Key: Em**
Form: Reel
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Italian Rant
X: 4 T: Italian Rant R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Emin |:EFGA B2B2|c2BA B2B2|A2AB G2G2|FEFG E4:| |:e4 d4|^cBcd B4|BcBA B2 B2|A3B G4|GABG A2 F2| FGAF G2 E2|EFGA B2B2|c2BA B2B2|A2AB G2G2|FEFG E4:|
Source: Trad.*
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Italy
*Notes: From “This tune is best known as La Mantovana, notated in (among other sources) Il Solaro by Gasparo Zanetti (fl. 1620s – 1645). John Playford included it in several publications, including later editions of The English Dancing-Master. The first section is also related to the principal theme from Smetana’s ‘The Moldau’ and the Israeli National Anthem ‘Hatikvah’.”
** The YouTube above appears to be in Dm.