailing

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (played by Pam Bockes) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (played by Michael Bell and the Barn […]

Cloud Forest waltz

Key: G Form: Air ABC: X:2 T:Marche St-Hilaire T:Air Charles St-Hilaire M:C| L:1/8 S:Repertore de Aime Gagnon (Lotbinere region, Quebec) D:Raz de Maree?Tidal Wave - "Marche du St-Laurent" (2010) Z:Transcribed by Steve Fry K:G |:"G"d3cB2d2|g4-g2 ag|[M:6/4]"D/F#"f2 a4 g2d2g2|[M:C|]"Em"d3c D2d2| "C"g4-g2 ag|[M:6/4]"D"f2a2g2d2 "G"g2 !Fine!z2:|[M:C|]"G"D4 G2B2|"G/B"d6 ef| "C"g2B2"G/B"d3d|"Am"e2d2 "D"(3BcB G2|"G"D2G2 A-B3|"Em"d2 ef […]

Air Charles St-Hilaire, aka March St-Hilaire

Key: D Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Quadrille Franco-Américain Z: NfldWhistler S: https://thesession.org/tunes/17587#setting33838 R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |: A2f fed|B2g gfe|c2e ABc|def A3| A2f fed|B2g gfe|c2e ABc|1 dfe d3:|2 d4 ef|| |: g2b bag|f2a agf|d2f fed|c2d e2f| g2b bag|f2a agc|a2c a2A|ABc d3:|| MP3: Download this […]

Quadrille Franco-Américain, Part 4

Key: F Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X:1 T: Hull's Victory %C: R-4 %C: New England M: C| Z: Transcribed to abc by Mary Lou Knack R: hornpipe K: F "F"fcfa fcfg| "C" agfe "F"f2AB| "C"c2cd c2cB| ABGA "F"F2c2| "F"fcfa fcfa| "C"g2g2 g2ag| "Dm"fedc "G7"=BcdB|"C"c2e2 c2c2 :| |:"F"fefg agfe| "Bb"d2B2 B2ef| "G"g^fga […]

Hull’s Victory

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (Played by Susan Reid who writes: “Normally this is played quite a bit faster, but it is lovely at a slow temple as well.”)  Download this MP3  If it plays, […]

Vanjan Waltz

Key: A or G* Form: Waltz ABC in A:  X:1 T:Margaret's Waltz C:Pat Shaw R:waltz M:3/4 N:Reproduced by kind permission of the EFDSS L:1/8 K:A c2|E3F AB|c4 c2|BA F2A2|B4c2|E3 F AB|c3de2|c4 B2|A4:|| cd|e3 f ge|a4 a2|fe d2f2|e4 cB|A3 B cd|e4 c2|BA F2A2|B4 cd| e3 f ge|a3gf2|e2d2c2|B4c2|E3F AB|c3d e2|c4B2|A4|| ABC in […]

Margaret’s Waltz

Key: G* Form: March or air ABC:  X:213 T:Marche de Glomel [G] M:C| L:1/8 K:G "C"c |: "G"Bc dG "D"AF "G"G2 |[1 "C"cB/c/ "G"dc/B/ "D"A2 "G"Gc :|[2 "C"cB/c/ "G"dc/B/ "D"A2 "G"Gd | |: "G"dd e>d "C"ce "G"d2 | "Am"cB/c/ "G/B"dc/B/ "C"cd "D"c/B/A | "G(Em)"B>c dG "D"A/G/F "G"G2 |[1 "C"cB/c/ "G"dc/B/ […]

Marche de Glomel

Key: D Form: 6/8 Pipe March ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Dripping Hat, The

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC:  X: 1 T:Leaving Friday Harbour C:John McCusker R:waltz I:abc2nwc M:3/4 L:1/8 K:D A2|"D"f2f2{gf}ed|[M:2/4][L:1/16]e2f2 A4| [M:3/4][L:1/8]f3f ed|ef a2af|"G" (3ggg gf ed| "Em"ef B4|"Em7".d2dcde|"A7" (3cdc BA[da][eg] | "D"f2f2{gf}ed|[M:2/4][L:1/16]e2f2 A4| [M:3/4][L:1/8]"D"f3f ed|ef a2af|"G" (3ggg gf ed| "Em"ef B2Bd|"A7" (3cdc BA ef|"D"d4:| |:dc|"A7"c2Ac eg|"D"gf a3f|"G"g2B3g| "D"gf ef (3def|"G"g2B3g|"D"gf ef […]

