Carpathian Tune, The

Key: Gm or Em*

Form: Reel


MP3 (Gm): 

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

MP3 (Em):

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDFCarpathian Tune, The

X: 1
T:Carpathian Tune
S:String Beings 11/98
N:From a hand-scribbled MS ...
"Gm"GABc d2d2 | "(A7)"^c2c2 "(D7)"d4| "Gm"BAG2 A2B2 | "D"A4-A4 |
"Gm"GABc d2d2 | "(A7)"^c2c2 "(D7)"d4 | "Gm"BAG2 A2B2 | "Gm"G4-G4 :|
|: "Cm"(3cdcG2 (3cdcG2 | "Gm"(3BcBG2 (3BcBG2 | "Cm"(3cdcG2 c3d | "D7"BcAB "Gm"G4|
"Cm"(3cdcG2 (3cdcG2 | "Gm"(3BcBG2 B2c2 | "D7"d6 de | d2c2 B2A2 :|


Source (if known): Trad?

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: ?? The Carpathian Mountain range traverses several countries in eastern and central Europe.

*Notes: This tune is commonly played in Em or Gm.  The MP3s above are in both keys.  The YouTube is in Em.  The ABC and sheet music in Gm.