Yearly Archives: 2015

Key: A Form: Jig MP3: As played by David Kaynor slowly for the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra’s Spring 2016 season: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) ABC: X: 1 T: Stan Chapman's Jig C: Jerry Holland M: 6/8 L: 1/8 Z: 1997 by John Chambers Z: […]

Stan Chapman’s Jig

Key: D Form: Jig MP3: As played by David  Kaynor for the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra’s Spring 2016 season: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) ABC: X: 1 T: an Honest Shaker O: from David A. Kaynor R: Jig S: N: "dance tune […]

An Honest Shaker

Key:  D Form: Reel ABC: X:239 T:Reel St. Etienne M:C| K:D Ad| "D"f2>f2 fgfe| dedc (3BcB Ac| "Em"e2>e2 efed | "A7"cBAG F2 Ad| "D"f2>f2 fgfe| dedc (3BcB Ac| "Em" efed "A7"cBAG |"A"FABc "D"d2:| |:AG | "D"FdAF dBAG | FdAF dfed | "A7"ceAc eAce | AecA B2 AG| "D"FdAF dBAG | FdAF […]

Reel St. Étienne

Key:  D Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Reel St-Joseph Z: M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D d2fd cdec | defd A2dc | B2gf edcB | AaaA aABc | d2fd cdec | defd A2dc | B2gf edcB |1 Afec d3A :|2 Afec d2Ad |: fdfa fdfa | aggf g3f | edcB Aceg | baag a3g […]

Reel St-Joseph (Reel de Bellechasse, La Bistringue)*

Key:  D Form: Reel First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Reel Levi

Key:  G Form: Reel ABC: X:1000 T:Marie, Sauce ton Pain M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G d2|:"G"gage "G/B"d2B2|"C"c2d2 "D"e2f2|"G"gage "Em"d2G2|"D"B2d2"G"G2z2| "G"gage "G/B"d2B2|"C"c2d2"D"e2f2|"G"gage "Em"d2 Bd|1 "D7"cAFA "G"G2d2:|2 "D7"cAFA "G"G2 DG|| |:"G"B3B "G/B"BBAG|"C"Eccc c2 BA|"G"GBBB B2 AG|"D"FADF A2 DG| "G"B3B "G/B"BBAG|"C"Eccc c2e2|"G"d2 Bd "D"cAFA|1"D7" GBAF "G"G2 DG:|2"D7" GBAF "G"G2d2|] MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download […]

Marie Sauce ton Pain

Key:  A Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Lévis Beaulieu M:4/4 L:1/8 K:A ed |: c2AA AcBA | FBAF E3A | BABc d2B2 | AAAc efed | c2AA AcBA | FBAF E3A | BABc dBed |1 c2A2 A2ed :|2 c2A2 A2ce |: a2ab a=ged | cAce a2ef | =g2ga ged=c | B=GBd […]

Lévis Beaulieu

Key:  D Form: Reel ABC:  X:158 T:Bastringue, La O:Quebec R:reel M:C| L:1/8 K:D |: "D"f2ff f2gf | "A"e2c2 "D"d2>d2 | "A"c2d2 e2fe | "D"d2e2 f2d2 | "D"f2ff f2gf | "A"e2c2 "D"d2A2 | "G"g2>f2 "Em"e2d2 | "A7"B2c2 "D"d2A2 :| |:"D"d2fd adfd | "C"=c2ec gcec | "D"d2fd adfd | "A"bgec dcBA | "D"d2fd […]

La Bastringue

Key:  D Form: Reel ABC: X:9426 T:Le Reel Des Jeunes Maries % Nottingham Music Database S:via PR M:4/4 L:1/4 K:D "D"DF/2A/2 F/2A/2d/2e/2|f/2a/2f/2d/2 Af|"A"g/2f/2e/2d/2 "A7"c/2A/2B/2c/2|\ "D"d/2c/2d/2e/2 f/2e/2d/2A/2| "D"DF/2A/2 F/2A/2d/2e/2|f/2a/2f/2d/2 Af|"A"g/2f/2e/2d/2 "A7"c/2A/2B/2c/2|\ "D"df dA:: "D"af/2d/2 A/2d/2f/2a/2|"A"g/2e/2c/2B/2 A/2c/2e/2f/2|\ "A"ge/2c/2 "A7"A/2c/2e/2g/2|"D"f/2e/2d/2f/2 "A7"e/2A/2d/2f/2| "D"af/2d/2 A/2d/2f/2a/2|"A"g/2e/2c/2B/2 A/2c/2e/2f/2|\ "A"ge/2c/2 "A7"A/2c/2e/2g/2|"A7"f/2d/2e/2c/2 "D"d2:| MP3: (Played by Susan Reid) Download this […]

Reel des Jeunes Mariés (the Newlyweds)

