Key: D
Form: Jig
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X: 1 T: Aunt May's Canadian R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:A|f2 f f>ga|d2 d dcB|ABA A>GF|E3- E2 A| e2 e e>fg|e2 d c2 B|1 A2 A A>BA|F3- F2:|2 ABA ABc|d3- d2|| |:B|AFA faf|e2 d c2 B|AF/G/A BcB|A2 G G3| GEG ege|d2 c c2 B|1 A>BA A^G=G|F3- F2:|2 ABA AA/B/c|d3- d2||
Source: Mrs L. Dolman(?)
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Variously thought to be England, Ireland, Cape Breton, Quebec, etc.