Key: Dm
Form: Reel
X:1 T: Fiddler's Moon T: Melody & Harmony C: ©David A. Kaynor, June, 2014 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 R: Reel V:1 K: Dm [V:1]|Ac |"Dm"dcAF "G"G2AG |"Am"FDCA, "F"CFAc | "Dm"dcAF "G"G2FG | "Am"Addc "Dm"d2"Am"fe | [V:2]|FA | AAFD D2FE | DA,A,A, A,DFA | AAFD D2FE | FAAA A2dc | [V:1]"Dm"dcAF "G"G2AG |"Am"FDCA, "F"CFAc | "Dm"dcAF "G"G2AG | "Am"FDEF "Dm"D2 : | [V:2]AAFD D2FE | DA,A,A, A,DFA | AAFD D2FE | FA,CD D2 : | [V:1]|:Ac |"Dm"defa "G"g2ag | "Am"fedc "Dm"dAAc |defa "G" g2ag | "Am"edcA "Dm"d2Ac | [V:2]|:FA |Acdf d2fe | dcAG AFFA | Acdf d2fd | cAGE F2FA | [V:1]"Dm"defa "G"g2ag | "Am"fedc dABc | "Dm"dcAF "G"G2AG | "Am"FDEF "Dm"D2:| [V:2]Acdf d2fe | dcAG AEGA | AGDD D2FE | DA,CD A,2 : |
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YouTube: If you know a source for this one, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune.
Source (if known): David Kaynor
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