Key:  Ador Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Growling Old Man and Grumbling Old Woman T: La chicaneuse C: French Canadian M: C| L: 1/8 Z: Transcribed to abc by Mary Lou Knack R: reel K:Ador A,B, \ | "Am"CA,[A,E]A, CA,[A,E]A, | "G"B,G,[G,D]G, B,G,[G,D]G, |\ | "Am"CA,[A,E]A, CA,[A,E]A, |1,3 "G"B,G,[G,D]G, "Am"A,2 […]

Growling Old Man, Cackling Old Woman

Key:  G Form: Reel ABC: P:A GB|”G”dBcd “D”(3BcB Ac |”G”BB GB (3{\c}BBB GB |”D”A2 (3AAA AFAd |”G”BB GB “D”(3{\c}BBB GB | “G”dB{\B}cd “D”(3BcB Ac |”G”BB GB (3{\c}BBB GB |”D”A2 (3AAA AFAd |”D7″BdAF “G”G2 |:   P:B |:GB|”G”ggbg {\a}ggeg |”D”ffdf {\f}fedf |”Am”eA (3AAA “D/F#”AFAd |”G”BBGB “D” {c} BAGB | “G”ggbg {\a}ggeg |”D”ffdf […]

Reel Célina

Key:  D Form: Reel First notes in ABC: X:1 T:Reel de Cap Chat S:Tommy Duchesne M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Z:Steve Fry K:D a2 fa g2 eg|fedf eece|ddBd cBAc|BABc B2A2| a2 fa g2 eg|fedf eece|ddBd cBAc|1BAec A2z2:|2BAge A2 FE|| |:DFAc ddef|gece ddAd|BBGB AAFA|GFED EGFE| DFAc ddef|gece ddAd|BBGB AAFA|1GFEC D2 FE:|2 GFEC D4|| MP3: […]

Cap Chat

Key: D Form:  Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Scapa Flow C:James S C Johnstone, Orkney D:Parlophone E4070 (78rpm) Z:Nigel Gatherer M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D A2 | D3 E F2 A2 | G2 B2 A2 g2 | fedc BAGF | E2 A2 C2 A,2 | D3 E F2 A2 | G2 B2 A2 […]

Scapa Flow

Key: D Form:  Jig ABC: X: 1 T:Off She Goes M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D F2A G2B|ABc d2A|F2A G2B|AFD E3|F2A G2B|ABc d2e|f2d g2f|edc d3:| |:faf d2f|gbg e2g|faf d2f|ecA A2g|faf d2f|gbg e2g|f2d g2f|edc d3:| Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". MP3: Download this MP3  […]

Off She Goes

Key:  A Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 % T:Little Liza Jane [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel S:J.P. Fraley Z:Transcribed by John Brady F: K:A (3efg|:a2f2e3c|fecB A2 (3efg|a2f2e2c2|f3g f2 (3efg| a2f2e3c|fecB A2 (c2|c)BAF E2F2|1 A6 (3efg:|2 A6 A2|| |:(Bc2) (Bc3)A|B2 A4 A2|(Bc2) (B c)B A2|F6 E2| F A3 B3A|B c3 B3A|cBAF E2F2|1 A6 […]

Liza Jane (Poor Liza Jane, Goodbye Liza Jane?)

Key:  C or D* Form: Reel ABC: X: 15 T:McQuillen's Squeezebox % Nottingham Music Database S:Chris's Dad, via EF M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C EF |"C"G3/2A/2 "G7"GF|"C"EG "F"cA|"C"G3/2A/2 "G7"GF|"C"E2 DE|"Dm"F3/2G/2 FE|\ "G7"DG Bd| "C"c3/2d/2 "F"cA|"G7"GF EF|"C"G3/2A/2 "G7"GF|"C"EG "F"cA|"C"G3/2A/2 "G7"GF|\ "C"E2 DE| "Dm"F3/2G/2 FE|"G7"DG Bd|"C"c3/2d/2 "G7"cB|"C"cB "G7"cd|"C"e3/2f/2 "G7"ed|\ "C"cG "G7"cd| "C"e3/2f/2 "G7"ed|"C"c2 Bc|"Dm"d3/2e/2 fe|"G"dG […]

McQuillen’s Squeezebox

Key:  Am* Form: Waltz ABC: X: 1 T: Villiruusu (The Wild Rose) T: Inarin J\"arvi (Lake Inari) R: waltz Z: 1997 by John Chambers M: 3/4 L: 1/4 K: Dm |: A | "Dm"d2d | "A7"e2f | "Dm"d3 | A2d | "Gm"e2f | g2f | "A7"e3- | e2a || "Dm"a2f | […]

Wild Rose (Villiruusu)

Key:  D Form: Reel First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (Played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Fiddler’s Dream

Key:  D Form: Reel First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation. Can you help? MP3: (Played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Barn-Raising Reel, The

Key:  A Form: Reel First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (Played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged […]