Leaving Friday Harbour

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 66 T: Eddie's Reel R: reel M: C| L: 1/8 K: G "G"DGBd g2g2 | DGBd g2g2 | DGBd "G#"gfed | "Am"c2cc cdcB| "D7"AFAd f2f2 | AFAd f2fe |1 "D7"[d2A2] [dA]d "D75"[e_B]g[eB]d | "G"B3B "D7"BcBA:|2"D7"d3de2f2|"G"g4"D7"g2d2|| "G"[b3d3][bd] [b2d2][a2c2] | [g4B4] [g2B2][a2d2] | "G"[b3d3][bd] [a2c2][g2B2]| "D7"[f4A4] […]

Eddie’s Reel, aka Franco-American Reel

Key: G Form: March ABC: If you know of ABC notation for this tune, please contribute. MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".  […]

Crags of Tumbledown Mountain

Key: G* Form: March? Air? Can you help? ABC:  X: 1 T:Time Will End M:4/4 C:Jeremiah McLane K:GMaj (3DEF)|"G"G2gf "C"e3d|"Em"edBd "D"A2GA|"Em"B2AG "C"EG"G"DE|"Am"GA"C"cB "C/D"A2" D"GF| "G"G2gf "C"e3d|"Em"edBd "D"A2GA|"G"B2AG "C"EG"G"DE|"C"GA"D"BA "G"G3:| F|"Em"E2ED"C"E2ED|"Dsus"EFGA "G"BA"D/F#"GF|"Em"E2ED "C"EFGA|"Dsus"(A4 A)BAG| "Em"E2ED"C"E2ED|"Dsus"EFGA "G"BG gf|"C"(3efg) "Em"dB "D"AGBA|"G"G3A BA"D/F#"GF|| "Em"E2ED"C"E2ED|"Dsus"EFGA "G"BAGF|"Em"E2ED "C"EFGA|"Dsus"(A4 A)BAG| "Em"E2ED "G"GABG|"C"edcB "D"AGFD|"Em"EFGA "C"BAGF|"Dsus"(G4 G)|| MP3*: (Thanks, […]

Time Will End

Key: G* Form: March? Air? Can you help? ABC:  X: 1 T:Time Will End M:4/4 C:Jeremiah McLane K:GMaj (3DEF)|"G"G2gf "C"e3d|"Em"edBd "D"A2GA|"Em"B2AG "C"EG"G"DE|"Am"GA"C"cB "C/D"A2" D"GF| "G"G2gf "C"e3d|"Em"edBd "D"A2GA|"G"B2AG "C"EG"G"DE|"C"GA"D"BA "G"G3:| F|"Em"E2ED"C"E2ED|"Dsus"EFGA "G"BA"D/F#"GF|"Em"E2ED "C"EFGA|"Dsus"(A4 A)BAG| "Em"E2ED"C"E2ED|"Dsus"EFGA "G"BG gf|"C"(3efg) "Em"dB "D"AGBA|"G"G3A BA"D/F#"GF|| "Em"E2ED"C"E2ED|"Dsus"EFGA "G"BAGF|"Em"E2ED "C"EFGA|"Dsus"(A4 A)BAG| "Em"E2ED "G"GABG|"C"edcB "D"AGFD|"Em"EFGA "C"BAGF|"Dsus"(G4 G)|| MP3*: (Thanks, […]

Time Will End

Key: A Form: Reel ABC: X:1 T:Joe Crapeau C:Robert Lavoie (New Brunswick), via Robin LeBlanc, via Devon Leger N:The tune is named for Acadian fiddler Joe "Crapaud" Chiasson M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:AEae tuning (fiddle) D:Robin LeBlanc & Nicholas Basque - "Sur l'an premier pour danser" (2016) D:Le Famille LeBlanc - […]

Joe “Crapeau” (Joe “Toad”)*

Key: D Form: March ABC:  X: 1 T: Folding Down the Sheets O:Old-time Appalachian S:http://www.ibiblio.org/fiddlers/FOCH_FORG.htm N:There are many variants of this tune, some quite incompatible. This is a very basic version. M:2/4 L:1/16 K:D |: af | edcB ABc2 | dBAF D2EF | G4 F4 | EDE2 A2 :| z2 […]

