Key: D
Form: Reel
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P:A "F#"F4|"Bm"B2Bc d2e2 |fgfd B3f |"F#/C#"fgfd "F#"c3f |"Bm"fgfd B2F2| "Bm"B2Bc "A/C#"dcde |"D"fgfd "Bm"B3f |"F#"fgfd "F#/A#"cedc |1"Bm"B4 :|2 "Bm"B4"A7"A4 || P: B "D"[df8]fdf dfdf |"G"[Bg4]gBg "G#dim"[B^g4]gBg |"A"a3a a4- |"A7"a2g2 f2e2| "A"a3a a4- |"A7"a2g2 f2e2| "D"ffdf dfdf |"G"cfcf "A7"B2A2|"D"[df8]fdf dfdf |"G"[Bg4]gBg "G#dim"[B^g4]gBg |"A"a3a a4- |"A7"a2g2 f2e2| "A"a3a a4- |"A7"a2g2 f2e2|"D"d3A "A7"BAFA |1"D"d2z2 "A7"A4 :|2 "D"D2z2 |]
Youtube: (Dedicado à Jos starts at 3:18)
Source: Martin Racine
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Region: Quebec