Key: D, A, G
Form: Polka
MP3: Do you or your friends play this tune? Please contribute a non-copyrighted recording (smartphone jam recording or equivalent is fine). Meanwhile, check out the YouTube below.
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". To download, right-click in enlarged image and “Save as…”.
Sheet Music in PDF:
X:1 T:Svend Madsbøls Polka nr. 1 (aka Hurrapolka) C: Trad. Thy, Danmark R:Polka (play AA BB CC) +A al Fine S: M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D |:"D"f/g/f/e/ fd|adfd|"A"ee/f/ gg|"D"f/e/f/g/ aa|f/g/f/e/ fd|ad fd|"A"ee/f/ gf/e/|"D"df "Fine"d2:|| K:A |:"A"c/d/e c/d/e|fe e/#d/e|"E"be e/#d/e|"A"c'a a/g/a|c/d/e c/d/e|fe e/#d/e|"E"be e/f/g|"A"aaa2:| K:G |:"G".b2"D".a2|"G"ggB2|gg "D"ff|"C"ec c/B/c|"D".a2"Am".g2|"D"ffA2|ff ee|"G"dB B/A/B| "G".b2"D".a2|"G"ggB2|gg "D"f=f|"Am"ea a2|"Am"c'a a/^g/a|"G"bg g/f/g|"D"af f/e/f|"G"gb g2:|]
YouTube: The tune sequence played in this video is AA+BB+A+CC
Source: Trad.
Region: Denmark
Notes: Notation from