Valse Des Pastouriaux, La

Key: G

Form: Waltz


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X: 1
T: La Valse Des Pastouriaux
C: Jackie Molard
N: Played both as a waltz and a jig
D: Fest-Noz by Pennou Skoulm
D: Pennou Skoulm by Pennou Skoulm
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
R: waltz
K: G
D2 \
| ~G3  A Bc | de dc BG | c2 cB AG | AB AF D2 |
| ~G3  A Bc | de dc BG | cB AG FG | A4 :|
|: d2 \
|  ed eg fa | ~g3 d BG | cB AG FG | A2 ag fd |
|1 ed eg fa | ~g3 d BG | cB AG FG | A4 :|
|2 e2 eg fa | ~g3 d BG | cB AG DF | G4 |]


Midi: Pastotiaux

Source: Jackie Molard (copyright)

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: France?

