Key: D
Form: Reel
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Sheet Music in PDF: Union St Session
X: 1 T: Union Street Session R: reel M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj |:c|d2 AG F2 DF|EA,A,2 GFED|F2 AF GABd|AEE2 cdec| d2 AG F2 DF|EA,A,2 GFED|F2 AF GABd|AEE2 FDD:| |:c|d2 fd gdfa|eA A/A/A cdec|d2 fd g2 fg|aeeg (3fga ec| d2 fd gdfa|eA A/A/A cdeg|f2 ed e2 cd|e2 dc d2 A:|
Source: Paul Cranford
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Canada, Cape Breton
Notes: According to a post on, “the title was named for a session at Kyle MacNeil’s house. Kyle is a member of the Barra MacNeils [of Cape Breton] and used to live on Union Street.”