Folding Down the Sheets

Key: D Form: Air* ABC:  X:1 T:Our Guiding Star T:Melody C:Robin Russell & Cynthia Thomas N:Composed in honor of David A Kaynor R:Air M:C| L:1/8 K:D |:"D"F2FE D3D|"D"DE"G"GA "A"G2FE|"D"F2FE "Bm"D3A,|"G"B,DDF "A"G2FE| "D"F2FE D2FD|"Bm7"FDFA "G"A2G2|"D"FAAF "Em"GFED|1"G"B,DDC "D"D4:|"G"2B,DDC "D"D2FG|| "D"A2A2BA2A|"G"B2BA "A"E2FG|"D"A2A2 "Bm"BAFD|"G"G2F2"A"E2FG| "F#m"A2A2"Bm"FD2D|"Em"G2GA"G"B2AG|"D"A2F2D2"G"G2|"A"F3E"D"D2"A7"FG| "D"A2A2"Bm"FD2A|"Em"B2BG"A"E2FG|"D"A2AF"Bm"D2F2|"Em"GFDF"A"E2FG| "F#m"A2F2"Bm"D2EF|"G"GFGB "A"BAAG|"D"F2AF "Em"GFED|"G"B,2D2"D"D4|] MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this […]

Our Guiding Star*

Key: Dm Form: Walking tune? ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Sjungar-Lars visa. från Göran Olsson

Key: Dm Form: Waltz ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (slow, for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis) Download this MP3  If it plays, […]

Vals efter CJ Björklund

Key: G Form: March ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Granary March, The

Key: G Form: March ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Granary March, The

Key: G Form: Air? ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Tana’s Tune*

Key: D Form: Gånglåt (Walking Tune) ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Unsetholmen (Undsättholmen)

Key: Dm Form: Jig ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (Played slowly for learning)  Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). MP3: (Melody emphasis)  Download this MP3  If it […]

Half Door, The

Key: D Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T:Munster Buttermilk M:6/8 L:1/8 R:jig K:DMaj d2f edB|BAF FEF|AFE DFA|BAF DFA| !d2f edB|BAF FEF|AFE DEF|1~E3 D2A:|2~E3 D2B| !:AFA d2e|f2f fed|~g2e edB|def edB| !AFA d2e|f2f fed|edB ABd|1efe d2B:|2efe ABc|| MP3: (Played slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page […]

Munster Buttermilk

Key: D? Form: Slow Air ABC: X: 4 X: 4 T: Leaving Lochboisdale R: slow air C: PM John Wilson S: North Atlantic Tune List Q: 3/8=52 M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Bm |: f | "Bm"B2B d>ed | "A"c>Bc A2f | "Bm"B2B Bed | "A"c>Bc A>de | "Bm"f>BB "A"c>BA […]

Leaving Lochboisdale

Key: D Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Bill Powrie's Z: peatysmoky S: https://thesession.org/tunes/8960#setting8960 R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:D2DF AFFA|d2Ad fede|dB(3(BBB) dA(3(AAA)|ceAc eAce| D2DF AFFA|d2Ad fede|dB(3(BBB) dA(3(AAA)|1cdec dBAF:|2cdec d2de|| |:f3g fede|dB(3(BBB) dA(3(AAA)|dB(3(BBB) dA(3(AAA)|ceAc eAce| f3g fede|dB(3(BBB) dA(3(AAA)|dB(3(BBB) dA(3(AAA)|1ceAc d2de:|2ceAc dBAF|D4 z4|| MP3: (Played slowly for learning) […]

Bill Powrie

Key: D Form: Hornpipe ABC:  X:13007 T:Merry Blacksmith, The R:Reel C:Trad. O:Ireland M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:D |:A2|"D"d2dA BAFA|dcdA BAFA|ABde f2ed|"G"Beed egfe| "D"d2dA BAFA|dcdA BAFA|ABde fdec| "A"dBAF "D"D2:| |:fg|"D"a2ag f2fe|d2dA BAFA|ABde f2ed|"G"Beed "A"egfe| "D"a2ag f2fe|d2dA BAFA|"G"ABde fdec|1 "A"dBAF "D"D2:| MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click […]

Merry Blacksmith, The

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Hare Bell Waltz, The

Key: G Form: Waltz? Jig?* ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Isle Martin

