Key: D
Form: Waltz
MP3: (Played by Gina Fehr)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T: Waltz From Orsa M: 3/4 L: 1/8 R: waltz K: Dmaj |A4 A2|B2 AG FA|d4 d2|d2 cA de|f4 a2|a2 gf ed|Ac eg fe|d2 Bd BG| A4 A2|A2 BA FA|d4 d2|d2 cA de|f4 a2|a2 gf ed|Ac eg fe|1d4 DF:|2d4 a2|| |:b2 gb gb|a2 fd fa|a2 g2 ec|A2 Ad fa| b2 gb gb|a2 fd fa|a2 g2 ec|1d4 a2:|2d4 A2|| |:A2 d2 g2|f2>e2 d2|d2 gb gb|a2>f2 d2|de =f2=f2|e4 =c2|=c2 Bd BG| A4 A2|A2 d2 a2|g2>f2 g2|A2 d2 f2|e2>d2 e2|AB c2 d2|B2>A2G2|AB AG EC|D4 D2:|
Youtube: (Turn up your volume for this one; it was recorded very softly.)
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Sweden (often played by Irish bands)
Notes: Orsa Municipality (Orsa kommun) is a municipality in Dalarna County in central Sweden. Its seat is located in the town of Orsa. See Wikipedia.