Reel Africain

Key: G*

Form: Reel


Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF*: Reel Africain


X: 1
T:Reel Africain
C:Jean Paul Loyer
|: D3F A2FA | BABc ded2 | D3F A2FA | BAGF EGFE |
D3F A2FA | BABc ded2 | D3F A2GF | EGFE D4 ::
d2fd Adfd | Adfd edcA | B2BA BAGB | Afed cABc |
d2fd Adfd | Adfd edcA | B2BA BdcB | Afec d4 :|

YouTubeIf you know a source for this one, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune.

Source: Jean-Paul Loyer

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Quebec? Can you help?

*Notes: The ABC and sheet music above is in D while the MP3 audio file is played in G.