Vernon Derrick’s Bounce

Key:  F or D* Form: ? (3/2 time) Can you help? ABC: X: 1 T: Beach Spring R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:GG|A2 G2 BB|AG E2 GG|E2 D2 EG|G4:| GB|d2 d2 ed|B2 G2 GB|d2 G2 B/A/G|E4 ed| B2 G2 BB|AG E2 GG|E2 D2 EG|G4|| MP3: (Played by David […]

Beach Spring

Key:  D* Form: Polka ABC*:  X: 1 T: The Hedgehog R: polka M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:D2|G2 G2|G2 AG|GFF^E|F2 DF|A2 A2|A2 dc|B2 G2|G2 GF| E2 E2|EGFE|E2 D2|D4|D2 FA|cAFA|G2 G2|G2:| |:B2|d2 dd|d2 ed|dccB|c2 D2|c2 c2|c2 dc|cBB^A|B2 GF| E2 E2|EGFE|E2 D2|D4|D2 FA|cAFA|G2 G2|G2:| |:e3 ^d|e3 d|cdcA|G2 E2|FGFD|B2 A2|GAGE|c2 c2| e3 […]

Hedgehog, the

Key:  G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:The Lucky Trapper C:Andy Dejarlis S:Doug Creighton Z: M:4/4 L:1/8 R:reel K:G D2 | G2BG DGBG | DGBG cGBG | A2AF DFAF | DFAc BGAF | G2BG DGBG | cGBG ABAG | FGAB cdef | gfga g2 :: d2 | g2ga gfed | eaab […]

Lucky Trapper

Key:  G Form: March (rag?) ABC: X: 1 T:Peacock Rag O:england S:Folk Camps, via EF M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G F/2G/2|"D"Af -f/2e/2d|"D"A2 ^GA|"G"Bg -g/2f/2e|"E7"B2 ed|"A7"ca -a/2e/2g/2e/2| "A7"fe Bc|"D"d/2c/2d/2f/2 -"G"f/2d/2B|"A7"AF G^G|"D"Af -f/2e/2d|"D"A2 ^GA| "G"Bg -g/2f/2e|"E7"B2 ed|"A7"ca -a/2e/2g/2e/2|"A7"fe Bc|\ "D"d/2c/2d/2f/2 -"A7"f/2c/2e| "D"d2 a^a|"B7"bb/2^a/2 b/2a/2b|"B7"a2 gf|"E7"ee/2f/2 ^g/2b/2g/2f/2|"E7"e3d|\ "A7"ca -a/2e/2g/2e/2| "A7"fe Bc|"D"d/2c/2d/2f/2 -"G"f/2d/2B|"A"A2 a^a|"B7"bb/2^a/2 b/2a/2b|"B7"a2 gf\ | […]

Peacock Rag

Key:  A Form: Bodapolska First notes in ABC: Can you help? MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". Midi: po-allakollor Source (if known): Traditional? Other Tunes in […]

Alla Kôllôr Uti Västanå

Key:  G Form: March? First notes in ABC: P:A V:1 |"D"D/2F/2 |"G"G3/2 D/2 G A|B2 d B/2c/2|d3/2 e/2 "D"d c|"G"B3 A/2B/2 |"Am"c A A3/2 B/2|A E E A/2G/2|"D"F E/2D/2 "Am"E3/2 D/2|"D"D3 "D"D/2F/2 |"G"G3/2 D/2 G A|B2 d B/2c/2|d3/2 e/2 "D"d c|"G"B3/2 G/2 A B |"Am"c A A3/2 B/2|"D"A D D "Am"E/2C/2|"D"D3/2 […]

JD Robinson of Brasstown

Key:  G Form: Polska First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by Susan Reid, David Kaynor and Pam Bockes) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music*: Click image to […]

Coffee Tune, Kaffelåten

Key:  Dm* Form: Schottiche ABC:  X: 1 T: Härjedalsschottis R: barndance M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amin |:D>C D>E F2 F>G|A>G B>G A2 A2|c>d c>B G2 (G2|G>)B d>A F2 F2| D>C D>E F2 F>G|A>G B>G A2 A2|c>d c>B G2 E>C|D2 D>C D4:| |:d>e d>B c>d c>A|B>d B>G A2 A2|D>C D>E […]

Härjedalschottische, or Härjedalsschottis

Key:  G Form: Jig ABC: X:1 T: Barb’s Piano C: David A. Kaynor 2014 M: 6/8 L: 1/8 R: Jig K: Gmaj |: D | “G” G2 G “D” AGA | “G” Bd2 d2c | BAG “D” A2F | “G” G3 G2D | “G” G2G “D” AGA | “G” B2d […]

Barb’s Piano

Key:  Em Form: Jig ABC: X:1 T: A Recent Fall C: David Kaynor July 2015 M: 6/8 L: 1/8 R: Jig K: G %---------- V:1 "Em"EFE EB,E | EFE EB,E | EFE G2A | B3 B3 | "Am"ABA AEA | ABA AEA |"Am"ABA ABc |"B7"B3 B3| "Em"EFE EB,E | EFE […]

