Come (Let Us) Dance and Sing

Key: D

Form: Reel


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF:


X: 1
P: Come (Let Us) Dance and Sing
R: reel
Z: 1997 by John Chambers <>
B: Kennedy
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: D
A2 \
| "D"d2cd "A7"e2de \
| "D"f2d2 dedc \
| "G"B2e2 "E7"efed \
| "A7"c2A2 A2Bc \
||"D"d2cd "A7"e2de |
| "D"f2d2 dedc \
| "G"B2e2 "A7"dcBc \
| "D"d6 :: AG \
| "D"F2A2 "A7"ABAG \
| "D"F2A2 "A7"A3G |
| "D"F2A2 "Bm"d2f2 \
| "E(m)"edcB "A7"A2AG \
||"D"F2A2 "A7"ABAG \
| "D"F2A2 "A7"A2Bc \
| "D"d2de "G"gfed \
| "A7"a2A2 A2 :|

YouTubeIf you know a source for this one, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune.

Source (if known): Trad? Can you help?

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: England?
