Key: A
Form: Reel
MP3: (played by David Kaynor and the Pressley twins*)
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X:1 T:Twin Delights C:David A. Kaynor C:July, 2014 R:Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 K:A V:1 |:"A"(A2A)Bc4|EAAB cAA2|EAce "F#m"f2ec|"Bm"dBcA "E"BEE2| "A"(A2A)Bc4|EAAB cAA2|"D"Bcde fAeA|"E"dBed "A"cAA2:| "E"Beee geee|Bege bege|Beee gefg|"D"afed "A"cAAc| "E"Beee geee|Bege bege|"D"fefg afec|"E"dBed "A"cAA2| "E"Beee geee|Bege bege|Beee gefg|"D"afed "A"cAAc| "E"Beee geee|"D"afed "A"cABc|"D"dcde f3e|"E"dBed "A"cAA2|] V:2 |:(E2E)GA4|CEEG AEE2|CEAcd2cA|BFAF GB,B,2| (E2E)GA4|CEEG AEE2|FABc dEcE|BGcB AEE2:| GBBB eBBB|GBeB gBeB|GBBB eBde|fdcB AEEA| GBBB eBBB|GBeB gBeB|dcde fdcA|BGcB AE[E2C2]| GBBB eBBB|GBeB gBeB|GBBB eBde|fdcB AEEA| GBBB eBBB|fdcB AEGA|BABc d3c|BGcB AE[E2C2]|]
Source: David Kaynor
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Region: USA
*Notes: Composed by David Kaynor for twins Katie and Corie Pressley.