A Recent Fall

Key: A Form: Reel First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor and the Pressley twins*) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. […]

Twin Delights

Key: D Form: Schottische First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Sjutti Johan, aka Sjutti Schottis

Key:  D and Dm Form: Schottiche ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Schottische In D and Dm (Schottis från Idre #2)*

Key: G Form: Polska First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Polska in G*

Key: D Form: Polska First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Polska In D From NW Dalarna

Key: Dm (sort of) Form: Polska First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, […]

Polska From Mora

Key: G Form: Reel? First notes in ABC: X: 1 T: Our Run C: David A. Kaynor 2015 R: Reel N: for Andrea Katz M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: G ef|:"G"g2dc BGAG|"D"FA D2D2 GA|"G"B2dB "C"cBAG|"D"FGAB A2 ef| "G"g2dc BGAG|"D"FA D2D2 EG|"Am"AEAG FDFC|1"D"EBBF "G"G2ef:|2"D"EBBF G2 eg|| |:"Am"a2ag aeeg|a2ag aeef|"Em"gfge BEGA|BEGA B2 […]

Our Run

Key: G Form: Waltz ABC: X: 4 T: Ookpik R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj L:1/4 (3D/E/F/|"G"G> F G/B/|"D"A G E/D/|"G"E G> A|G B d|"Em"e>d e/f/|ed B/G/|"G"B d>e|d2 B/d/| "Em"e>d e/g/|e d B/A/|"G"B d B/A/|"Em"G E D|"C"C> B, C/E/|"D"D F E/D/|"G"E G> A|G B d|| "Em"e B> A|B2 […]

Ootpik (or Ookpik) Waltz

Key: G Form: Hambo (and Song) ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation. Can you help? MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and […]

O Jenta O Ja (Å jenta å ja)

Key: D Form: Mazurka First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Mazurka From Östmark

Key: Em Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Rapide Du Joual Blanc R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Emin ^D2|EEB,E GGEG|BBGB e2ef|gfeg fedf|edB^c dBAF| EEB,E GGEG|BBGB e2ef|gfeg fedf|eagf e2:| |:ef|geBe geBe|gece gece|afdB ABdf|afdB A2ef| geBe geBe|gece gece|afdB ABdf|afdf e2:| MP3: (played by Stéphanie Lépine) Download this MP3  If it […]

Rapide du Joual Blanc, Le

Key: Am Form: Waltz First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. Does not work in Internet Explorer. Use a different browser.) Sheet Music: […]

Långdans from Dalarna

Key: Ador Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Hamish the Carpenter D:Boys of the Lough, Welcoming Paddy Home (1986) Z:Nigel Gatherer M:4/4 L:1/8 F: 2022-04-06 191215 UT K:Ador A2 GE GAgf | e2 dB de g2 | A2 GE GAgf | egdB AAAB | A2 GE GAgf | e2 dB de […]

Hamish the Carpenter

Key: A Form: Strathspey ABC: X:1021 T:Green Mountain Lasses B:AN C:Susan Reid Z:Jean Rhéaume R:Strathspey M:4/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4=120 K:A P:A "A"a4 e3d cA3a4 | "Bm"b3e ~e4 "E"b3 (3agfe3 | "A"a4 e3d cA3a4 | "D"f3d "E"ec3 "A"A4 A4 | "A"a4 e3d cA3a4 | "Bm"b3e ~e4 "E"b3 (3agfe3 | "A"a4 e3d cA3a4 […]

Green Mountain Lasses

Key: Gmix Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T:Four Potatoes C:Larry Unger M:6/8 L:1/8 K:Gmix D |:"G"G2G BAG | "F"ABc ABc |"G"B2G GDG| "F"F2D D2F| "G"G2G BAG | "F" ABc ABc |"G"dBG "F" cAF | "G"G2G G2z:| |:"F"f3 "C" e3 | "G"d2G GAB | "F" cAF FGA | "G" Bdc Bde| […]

Four Potatoes

Key: G Form: Waltz First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in […]

Fiskaresvalsen-(Fisherman’s Waltz)

Key: Amix Form: Strathspey ABC: X: 1 T:Father John MacMillan of Barra M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:1/4=80 Z: R:march K:AMix % lydian/major/mixolydian pentatonic, A-final DG-gap A>B|c2Be |c2BB|c2BB |A4 A2:| c<e|f2ee |c2BB |A4 A2:| [2 A>B|c2BB |A4 A2|| A>B|c<Acc |f2efee |c2BB|c<Acc |f2eB |A4 A2:| % major/mixolydian hexatonic, A-final G-gap c<e|f2e>f a>fe<f|f2A>c e3f|f2e>f a>fe<f|c2Bf […]

Father John MacMillan Of Barra

Key:  Dm Form: Schotticshe First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played bt David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click […]

