Key: D
Form: Reel
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X: 1 T: La Belle Catherine R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:DD FA d(fed)|cc Ac BBGB|A>B A>G FAdf|gg (fa) ec d2:| |:M:6/4 (fa) (3aaa (fd)(ef) (gb) (3bbb|M:4/4 (fa) (3aaa (fd)(ef)|gbea fd dd| M:6/4 (fa) (3aaa (fd)(ef) (gb) (3bbb|M:4/4 (fa) (3aaa (fd)(ef)|g2 (fa) ec dd:| |:DD FA d(fed)|cc Ac BBGB|A>B A>G FAdf|gg (fa) ec d2:| |:DFA(F DF)AF|(DG)(BG) DGBG|DFA(F DF)AF|A,CE(C A,C)EC| DFA(F DF)AF|(DG)(BG) DGBG|A>B A>G FAdf|gg(fa) ec d2:|
YouTube: André Brunet and Martine Billette playing at an outdoor concert at the Goderich Celtic College, 2007.
Source: Trad.*
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Quebec
*Notes: As played by Louis Boudreault, AAABBAAACCAAABBAACCAAABB.
Jean Rhéaume sends this interesting explanation for the name Catherine in the title: “it is a Vielle fille, a girl who never found a husband. It is from the Holiday, La fête de la Ste-Catherine, specially dedicated to those women who never married and when we prepare the Ste-Catherine taffy.”