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T:Frank's Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 C:John McCusker R:Reel K:A "A"AcBA "D"F2 AF|"A"EFAB "A7"cABc|"D"d3 f "A"eAce|"F#m"(3fga ec "E7"(3Bc d cB| "A"AcBA "D"F2 AF|!"A"EFAB "A7"cABc| "D"d3 f "A"ecAc|1 "E7"BAGB "A" A3:| |2 "E7" BAGB "A"Aefg|| "A"aAAg AAfA|!"A"effe "A7"cABc|"D"d3f "A"eAcA|"B7"Bcde "E7"fefg| "A"aAAg AAfA|"A"effe "A7"cABc|!"D"d3f "A"ecAc|"E7" BAGB "A"Aefg| […]

Frank’s Reel

Key: G Form: Reel (and song*) ABC:  X:23006 T:Wild Mountain Thyme T:Will you go Lassie go T:Braes o Balquhidder R:Reel C:Trad. O:Scotland M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 K:G GA|"G"B B3 "C"A3 G|("G"EG3) z2 Bd|"C"e3 e e3 d|"G"B d3 z2 Bd| "C"e4 "G"d2 B2|("Em"AG3) z2 AB|"G"c3 B A2 G2|E G3 G3 E| ("G"D3E) […]

Wild Mountain Thyme (Will Ye Go Lassie Go)

Key: G Form: March (and song*) ABC:  X: 153 T:Loch Lomond M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G DF|"G"G2 G>A B2 AG|"D7"A2 A>G "C"E2 DF|"G"G2 G2 G2 Bd|"C"e4 "G"d3 d|! "C"e2 ed "G"B2 Bd|"Am"cB AG "C"E2 DF|"G"G<G B<d "C" e2 dB|"D"A4 "G"G2 D2 | |! "G"G2 G>A B2 B>A|"C"G2 G>E "G"D2 "D"D>F|"G"G2 GG "Em7"G2 […]

Loch Lomond

Key: Gm Form: Slängpolska ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Slängpolska Glymdalen in G minor

Key: G Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Sunnyside, The Z: dirk.meesen S: https://thesession.org/tunes/2586#setting2586 R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:D|G2B BAG|D2B BAG|E2c cAG|FAd DEF| G2B BAG|D2B BAG|E2c FAd|AGF G2:| |:A|B2B BAG|B2g ged|c2g ged|c2c ABc| B2B BAG|B2g ged|c2G A2B|AGF G2:| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click […]

Sunnyside, The

Key: G* Form: Lullaby ABC:  X: 1 %Music T:All Through the Night B:Singing Together, Autumn 1969, BBC Publications F:http://www.folkinfo.org/songs M:4/4 %Meter L:1/8 % K:G G3 F E2 G2 |A3 G F2 D2 |E4 F3 F |G6 z2 | w:Deep the si-lence round us spread-ing, All through the night; G3 F […]

All Through the Night

Key: D Form: March? Can you help? ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Played slowly, then up to speed by Sarah Hotchkiss and John Mowad Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions […]

Minstrel’s Strain, The (Cainc Y Datgeiniad)

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Two Arthurs, The

Key: A  Form: 3/8 Waltz ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Summer House, The

Key: G* Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T:Barlow Knife [1] M:C| L:1/8 S:Kuntz – Ragged But Right K:G ef|g2 gg fgaf|g2 g2 d2 (g2|g2) bg f2 af|efge d2 ef|g2 gg fgaf g2 g2 d2 (g2| g2) bg f2 af|efge d2 (3Bcd|| |:e2 d2 BABd|e2 dB G2 g2|efed BAGB|A2 G2 G2 […]

Barlow Knife

Key: G Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Priest In His Boots, The Z: Alancorsini S: https://thesession.org/tunes/877#setting877 R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj efe e2 g|fdf ecA|d3 fdd|eAA Bcd| efe e2 g|fdf ecA|d3 faf|1 gec d3:|2 gec d2|| |:f|a2 f g2 e|{a}f2 d ecA|d3 fdd|eAA Bcd| MP3: Download […]