Hintikan Matin jenkka, aka D minor Schottische*

Key: G Form: March ABC: X:1 T:Bridal March in G Major M:4/4 R:March C:Composer Unknown L:1/8 K:G Bc |: d3cB2AB |G3GA2B2 | c3BA2G2 | F6D2 | G3 F GABc |e3 d cBAG | B3AA2A2 | A6 Bc :|| |:d3c BGBd | g6f2 | e3d cBce |d6 B2 | c3A FAce […]

Bridal March in G*

Key: C Form: March ABC:  X: 1 T: Kers Lars Brudmarsch C: efter Knis Karl Aronssom, Dalama M:2/4 %Meter L:1/16 % F: 2022-04-14 232739 UT K:C G2 |:"C"G3c cdcB |c2cG E2G2 |"F"G3F FGFE |"Dm7"F6 G2 |"G"G3B d2de |d2B2 G3B | "C"d3c cdcB |c2cG EDEF |A3G GAG^F |G2AG EGce |"F"g3f fgfe […]

Kers Lars Brudmarsch (Bridal March In C)

Key: F Form: Waltz ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation. Can you help? MP3: (played by Susan Reid) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save […]

Blueberry Island Waltz, in F

Key:  D Form: Schottiche ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3*: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".    […]

Schottische from Idre (Schottis fran Idre)

Key:  G Form: Gånglåt (?) First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, […]

Fin-Olle’s Snoa

Key:  G Form: Gånglåt (?) First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, […]

Fin-Olle’s Snoa

Key:  Am Form: Reel* ABC: X: 1 T:Sitting Bull Reel (Am) C:Andy De Jarlis M:2/4 L:1/16 Z:abc by Bruce Osborne - email hidden; JavaScript is required K:Am ea2a abag|edeg a2e^f|gedc B2GA|BGAc B2A2|! ea2a abag|edeg a2e^f|gedc B2AG|EAAG A4:|! |:[A,2E2][A,E][A,E] [A,2E2]ED|EGAB c2BA|G2B2 D2GA|BGAc B2A2|! [A,2E2][A,E][A,E] [A,2E2]ED|EGAB c2A2|efed c2Ac|BAGB A4:|! MP3: Download this […]

Sitting Bull

Key:  Em Form: Reel? ABC: X: 1 T:WHITE BUFFALO C:Fatty Moran M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Em Q:120 V:1 clef=treble P:A |:"Em"E2 EF EDB,D|E2 EF EDB,E|"G"D2 DE DB,A,B,|DB,EB, DB,A,B, |"Em"E2 EF EDB,D|E2 ED EFGA|"Bm"B3 c BAGB|"D"AGED "Em"E4:|| P:B |:"G"Bc d2 d4|Bc d2 d4|"Am"A2 AB cBcd|"D"efed cBAG |"G"Bc d2 d4|Bc d2 d4|"Am"A2 AB cBAG|"Em"E2 […]

White Buffalo

Key:  D* Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: Calliope House M: 6/8 L: 1/8 R: jig K: Dmaj |dAA fAA|eAA fAA|Bee e2d|efe dBA|FAA A2F| A2B d2e|1 f2f fed|e3 e2A:|2 f2fedc|d3 efg| a2a faa|eaa faa|g2g fgf|efe dBA|FAA A2F| A2B d2e|1 f2f fed|e3 efg:|2 f2fedc| d3 d3| MP3: (played by Susan Reid […]

Calliope House

Key:  D Form: Waltz ABC: X:1 T:Debbie's Waltz C:Graham Townsend M:3/4 L:1/8 K:D D>E|"D"F3ED2|"G"E2D2B,2|"D"A,4-A,B,|A,4D>E|F3ED2| "B7"B2A2F2|"E7"E4-EF|"A7"E4DE|"D"F3ED2|"G"E2D2B,2| "D"A,4-A,B,|A,4DE|F2d3F|"A7"E3FE2|"D"D6|D2F2G2|| "D"A6|"G"B4c2|"D"d6|"G"c4B2|"D"AF-F4|"E7"E4D2|"A7"E6-|E2F2G2| "D"A6|"G"B4c2|"D"d6|"G"c4B2|"D"A2d7/F/|"A7"E3FE2|"D"D6-|D4|] MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". Link […]

Debbie’s Waltz

Key:  G Form:Polska ABC: X: 1 T: Polska Efter Båtsman Däck. R: mazurka M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:D>G BG|B2 B4|c>B A>G F>G|A2 A4| D>F AA|c2 c4|d>c B>A G>A|B2 B4:| |:e2 e>d c>e|d2 d>c B>d|c>B A>G F>A|G2 (3BGB d2| e2 e>d c>e|d2 d>c B>d|c>B A>G F>A|G2 G4:| MP3: Download […]

Båtsman Däck (Polska efter)

Key:  G Form: Waltz ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". Link […]

Theresa’s Waltz

Key:  G Form: Hambo ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Georg’s Hambo

