Scandi Jam Collection

Here be Scandinavian (mostly but not exclusively Swedish) tunes selected by members of a Swedish jam group in Montpelier, Vermont.  More tunes will be added to this listing from time to time, so check back often. (Correct Scandinavian spellings not guaranteed.)

Bison Polska
Enkronapolskan (Enkronaspolskan)
Gånglåt från Äppelbo
Jos sä olet minun hellunani
Josefins dopvals
King’s Wedding March (Leksands Brüdmarsh)
Långdans Från Sollerön
Över sjö och land
Polonäs nr 93 efter Gustaf Blidström
Polska Från Äppelbo
Polska From Mora
Polska In D From NW Dalarna
Polska in G (David Kaynor Went Running up the Stairs*)
Rørospols 2, aka Rørospolska
Schottische from Idre
Schottische In D and Dm (Schottis från Idre #2)
Troll in the Knitting Machine, the (Trollet i skäkten)
Troll’s Polska (Trollspolskan)


  • Did you notice that this site has no ads? Your donation will help keep it growing and advertising-free.
  • Background: I started this site about eleven years ago largely for my own convenience, but it quickly grew to be useful for a number of other musicians in my area.  Since then it has grown far beyond my original vision, with over 1,100 tunes posted and around 4,500 user sessions per month from more than 30 countries.  Until now I have built and maintained the site out of my own pocket but its increasing size and complexity is requiring more outside resources and costs; hence this appeal. So if this site is helpful to you, please consider a small contribution.