Key: G
Form: Slide
MP3: (played by Pam Bockes)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Merrily Kissed The Quaker
X: 1 T: Merrily Kissed The Quaker R: slide M: 12/8 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:D|GAB G2B c2A BGE|GAB DEG A2A AGE| GAB GAB cBA BGE|GAB AGF G3 G2:| |:A|BGG AGG BGG AGG|GAB DEG A2A AGA| BGG AGG BGG AGG|GAB AGF G3 G2:| |:d|g2g a2a bag edB|g2g gab a2a agf| g2g f2f ege dBA|GAB AGF G3 G2:|
Source (if known): Trad.*
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Ireland?*
*Notes: Pam Bockes writes: “It appears to be of English and/or Scots origin. I found it interesting that it was found in the copybook of Henry Livingston, Jr., an early influential sort from Duchess County, NY, where he and his cousin, John Jay, were both associated with the NY assembly 1774-75 dancing season.”