Key:  A* Form: Gånglåt or Walking song ABC: X: 1 T:Gånglåt efter Skommar Far S:Efter [[!Pers Hans Olsson]] & [[!Anders Bjernulf]] S:Efter Skommar Far Z:Karen Myers (#2315) Z:Upptecknad 11/2003 M:2/4 L:1/16 R:Gånglåt K:A Ac |: e2ec e2a2 | efed c2Bc | d2dc B2B2 | efed c2Ac | e2ec e2a2 | […]

Gånglåt efter Skommar Far

Key:  D Form: ? ABC: X: 1 T: Angeline The Baker R: polka M: 2/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:d/B/|AB d>A|B d2 d/B/|AB d/B/A| B3 d/B/|AB d>e|fe d>e|fe dB|A>B A:| |:f/g/|af ed/e/|fe df/g/|af ed|B>B Bf/g/| af ed/e/|fe dd/e/|fe dB|A>B A:| MP3: (played by Sarah Hotchkiss) Download this MP3  If it […]

Angeline the Baker

Key: G Form: Reel ABC*: X:1 T:Johnstown Gals M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:Bayard - Hill Country Tunes (1944, No. 1B) S:Mrs. Sarah Armstrong (near Derry, Westmoreland County, Pa., 1943) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G D2|G3A B2G2|BcdB G2 Bc|d2 cB A2F2|AGFE D2 EF| G3A B2G2|BcdB G2 Bc|d2 cB A2F2|G4 G2|| (3def|g3fe2d2|BcdB G2 ef|gg f2e2d2|e2a2a2f2| […]

Johnstown Gals

Key: G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Mouth of the Tobique (3 parts) Z:Gregory R. Taylor" irtrad-l 2000-09-01 M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G (3DEF|:GF GA (3Bcd ed|Bd BA GB AG|\ AB AF DF AF|1 GA Bc d2 (3DEF:|2 GB AF G2 ef|| |:gf ga gd Bg|fd Ad f2 gf|ed cB AG FD|1 […]

Mouth of the Tobique

Key: D Form: Waltz ABC*:  X:1019 T:Forty and Counting B:AN C:Susan Reid & Pam Bockes Z:Jean Rhéaume R:Waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 P:A2.B K:D P:A A de | "D"f2 fe df | "G6"e2d2BA | "D"FAd4- | d3A de | f2 fe df | "G6"e2d2BA | "Asus"E2A2cd | "A"e3 A de | "D"f2 fe df […]

Forty and Counting

Key:  G Form: Gånglåt or Walking tune ABC: X:1 T: Gånglåt från Äppelbo % Image from % Transcribed from image by R.W. Lamparter, Selinsgrove, PA Sept 9, 2021 C: v1 C:Dalarna M:2/4 L:1/16 K:G Q:1/4=72 V:1 D2 | "G"G2(GD) G2B2 | d6 (Bc) | d2(dB) d2(de) | "Am"c2(cB) A2(AB) […]

Gånglåt fra Äppelbo

Key:  D Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: Thomas Leixlip The Proud R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj A|:d(f/e/)(d/c/) dAA|Afe fAA|d(f/e/)(d/c/) dAF|GAc d2 A| d(f/e/)(d/c/) dAA|Afe fAA|Bc/B/A/G/ A(B/A/)(G/F/)|GAc d2 A:| |:Add d2 (f/e/)|(d/c/) (d/e/) (f/g/) afd|gfe fed|AFA B2 (c/d/)| AFF BGG|AFd (B/A/) (G/F/) (E/D/)|AFd (B/A/) (G/F/) (E/D/)|EFA B2 […]

Thomas Lexlip the Proud

Key:  A Form: Reel ABC: X: 3 T: St. Kilda Wedding R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj A3B Afec|B/B/B cA F2EF|A3B Ace=g|1 f/f/f fg fefa:|2 f/f/f fg fefg| agab ae e/e/e|fgag f/f/f ed|cefg agfa|ecac B/B/B AB| eaag ae e/e/e|fgag f/f/f ed|cefg agfa|ecac B/B/B AB|| MP3: (Played by the […]

St. Kilda Wedding

Key:  A Form: Reel ABC: X: 4 T: Sandy MacIntyre's Trip To Boston R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj E2 CE A,ECE|Acef ecce|f2 af ecAc|dBcA BAFD| E2 CE A,ECE|Acef ecce|f2 af ecAc|dfec A2:| eA (3cBA ecBc|ABce f2 fa|eA (3AAA ecBc|efec B2 Bf| eA (3cBA ecBc|ABce f2 fg|agfe fgaf|ecdB […]

Sandy MacIntyre’s Trip to Boston

Key:  G Form: Waltz ABC: X: 1 T:Gentle Maiden #2, The C:Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 629.2-630.1 I:629 2 Z:Carl Allison R:Waltz L:1/4 M:3/4 K:G D | "G"G>A G | "D7"F E D | "G7"d3 | "C"e f g | "G"d>c B | "D7"(A2 G) | "Am"E3 | "D7"(E2 […]

