New Land Boys Polska, Low

Key: A

Form: Polska


T:Nylandspojkarnas nerifrån
T:Polska efter Nylands Erik
R:polska J
O:Bingsjö, Dalarna
A,2CE A4 c4 | e2a2 f2ed c4 | B4 B2c2 d2dB | EGBG A2AE C2EC |
A,2CE A4 c4 | e2a2 f2ed c4 | B3c d2fd c2ec | B2AG A8 :|
|: ABcd e2ae c2ec | ABcd e2ce a4 | Adfd Adfd Adfd | Acec Acec Acec |
Adfd Adfd Adfd | Acec Acec Acec | cdcB A4 E4 | A2A2 B2AB c4 |
B3c d2e2 f2a2 | gabg a8 :|


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Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Sweden

Notes:  All three New Land Boys polskas are Swedish in origin but played and discovered among Swedish immigrants to mainly Minnesota, USA.
