Karen’s Kitchen

Key: “G minor-ish*” Can you help?

Form: schottische


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Sheet Music*: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".



capo 3 guitar chords*







Sheet Music in PDF (melody): Karen’s Kitchen


X: 3 
T: Karen's Kitchen 
C: David Kaynor 
M: 4/4 
Z: Transcribed to abc by Ken Pollard 
R: slow reel 
K: Gm 
|: D |"Gm"GGG F/E/ | DDD B/c/ |"Bb" d d "Cm"c B/c/|"D"d3 D| 
"Gm" GGG F/E/|DDD d/c/|"Cm"B A/G/ "D"A ^F| "Gm" G3 :|| 
d|"Gm" ggg f/=e/|"F"fffe/d/|"Eb"eeed/c/|"Bb" d2d2| 
"Cm"c>B "Dm"A A|"Bb"B/c/ B/A/"Gm"G d/c/|"Cm"B A/G/ "D"A ^F |"Gm" G2 G d| 
"Gm" ggg f/=e/|"F"fffe/d/|"Eb"eeed/c/|"D" d2d2| 
"Cm"c>B "Dm"A A|"Bb"B/c/ B/A/"Gm"G d/c/|"Cm"B A/G/ "D"A ^F |"Gm" G2 G2|]


Source (if known): David Kaynor

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: USA

*Notes: For guitar, this tune may be easier to play with a capo on the third fret and C chord positions (-ish).

This tune in Along the River, Susan F. Conger, ed., includes this comment by David “One classic, cold, drizzly, foggy, March mud-season afternoon in the early 1980s, a perfectly dignified get-together of women of the Wake Robin morris team devolved into schottische dancing in the big kitchen of the ancient North Leverett house where Karen Blom lived. Perched on a countertop, I played every schottische I knew and then, improvising, created this.”

* A site visitor noted that “Oddly two of the sheet music images [above] show a repeat sign at the beginning of the B part but not at the end. When there is no repeat sign at the end of the section it makes the one at the beginning of the section meaningless and confusing, a mistake. I think people will understand that the tune is 16 bars A part, 16 bars B part.”