Key: A or G*
Form: Waltz
MP3 (Melody emphasis)
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MP3 (Harmony emphasis):
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MP3 (Slow for learning):
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF:
ABC in A:
X:1 T:Margaret's Waltz C:Pat Shaw R:waltz M:3/4 N:Reproduced by kind permission of the EFDSS L:1/8 K:A c2|E3F AB|c4 c2|BA F2A2|B4c2|E3 F AB|c3de2|c4 B2|A4:|| cd|e3 f ge|a4 a2|fe d2f2|e4 cB|A3 B cd|e4 c2|BA F2A2|B4 cd| e3 f ge|a3gf2|e2d2c2|B4c2|E3F AB|c3d e2|c4B2|A4||
ABC in G:
X: 7 T: Margaret's R: waltz M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj |:B2|D3 E GA|B4 B2|AG E2 G2|A4 B2| D3 E GA|B3 c d2|B2 B2 A2|G4:| Bc|d3 e fd|g4 g2|ed c2 e2|d4 BA| G3 A Bc|d4 B2|AG E2 G2|A4 Bc| d3 e fd|g2 f2 e2|d2 c2 B2|A4 B2| D3 E GA|B3 c d2|B4 A2|G4||
Source: Pat Shuldham Shaw
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Shetland
*Notes: Probably composed in A, this tune is often performed in G.
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