Pinkie House

Key: D*

Form: Scottish pastoral


Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 










Sheet Music in PDF:
Mary Morison – Pinkie House Melody
Mary Morison – Pinkie House Harmony
Mary Morison – Pinkie House Cello


X: 1
T: Pinkie House
O: William McGibbon Coll.
R: strathspey
B: William McGibbon Collection 13
Z: John Chambers 
M: C
L: 1/8
K: G
G>A \
| "G"B>A Bd B2 A>G | d>B d>e d2 g>f | "C"e>d e/f/g "G"d>B A>G | "Am"A4- "D7"A2 ||
G>A \
| "G"B>A Bd B2 A>G | d>B d>e d2 g>f | "C"e>d eg g/a/b "D7"a>g | "G"g3 a g2 |]
f>g \
| "D"a>g a>b a2 ga | "Em"ba/g/ fg/e/ "B7"^d2 ef | "Em"g>f g>a "B7"f3 e | "Em"e3 f e2 ||
ef/g/ \
| "G"d>B A>G Bd "C"e/f/g | "G"d>B A>G "C"E2 "D"b>a | "Em"g>f ef/g/ "D7"A3 G | "G"G3 A G2 |]

YouTube: (NOTE: This version is played in G.)

Source: Trad., arr. Peter MacFarlane

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Scotland

*Notes: The ABC above, courtesy of JC’s ABC Tune Finder, is in G major and gives its form as strathspey.  I was not able to find A major ABC for this tune.