The Priest and His Boots*

Key: E Dor Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T:Morrison's Jig M:6/8 R:Jig A:Ireland F:http://john-chambers.us/~jc/music/abc/mirror/geocities.com/Nashville/tunes1/%259:Morrisons_Jig.abc 2020-07-12 195858 UT K:EDor |"Em"~E3 BEB|EBE "D"AFD|"Em"~E3 BEB|"D"dcB AFD| "Em"~E3 BEB|EBE "D"AFD|"G"~G3 "D"FGA|"G"BAG "D"FED:| "Em"Bee fee|aee fed|Bee fee|"D"fag fed| "Em"Bee fee|aee fed|"G"gfe d2A|BAG "D"FED| "Em"Bee fee|aee fed|Bee fee|"D"faf def| "G"~g3 gfe|"D"def "G"g2 d|edc "D"d2 A|"G"BAG "D"FED|| […]

Morrison’s Jig

Key: D Form: Reel or Hornpipe* ABC:  X:95 T:Floating Crowbar, The R:reel Z:Transcribed by Dave Marshall M:C| K:D |: AD (3FED ADBD | AD (3FED A2GF | E~G3 AGFG | E~G3 GABd | AD (3FED ADBD | AD (3FED G2FG | A^GAB cded |1 cAGE D2dB :|2 cAGE D2 (3EFG […]

Floating Crowbar, The

Key: G Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Dublin Porter, The Z: JACKB S: https://thesession.org/tunes/836#setting13994 R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:B3A BcdB|cBAB cdec|Addc dcAG|FGAF DEFD| B3A BcdB|cBAB cdef|g2fg ecAF|AGGF G2 GA:|| |:g3f gdBd|g2fg eA A2|eA A2 edeg|fgaf gfef| g3f gdBd|g2fg eA A2|eA A2 edeg| fgaf gfed:|| MP3: […]

Dublin Porter

Key: D Form: ? Can you help? ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click […]

Andrew’s Noodle*

Key: D Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T:Willafjord #1 C:Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 154.1 I:154 1 Z:Carl Allison R:Reel L:1/8 M:4/4 K:D |: B2 | "D"A2 FA- "D/F#"ADFA | "G"B2 GB- BDGB | "D"A2 FA- ADEG | "Em"EFGA "A7"GFED | "D"A2 FA- "D/F#"ADFA | "G"B2 GB- BDGB | […]


Key: Am Form: Reel ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]


Key: D Form: March or reel ABC:  X: 1 T:March of the Men of Devon, The R:March C:Trad. O:Wales (despite the title!) M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:D A>G|"D"FD D2DFAd|"A"cAA2 Aceg|"Bm"fddc Bggf|"D"e/f/e/d/ c/d/c/B/ "G"A/B/A/G/ F/G/F/E/| "D"FD D2DFAd|"A"cAA2 Aceg|"Bm"fddc "A7"Bgec|"D"d2d2 d2:| |:fg|"D"affd fdfa|"A"geec eceg|"Bm"fddc Bggf|"D"e/f/e/d/ c/d/c/B/ "G"A/B/A/G/ F/G/F/E/| "D"FD D2DFAd|"A"cAA2 Aceg|"Bm"fddc "A7"Bgec|"D"d2d2 d2:| […]

March of the Men of Devon (Ymdaith Gwyr Dyfnaint)

Key: A Form: “Latin/European” (according to the composer) ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, […]

Float by Peter Clayton

Key: D Form: A hymn air played quickly enough to be a dance tune ABC:  X:1 T:Waiting for the Boatsman S:Melvin Wine M:C| L:1/8 N:A hymn air played quickly enough to be a dance tune. D:Poplar LPI 40290, Melvin Wine - "Cold Frosty Morning" (1976) F:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/waiting-boatsman Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz […]

Waiting for the Boatsman

Key: D Form: March? ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Môn (Anglesey)

Key: D Form: March ABC:  X:7 T:Nos Fercher T:Wednesday Night R:march B:National Library of Wales, MS. J. Lloyd Williams, 53 D:Ar Log O IV i V O:Wales Z:Manuel Waldesco" <mwal:wanadoo.es> tradtunes 2002-4-2 M:4/4 K:Dmaj |D2FA d2f2|edcB AGFE|D2FA d2f2|edcd e2d2:| |a2fd a2fd|edcB AGFE|1 D2FA d2f2| edcd e2d2:|2 D2FA d2g2| fdec d4|| […]

