Key: A*
Form: Shottis or Schottische*
MP3*: (Played by David Kaynor)
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as. (Detailed instructions)
Sheet Music*:
X: 1 %%NRChange 2020-01-27 T: Liten Lek C: Jonas \AAkerlund O: Sweden R: March M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K:A P: A |:E2 | "A"A2A2 F2 GA| "E"B2B2 G2E2|"A"c2 BA "D"dcBA|"E"B6 E2| "A"A2A2 F2 GA| "E"B2B2 G2Ed|"A"c2 BA "E"cBAG |"A"A6:| P: B |:cd|"A"e2e2 dcBA|"D"d2d2 "E"B2cd | "A"c2 BA "D"dcBA|"E"B6 cd| "A"e2e2 dcBA|"D"d2d2 "E"B2cd |"A"c2 BA "E"cBAG |"A"A6:|
Youtube: (Played by the composer on the bagpipes in A, its original key–less button-box-friendly, vs. the sheet music above, in D.)
Source: Jonas Åkerlund
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Sweden
*Notes: This tune suggested and contributed by David Kaynor. His playing and sheet music above are in D but the tune was composed in A, as he plays it in the video above.