Key: D
Form: Reel
MP3: Played by Susan Reid
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Wind – Barley
X: 1 T: 4. THE WIND THAT SHAKES THE BARLEY -- Reel R: reel N: #4 of Six Strathspeys and Reels arranged by W.B. Laybourn B: K\"ohler's Violin Repository, v.1, 1885 p.69 #1 F: Z: 2012 John Chambers <> N: Added missing dot to D in bar 14. Broke some long beams for readability. M: C| L: 1/8 K: D |:\ vA2AB (AF)DF | B2BA (Bc)dB | A2AB (AF)Df | (gf)ed (Bc)d[eB] :| vf2fd g2ge | f2fd (Bc)de | f2fd g2ge | (af)ed (Bc)de | f2fd g2ge | f2fd (Bc)de | (fe)fd (gf)ge | (af)ed (Bc)d"^Fine."B |]
Source: Trad.
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Region: Ireland