Key: D
Form: Waltz
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Sheet Music:
P:AA df |"D"a3b af | d3e fd | AB cd cB | "A"c3e ef |"Em"g3a bg | "A"e3f ed | cA Bc de | "D"fd cB "A7"BA |"D"a3b af | d3e fd | AB cd cB | "A"c3e ef |"Em"g3f ed | "A"c3e cB | "A7"AB cd ef |1 "D"d3 :|2 "D"d3 A df ||P:B|: "D"b4a2 | f4-fA | AB cd ef | "Em"g4-gA | "A"AB cd ef |"Em"gf ed cB |1 "A7"AB cd ed | "D"fd dA df :|2 "A7"AB cd ef | "D"d3 |]
Youtube: If you know a source for this one, please contribute a link to a midi or YouTube on the Web for this tune using the suggestion form.
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Quebec