Key: A
Form: Reel
MP3 (Slow for learning):
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).
MP3 (Melody emphasis):
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).
MP3 (Harmony emphasis):
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF:
BoysMalin-Low Harmony
X: 1 T: the Boys of Malin S: Fiddle Hell 2018 class by Don Roy R: reel M: C| L: 1/8 K: A |:\ ("A"uAB)cd eAce | "D"fAdf "A"edc(uB | AB)cd "F#m"eAce |\ [1 "Bm"fdBc "E7"d2(ucB) :|[2 "Bm"fdBc "E7"defg |] "A"aA (3vAuAvA vcAce | aAag "D"fefg | "A"aA (3vAuAvA "F#m"vcAce | "Bm"dcBc "E7"defg |\ "A"aA (3vAuAvA vcAce | "A7"aAag "D"f2(ufg) | afge fdec | "E7"dfBc d2(ucB) |: "A"Aece Aece |\ Aece "D"d2(ucB) | Aece Aece | "Bm"fdBc "E7"d2(ucB) :|
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Ireland
*Notes: The ABC above lacks the coda in Peter Macfarlane’s arrangement sheet music above.
VFO spr21