Nos Fercher, aka Wednesday Night

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Kenny’s Ginger Beer

Key: D Form: Polka ABC:  X: 23 T:Pwt ar y Bys M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:200 C:Trad S:Blodau'r Grug Collection Vol. 1 R:Hornpipe A:Wales N:The Welsh version of Buttered Peas - but the title translates as 'Lift N:the Latch' Z: K:D F2A2A2F2|G2B2B2G2|F2A2A2F2|G2E2E4|F2A2A2F2|G2B2B2G2|F2A2EFGE|F2D2D4:||! D2F2A2d2|dcBcd2B2|A2F2F2D2|G2E2E4|D2F2A2d2|dcBcd2B2|A2F2G2E2|F2D2D4:|| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on […]

Pwt ar y Bys, aka Buttered Peas

Key: D For: Jig ABC:  X: 4 P: The Druid (Y Derwydd) O: Wales R: jig Z: John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu> M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: D AG \ | "D"FGA AFA | "G"BGB "D"A3 | "G"Bcd "A7"efg | "D"fed "A7"cBA \ | "D"FGA AFA | "G"BGB "D"A3 | "G"Bcd "A7"efg […]

Y Derwydd (The Druid)

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T:Angus Campbell M:4/4 L:1/8 C:J. Scott Skinner R:Reel K:A "E7"E|"A"A/A/A cA EAce|"A"a2 ga faec|"Bm"d/d/d Bd "A"c/c/c Ac|"Bm"BFBA "E"GEFG|! "A"A/A/A cA EAce|"A"a2 ga faec|"D"defd "A"ceaf|"E7"ecdB "A"Aefg||! "A"a2ea caAa|"A"cAce aAca|"Bm"b2 fb dbBb|"Bm"dBdf bBdb|! "A"a2ea caAa|"A"cAce aecA|"Bm"defd "A"ceaf|"E7"ecdB "A"A3|| MP3: Do you or some friends play […]

Angus Campbell

Key: A Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T:Angus Campbell M:4/4 L:1/8 C:J. Scott Skinner R:Reel K:A "E7"E|"A"A/A/A cA EAce|"A"a2 ga faec|"Bm"d/d/d Bd "A"c/c/c Ac|"Bm"BFBA "E"GEFG|! "A"A/A/A cA EAce|"A"a2 ga faec|"D"defd "A"ceaf|"E7"ecdB "A"Aefg||! "A"a2ea caAa|"A"cAce aAca|"Bm"b2 fb dbBb|"Bm"dBdf bBdb|! "A"a2ea caAa|"A"cAce aecA|"Bm"defd "A"ceaf|"E7"ecdB "A"A3|| MP3: Do you or some friends play […]

Angus Campbell

Key: D Form: Polka ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Blue Star Polka

Key: Bm* Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T: Quarantine, The Z: Uniwhisp S: https://thesession.org/tunes/19115#setting37572 R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Bmin |:[B2F2]B Bcd | cBA BAF | d2d def | fed ecA | [B2F2]B Bcd | cBA BAF | GAB ABc | dcA B2A :| |:d2d def | afe […]

Quarantine Jig

Key: Dmix* Form: Reel ABC:  X: 1 T: Glory In The Meeting House Z: pbsinclair42 S: https://thesession.org/tunes/17657#setting34054 R: barndance M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmix D2d2 dcAG | Acd2 dcAF | D2d2 dcAF | GAGF- FGEF | D2d2 dcAG| Acd2 d2de | =fedc A2G^F | GAGF DECD :| |: DEFG […]

Glory in the Meeting House

Key: A Form: Air or lament ABC:  X: 1 T:Hector the Hero T:Scottish Air (Lament) O:Scotland M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:54 C:Scott Skinner K:A % Fiddle %%MIDI program 40 AB|:"A"c3 BA2|"D"f4ec|"A"e4-ef|e4AB|\ "F#m"c4BA|"D"f4ec|"Bm"B4-Bc|"E"B4ce| "F#m"c3 BA2|"D"f4ec|"A"e4A2|"D"a4f2|\ "A"e4Ac|"E"B4A2|"A"A6 -|[1 A2A2B2:|[2 A2c2e2|| :"D"f4df|a4gf|"A"e4-ef|e4ce|\ "F#m"f4ec|e4Ac|"Bm"B4-Bc|"E"B4ce| "D"f4df|a4gf|"A"e4dc|"D"a4d2|\ "A"c4Ac|"E"B4A2|"A"A6 -|[1 A2c2e2:|[2 A2 z2| MP3: Download this MP3  If it […]

