Key: G
Form: March?
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X: 1 T:Waynesboro M:2/2 L:1/8 K:G "G"DEGA B2 d2|edgd edBA|"Am"E(A A)B AGED|EGAB "D"A2 (D2| "G"D)EGA Bdef|gfga gedB|"C"ABGA "Am"BGAG|1"D"E(G G)A "G"G4:|2"D"E(G G)A "G"G2||:ga| "G"b2 bg "D"a2 af|"C"gage "G"dB A2|"Am"e(a a)(a a)b ag|(3efg) ab "D"a2 g a| "G"b2 bg "D"a2 af|"C"gage "G"dB A2|"C"ABGA "Am"BGAG|1"D"E(G G)A "G"G2:|2 "D"E(G G)A "G"G2||
Source: Trad, old-time
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA (and Ireland. See Note below)
Notes: An Irish tune originally, Over the Moor to Maggie, including a third part not usually played with this old-time version. See