Key: G*
Form: March
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X: 1 T:La Marche Au Camp M:6/8 R:Jig K:G G| "G"Bcd B2G | DGA BGA | "G" Bcd B2G | DGF "Em"E3 | "Em"EFG "C"DGF | EFG "G"BGG | | DGA "G"BAB |1"G"dBG "D"A2:|2 "D"cAF "G"G3|| |:"D"A2A ABc | "D"A2A ABc |"G" B2B BcB | "G"dBG GAB | "D"A2A ABc | "D"A2A ABc | "G"Bcd gdB | "D"ABA "G"G3:||
Source: Jean-Paul Loyer
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Quebec
*Notes: Thanks to Phil Schappert who writes, via the suggestion form: “I found Marche au Camp, [in] “Danse ce Soir: fiddle and accordion music of Quebec” by Laurie Hart & Greg Sandell…(tune #114, pp. 157)”. He notes that it is given there in the key of F.