Key: G
Form: Waltz
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF:
> X:164 > T:Corrèze > S:Monique Lebossé (wife of Paul Marchand) via Éric Favreau > L:1/8 > Q:1/2=90 > M:3/4 > K:Gmaj > |:D GA |B2B2AB | G2 GA Bc | d2 de fg |1 d3:|2d4|| > |:ef | g2 gf ed | B2B2AB | c2cd ef | e/f/e d2ef | \ > g2 gf ed | B2B2AB | c/B/A FA DF |1 G4:|2 G3||
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Region: France
VFO spr21