Key: B flat (See Note below for guitar chords.)
Form: Waltz
MP3: (played by David Kaynor)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X:1 T:Olivebridge Waltz C:Andrea Katz 11/5/2008 Z:K. Kite, M:3/4 L:1/4 K:Bb "Bb"B,CF|B2c|"Eb"d2-"Bb"d|-d3/B/ c/d/|"Eb"e2d|"Cm"c2B|"Eb"G3|G"F"F/E/ D/C/| "Bb"B,CF|B2c|"Eb"B2-"Bb"B|-B3/A/ G/F/|"Gm"G3/A/B|"F"ABc|c3|c2"F7"d/e/| "Bb"fde|f3/g/ g/a/|"Gm"b3|"Bb"b2a/f/|"Eb"g3/f/d|"Cm"gfd|"F"c3|cde| "Bb"fde|f3/e/ d/c/|"Eb"BA3/F/|"Cm"G3|"Gm"G3/F/D|GFD|"F"C3|"Eb"B,2G,|]
Note on the ABC transcription: The ABC is transcribed based on the sheet music image above. It is unclear whether the B-flat chord in the 3rd and 11th measures is meant to be set on the third beat of the measure rather than the start of the subsequent measures. – Site Ed.
Link (Midi or Youtube): If you know a source, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune using the suggestion form.
Source (if known): Andrea Katz
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Region: USA
Notes: Guitar: To play in B flat, capo on 3rd fret, play in G chord positions.