Westphalia Waltz

Key: G

Form: Waltz

MP3: (Played by Gina Fehr)

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF: Westphalia Waltz


T:Westphalia Waltz
DEF|:G4A2|B4e2|(d6|d3) DEF|G4 A2|B4c2|
(A4 A)B|A4G2|F4G2|A4g2|(f4 f)g|f4 e2|d3 ^cde|
|1 d2^c2=c2|(B4 B)c|B3 DEF:|2 d2F2A2|G6|G2B2d2||
|:g6|f6|e2f2g2|B6|(3BcB A2G2|(3BcB A2G2|
c3 Bcd|c6|e6|e6| e2f2g2|f4e2|d3 ^cde|
|1 d2^c2=c2|(B4 B)c|B4d2:|2 d2F2A2|G6|G3||

YouTube: (Note: This is a slightly different and more ornamented version, played with more “swing” and perhaps a Texas accent.)

Source: *

Other Tunes in Set

Region: Texas?*

*Notes: Megan Lynch Chowning, the fiddler in the YouTube above, comments about this tune, “…a tune of dubious origins. This is the Westphalia Waltz…. Is it an old Polish folk tune? Did Texas fiddler Cotton Collins write it? Did he learn it in Germany and then call it his own! Did he in fact steal it from Vince Icadona of Dallas? And why is it considered a tune of the Ozarks? So much intrigue…”