Gentle Maiden

Key:  A Form: Double Jig (Quickstep) ABC: X: 1 T: Steamboat Quickstep C: R:Jig Q:180 K:A M:6/8 L:1/16 |:e2|a4e2 c4A2|A2c2e2 a6|a2g2f2 e2d2c2|B2c2d2 c2B2A2| a4e2 c4A2|A2c2e2 a6|a2g2f2 e2d2c2|e2d2B2 A4B2| c4e2 e2f2e2|e2f2e2 c4A2|d4f2 f2g2a2|f2g2a2 f4e2| c4e2 e2f2e2|e2f2e2 c4A2|a2g2f2 e2d2c2|e2d2B2 A4:| MP3: (Played by Gina Fehr) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click […]

Steamboat Quickstep

Key:  A Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 T: Three October Days C: David Kaynor R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: A |: "A"aec A2E | "D"FED "A"C3 | "D"DFA "E"EAB | "A"c3 "E"B2g | "A"aec A2E | "D"FED "A"C3 | "D"DFA "E"EAG |1 "A"A3 "E"efg :|2 "A"A3 A2E || […]

Three October Days

Key:  Em Form: Polka ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played slowly in rehearsal by the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To […]

Dollar Polka*

Key:  A* Form: Reel ABC*: X:1 T:Speed the Plow K:A cd|"A"e4 c4 | "E"BABd "A"cBA2 | "D"fefg "(Bm)"afed | "E"c2<B2 B2 cd | "A"e4 c4 | "E"BABd "A"cBA2 | "D"fefg "(Bm)"afed | "E"cB3 "A"A2:| cd|:"A"e2e2 "D"fedf | "A"ece2 "D"f3e | "D"fefg "(Bm)"afed | "E"c2<B2 B2cd | "A"e2e2 "D"fedf | "A"ece2 "(F#m)"f3e […]

Speed the Plough, (Old Time version)

Key:  D Form: Jig ABC:  X: 1 T:Haste to the Wedding #1 C:Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 231.3 I:231 3 Z:Carl Allison R:Jig M:6/8 K:D A | "D"AFA Agf | "Em"ede "A7"fdB | "D"AFA "Bm"AdF | "Em"GFG "A7"E2 A | "D"AFA Agf | "Em"ede "A7"fdB | "D"A2 g "A7"faf […]

Haste to the Wedding

Key:  G Form: reel ABC: X: 1 T: Nail That Catfish to the Tree C: Steve Rosen R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj DE |: "G"G2 BG AGBG | cGAG B2 BB | "D"ABAG F2 AB | AGFD (3EFE D2 | "G"G2 BG AGBG | cGAG B2 BG […]

Nail That Catfish to the Tree*

Key:  D Form: Jig ABC: X: 1 % T:The Green Cockade [1] M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:100 K:D D2FA2d|f2dA2F|GFGe2d|cBA GFE|D2FA2d| f2dA2F|GFGe2d|1 cBc d3:|2 cBc dcd| |:e2AF2A|f2dA2(f|g2)fe2d|cBA GFE|D2FA2d| f2dA2F|GFGe2d|1 cBc dcd:|2 cBc d3|| MP3: (Played slowly for learning by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save […]

Green Cockade, the

Key:  G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Possum up a Gum Stump [3] R: reel Z: 2008 John Chambers M: C| L: 1/8 K: G B,A, \ | "G"G,2G,A, B,A,G,B, | "C"CB,CD EFGE | "G"D2DE DCB,G, | "D"A,3B, A,2B,A, | | "G"G,2G,A, B,A,G,B, | "C"CB,CD EFGE | "D7"DEFG AcBA […]

Possum Up a Gum Stump

Key:  G Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T:Paddy on the Handcar B:CCDB version M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/8=200 K:G t=8 |: E/A/A/A/ AA/B/|c/B/A/B/ c/B/A/G/|E/G/G/G/ G G|E/G/G/G/ G G| E/A/A/A/ A A/B/|c/B/A/B/ c c/d/|e/d/e/f/ g/f/e/d/|cAA z:| |:TeaTea|e/d/e/f/ g/f/e/d/|TBgTBg|B/A/B/c/ d2| TeaTea|e/d/e/f/ gd|e/d/e/f/ g/f/e/d/|cAA z:| MP3: Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the […]

Paddy on the Handcar (also Paddy on the Turnpike)

Key:  A Form: Waltz ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by George Wilson?) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image […]

Pearls and Diamonds

Key:  A mix Form: Strathspey ABC: X:939 T:Sarah MacArthur's C:anon. O:Scotland R:Strathspey M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=192 % god that's fast! K:AMix scordatura [A,2E2A2e2 % the usual Cape Breton "high bass" tuning F| EF EG | F>D - (3DDF G>EF>D | EG F>GA>e |({f}g>)fe>d ca - (3aag f>(g (3a)af|({f}g>)fe>d cF | [1 […]

