Key: F
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Played slowly for learning by Pascal Gemme:
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)
Played up to speed with ornamentation by Pascal Gemme:
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T: Wiliam Tremblay's Dream R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Gmaj [M:3/2]|dc|[M:2/2] BG G2 FGAB|c3 d cBce|d3 e dcBd| cBAc BAGB|[M:3/2] AFDF AGGF G2:| df|g2 dg Bgdg baa^g|a2 ea caea c'aaf|[M:2/2] g2 dg Bgdg| bagf gedB|cBAc BAGB|[M:3/2] AFDF AGGF G2:|
Source: Trad.
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Region: Québec
*Notes: The above ABC is in G, rather than the F that Pascal plays it in.