Thomas Lexlip the Proud

Key:  D

Form: Jig

MP3: (played by Susan Reid and Leeds Brewer)

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".



X: 1
T: Thomas Leixlip The Proud
R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
A|:d(f/e/)(d/c/) dAA|Afe fAA|d(f/e/)(d/c/) dAF|GAc d2 A|
d(f/e/)(d/c/) dAA|Afe fAA|Bc/B/A/G/ A(B/A/)(G/F/)|GAc d2 A:|
|:Add d2 (f/e/)|(d/c/) (d/e/) (f/g/) afd|gfe fed|AFA B2 (c/d/)|
AFF BGG|AFd (B/A/) (G/F/) (E/D/)|AFd (B/A/) (G/F/) (E/D/)|EFA B2 (c/d/)|
AFF BGG|AFd (B/A/) (G/F/) (E/D/)|g>fe fdB|1 ABc d2 A:|2 ABc d3||


Source: Turloch Carolan, aka O’Carolan

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Ireland

Notes:  Thought to be from Turloch Carolan, but more likely derived from “lots of Baroque influenced tunes and songs from operas etc at the time from all over Britain and Ireland.” -Quoted from a post on by Michael Sam Wild.