Hector the Hero

Key: D Form: Gånglåt (walking tune) ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (played slowly for learning, then up to speed) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: […]

Gånglåt In D (Unsetholmen Gånglåt efter Börjes Olle)

Key: Em (-ish) Form: Slip jig (three-part) ABC:  X: 1 T: The Butterfly R: slip jig M: 9/8 L: 1/8 K: Emin |:"Em"B2E G2E "D"F3|"Em"B2E G2E "D"FED|"Em"B2E G2E "D"F3|"C"B2d d2B "D"AGA:| |:"C"B2c e2f g3|"D/B"B2e g2e dBA|"Am"B2c e2f g2a|"C"b2a g2e "D"dBA:| |:"Em"B3 B2A G2A|B3 BAB "D"dBA|"Em"B3 B2A "G"G2A|"C"B2e g2e "D"dBA:| MP3: […]

Butterfly, The

Key: G Form: Five-Step Waltz ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Around The Garden

Key: D Form: Air ABC:  X:2011 T:Blind Mary R:Air C:Turlough O'Carolan (1670-1738) O:Ireland M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/8=120 K:D A|"D"d>d dc|"G"cB "D"A (F/G/)|A>B "Bm"AF|"A"E3 (F/G/)| ("D"A>f) (f>e)|("G"dB) "D"A(D/E/)|(F>G) ("A"E>D)|"D"D3|| (d/e/)|"D"f>g fB|"A"ec A(B/c/)|"Bm"d>D D(E/F/)|"A"E3 (A/G/)| ("D"F>G) "F#m"Ad|"Bm"f>e "G"d (D/E/)|("D"F>G) ("A"E>D)|"D"D3|] MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

Blind Mary

Key: D Form: Polska ABC:  X:49 T:Polska ur Petter Dufvas notbok (Ma6-49) R:Polska O:Verkelbäck, Småland B:Petter Dufvas notbok S:Petter Dufva N:Smus Ma6 bild 51 M:3/4 L:1/8 K:D Ad dd d2|Ae ee e2|fe/f/ gfed|edcB A2| Ad dd d2|Ae ee e2|fe/f/ gfed|ed/c/ d2 D2:| |:a2 gfed|g2 fedc|f2 edcB|edcB A2| Ad dd d2|Ae […]

Polska Efter Petter Dufva #53

Key: G Form: Slangpolska* ABC:  X:93 T:Poloness nr 93 efter Gustaf Blidström S:efter avskrift (låt nr 93 häri) av [[Personer/Samuel Landtmanson]] S:efter Gustaf Blidström R:Slängpolska O:Tobolsk, Ryssland / Skara, Västergötland B:Blidströms Menuetter och Polska Dantzar N:I Landtmansons samling (som detta är en transkription av) saknas korstecken i takt 5. M:3/4 […]

Polonäs nr 93 efter Gustaf Blidström

Key: A (Commonly also played in G) Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T:Haunted House, The T:Maguire's R:jig C:Vincent Broderick (1920-2008) H:Also played in G, #173 Z:id:hn-jig-347 M:6/8 K:A A2A BAB|cAF FEF|Ace fae|fae fec|A2A BAB|cAF FEF|Ace faf|ecB A2E:| |:Ace fae|fae fec|Acd ~e3|efe ecB|1 Ace fae|fae fec| Ace faf|ecB A2E:|2 A2A BAB|cAF […]

Haunted House, The

Key: A (Commonly also played in G) Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T:Haunted House, The T:Maguire's R:jig C:Vincent Broderick (1920-2008) H:Also played in G, #173 Z:id:hn-jig-347 M:6/8 K:A A2A BAB|cAF FEF|Ace fae|fae fec|A2A BAB|cAF FEF|Ace faf|ecB A2E:| |:Ace fae|fae fec|Acd ~e3|efe ecB|1 Ace fae|fae fec| Ace faf|ecB A2E:|2 A2A BAB|cAF […]

Haunted House, The

Key: G* Form: Song ABC:  X: 1 T:Carrickfergus C: M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G g2 g2 f2|e4 A4-|A2 B2 c2 d2|B3 A G4-|G2 G2 A2 B2| c4 E4-|E2 F2 G3 G|G8-|[1 G2 :|2 G2 d2 g2 a2|b8-| bgab c'2 b2|a3 f d4-|d2 dd g2 a2|b8-|bgab c'2 b2| a8-|a2 g2 g3 f|e4 A4-|A2 […]


