Key: C
Form: Reel
MP3: (Melody emphasis)
Audio PlayerDownload this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).
MP3: (Harmony emphasis)
Audio PlayerDownload this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).
Sheet Music* in PDF:
Pointe-au-Pic & ToTwentyMore, Melodies
Pointe-au-Pic & ToTwentyMore-harmonies
Pointe-au-Pic & ToTwentyMore-bass clef
X:821 T:Pointe au Pic C:anon. S:Nottingham Music Database F: M:4/4 L:1/4 K:C g/2e/2g/2|\ "C"dcBA/2B/2|\ G/2G/2G3/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "C"dcBA/2c/2|\ "G"B/2B/2B3/2g/2e/2g/2|\ dcBA/2c/2|\ "G"B/2B/2B3/2g/2e/2g/2|\ a/2g/2e/2g/2a/2g/2e/2c/2|\ "C"G2-G/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "C"dcBA/2B/2|\ G/2G/2G3/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "C"a/2g/2e/2g/2a/2g/2e/2c/2|\ "F"a3A/2B/2|\ "F"cB/2c/2"D"dc/2d/2|\ "C"e"Am"a2e|\ "G"gf2B|\ "C"c3B|\ "Am"A3/2B/2cd|\ e/2a/2a/2b/2a/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "Am"aa/2b/2a/2g/2e/2g/2|\ a/2a/2a2A|\ "G"G3/2A/2Bd|\ "G"g/2g/2g3/2e/2d/2e/2|\ "G"gg/2a/2g/2e/2d/2e/2|\ g/2g/2g2B|\ "Am"A3/2B/2cd|\ e/2a/2a/2b/2a/2g/2e/2g/2|\ "Am"aa/2b/2a/2g/2e/2g/2|\ a/2a/2a2a|\ "F"c'c'2a|\ "C"gg/2a/2"Am"g/2e/2c/2d/2|\ "D"e/2g/2e/2c/2"G"d/2c/2B/2d/2|\ "C"c2-c/2||
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set: To Twenty More*
Region: Quebec
*Notes: This reel and To Twenty More were arranged as a set by Peter Macfarlane and performed at the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra’s twentieth anniversary concert, December 2023.