Sarah MacArthur’s Strathspey

Key:  D Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Reel Bijoux M: C| L: 1/8 R: reel K:D ag|:"D"fafd Adcd |"D#dim"Bdef "Em"g2gf|"A7"egec Acec|"D"defg "A7"a2 ag| "D"fafd Adcd |"D#dim"Bdef "Em"g2gf|"A7"e2 ce aece|1dfec "D"d2 "A+"ag:|\ [2 "A"dfec "D"dBAF || |:"D"D2FA dAFA|"G"BABc "D"dBAF| "D"D2FA dAFD|"Em7"E2CE "A7"A,ECE| "D"D2 FA dAFA|"G"BABc defg| "D"a2 fa "G"gfed|1 "A7"cABc […]

Reel Bijou (Reel Bijoux)

Key:  A dor Form: Strathspey ABC: X: 1 T: MacKinnon's Brook R: strathspey M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Ador B|"Am"AG E2 E>D|"C"ED C>DE<G|"Am"AB "C"c>de<a|"G"{ga}g>ed<B "Am"A2 A:| |:B|"Am"AB "C"c>de<a|"G"g>degB<G|"Am"AB c>de<a|"G"{ga}g>ed<B "Am"A2 A:| MP3: (played by George Wilson) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed […]

McKinnon’s Brook

Key:  G* Form: Waltz First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by David Kaynor) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click […]

Hymn to George Augustus Wilson

Key:  A mix Form: Reel ABC: X: 1 T: Anne McQuarrie's R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj ag|aA A/A/A =g2 fg|afec eAce|aA A/A/A =g2 fg|afec Befg| aA A/A/A =g2 fg|afec eAce|agfe fgaf|ecBc A2:| e2|A/A/A e2 A/A/A e2|fefg afec|A/A/A e2 A/A/A e2|fecA B2 B2| A/A/A e2 A/A/A e2|fefg agfe|fdfg […]

Anne McQuarrie’s Reel

Key:  A minor / C Form: Waltz First notes in ABC:  X:1 T:Partings C:David A. Kaynor, November, 2014 R:Waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 K:A minor / C | cB |: "Am"A3c BA |e6 |A3 c BA | e6 | "Dm"d3A FE | D6 | "Em"E3D EF | E6| "Am"A3c BA | e6 […]


Key:  Dm-Dorian Form: Slow Air ABC:  X:1 T:A Hard Fall C:David A. Kaynor, 2014 R:Air N:Intended as a slow air - DAK M:2/2 L:1/8 K:DDor |: A3/d/ | "Dm"f3/d/ (3faf "G"f3/e/ (3gbg |"Dm"a3/f/2d/A3/ F/D3/F3/A/ | "Dm"d3/e/ (3faf "G"(g2g3/)f/ | "A"e6 A3/d/| "Dm"f3/d/ (3faf "G"f3/e/ (3gbg |"Dm"a3/f/2d/A3/ F/D3/D3/F/ | "G"G2 G2 […]

Hard Fall, A

Key: D* Form: Polska ABC:  X: 36 T: Trollet i skkten O: Hlsingland Z:Transcribed to abcby Jon Magnusson 080430 R: Polska M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: D A,D DD FE/2D/2|EA, A,A, GF/2E/2|D/2E/2F/2G/2 A/2B/2c/2d/2 ef|ge/2c/2 c/2d/2A/2G/2 G/2F/2E/2D/2| A,D DD FE/2D/2|EA, A,A, GF/2E/2|D/2E/2F/2G/2 A/2B/2c/2d/2 ef|ge/2c/2 d4:|: a3/2g/2 f/2g/2f/2e/2 d/2e/2d/2B/2|AA GE/2G/2 F2|a3/2g/2 f/2g/2f/2e/2 […]

Troll in the Knitting Machine, the (Trollet i skäkten)

Key: Dm/G Form: ?? ABC:  X:1 T:Nos Galen T:New Year’s Eve M:C| L:1/8 R:Air O:Welsh B:Edward Jones - ”A choice collection of 51 Welsh airs” (1863, p. 39) N:Edward Jones (1752-1824) advertised himself as "harper to his late Majesty N:King George the Fourth, when Prince of Wales." Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:F […]

Hen Nos Galen

Key: Ddor Form: Reel ABC:  & X: 1 T: Hen Ferchetan R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmin |:d2 d2 A2 c2|=B=BAG A2 A2|DEFG A2 A2|AGFE D4:| |:d2 de f2 d2|e2 c2 d2 d2|d2 de f2 d2|e2 c2 d4:| MP3: (played by Sarah Hotchkiss) Download this MP3  If it […]

Hen Ferchetan (Old Spinster)

Key: A Form: March First notes in ABC: If you know a source, please contribute ABC notation using the suggestion form. MP3: (played by the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra, including a musical saw) Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions) Sheet Music: Click image […]

White Cockerel (Can y Ceiliog Gwyn)