Key: G* Form: Song ABC:  X: 1 T:Carrickfergus C: M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G g2 g2 f2|e4 A4-|A2 B2 c2 d2|B3 A G4-|G2 G2 A2 B2| c4 E4-|E2 F2 G3 G|G8-|[1 G2 :|2 G2 d2 g2 a2|b8-| bgab c'2 b2|a3 f d4-|d2 dd g2 a2|b8-|bgab c'2 b2| a8-|a2 g2 g3 f|e4 A4-|A2 […]


Key: Am Form: Reel ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (played slowly for learning, then up to speed) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image […]

Length of the Reed

Key: Am Form: Reel ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (played slowly for learning, then up to speed) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image […]

Length of the Reed

Key: Em Form: 9/8 slip jig? ABC:  X: 1 T: Cwrw Melyn R: slip jig M: 9/8 L: 1/8 K: Emin |:GAB BGE BGE|GAB BGE AFD|GAB BGE BGE|FGA AFD D3:| |:Bcd dBG dBG|Bcd dBG cAF|GBd dBG dBG|FGA AFD D3:| MP3: (played slowly for learning, then up to speed by Sarah […]

Cwrw Melyn (Golden Beer, Yellow Beer)

Key: D Form: Reel ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (played up to speed and then slowly for learning) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click […]

Hell Among the Yearlings*

Key: D* Form: March ABC:  X: 1 T:Scotland The Brave #2 C:Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 107.1 R:Polka L:1/8 M:4/4 K:Dmaj "D"D4 D3 E | "D"F2 D2 F2 A2 | "D"d4 d3 "G"d | "D"d2 A2 "D7"F2 D2 | "G"G4 B3 G | "D"F2 A2 F2 D2 | "E7"E4 […]

Scotland the Brave

Key: D Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T:Sarah's Jig C:Bob McQuillen M:6/8 K:D A,2|"D"DEF "A"EFG|"D"F2D DFG|"D"AFA "G"B2c|"D"d3 -d2A| "G"Bcd dcB|"D"A2d AFG|"D"A2d AGF|"A"E2F GFE| "D"DEF "A"EFG|"D"FDD DFG|"D"AFA "G"B2c|"D"d3 -d2e| "D"fgf "A"efe|"Bm"ded "F#m"cBA|"G"Bcd "A7"ecA|\ "D"d3 -d2|| |:e|"D"fgf fed|"A"ecA Ade|"D"fgf fed|"A"ecA A2G| "D"FGA "Em"GAB|"F#m"ABc "G"dcB|"A7"Agf edc|"D"d3 -d3:| MP3: (Played slowly for learning, then […]

Sarah’s Jig

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: Do you know a source of ABC notation for this tune?  Can you help? MP3: (Played slowly for learning, that up to speed) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers). Sheet Music: Click image […]

Drunken Man, The

Key: Edor Form: Andro ABC:  X: 1 T:On the Road to Kerrigouarch M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:100 C:Soig Siberil R:an dro O:Brittany K:Edor |:E2B2 B2AG|FED2 FGA2|E2B2 B2A2|FED2 A4|! E2B2 B2A2|FED2 F2A2|E2B2 B2A2|1 FED2 E4:|2 FED2 E2EF||! |:G2B2 e2de|B2e2 d4|e2d2 B2A2|FEFG A2EF|! G2B2 e2de|B2e2 d4|e2d2 B2A2|1 FEFG E2EF:|2 FEFG E4|| MP3: (Played slowly […]

On the Road to Kerrigouarch

Key: D Form: Reel or Welsh hornpipe ABC:  X: 7 T:Gower Reel T:Lumbers M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 C:Trad S:Collected by Maud Karpeles (1927) R:Welsh hornpipe A:Gower Peninsula, Wales Z: K:D A>B|A2F2 A>BA>B|A2d2d2c>B|A2F2A>BA>B|A2G2F2A>B|A2F2A>BA>B|A2d2d2e2|! f2a2 g>fg>e|d2c2d2:|| G2|F2 DEF2F2|EDCD EFG2|F2 DEF2F2|! EDCB,A,4|F2DEF2F2|EDCD EFG2|F2A2GFGE|D2C2D2:|| MP3: (Played slowly, then faster by Sarah Hotchkiss) Download this MP3  […]

Gower Reel, aka Lumbers