Key: G
Form: Mazurka
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Sheet Music:
X:2 T:Irish Mazurka, The R:mazurka L:1/8 C:Syracuse session setting M:3/4 K:G DG|"G"B2 BA GB|d2 dB AB|"C"c2 ce dc|"D"(3Bcd g2 DG| "G"B2 BA GB|d2 dB AB|"C"c2 cA "D"FA|1 "G"G4:|2 "G"G3 g gf|] "C"e2 ce ce|"G"d2 dB AB|"D"c2 cA FA|"G"B2 Bg gf| "C"e2 ce ce|"G"d2 dB AB|"D"c2 cA FA|1 "G"G3 g gf:|2 "G"G4|]
Link (Midi or Youtube): This tune starts at about 2:14 in the video below.
Source: Traditional
Other Tunes in Set: A great four-mazurka set includes this tune, Sonny’s Mazurka, Francie’s Mazurka, and Tommy Peoples’ Mazurka.
Region: Ireland
*Notes: It appears that the Irish, in contrast to the Swedes who often don’t name their tunes at all, give a tune a bewildering variety of names. The Session website offers the following alternative names for this tune including those of at least two other tunes on this site:
Brogan’s, Charlie Lennon’s, Francie Mooney’s, Francis Mooney’s, Garrett Barry’s, The Hag With The Fiddle, Hugh Gillespie’s, Johnny Doherty’s, Ó Brógáin’s, The Old Donegal, Old Joe’s, Phroinsias’, The Polka, The Polka-(Mazurka), The Polka-, Sonny Brogan’s, Sonny Ó Brógáin’s, Sonny’s, Vincent Campbell’s.
Also, the sheet music above varies somewhat from the way we know it as played in the MP3.