Woodchopper’s Reel*

Key: D

Form: Reel

MP3: (Played slowly for learning by Gina Fehr. For up-to-tempo, check out the YouTube below.)

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 


Sheet Music in PDF: Woodchoppers_Reel


X: 1
T: Woodchopper's Reel
I: RJ R-73 D reel
M: C|
R: reel
K: D
"D"afdB AdFA | DFAd f2ef | "A"(3gfe cB Ace [1,3 g | a^gab a2f=g :|[2,4 c | "D"dfec d4 :|
"D"DFAd (3BdB AF | DFAd (3BdB Az | "A"A,CEA ceaf |[1,3 gfed cBAF :|2,4 (3gfe cA "D"d4 :|]


Source: Ned Landry

Other Tunes in Set

Region: New Brunswick, Canada

*Notes: Woodchopper’s Reel is AKA “Wood Chopper’s Breakdown,” “Pea Soup” (or “Reel de la soupe aux pois”), “Reel des bûcherons,” “Lumberjack”, “The Woodchopper”, “Woodchopper’s Hornpipe.”  Originnaly from New Brunswick, it has made it’s way into the New England dance repertoire and beyond.