Key: G
Form: Waltz
MP3: (Played by Rebecca Weiss and Rebecca Hollingsworth)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: Stephan and Lori
X:1 T:Stephan and Lori C:David A. Kaynor February 2021 M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G |: BA| "Em"G2E2ED| B,2E2BA | G2E3D|E3B cB| "Am"A2E3D| E3B cB |1"Am"A3E FG | "B7"F4:|2"D" A3 G "Am"FE|"D"ED D2 B,C || "G"sD3G FG | D3G FG | "Am"E3A GA |E4E2 | "D"F3d ^cd|"G"G3 d ^cds| "Am"e3f ed | "D"d4D2 | |:"C"E2c3E | E2 c3-E|"G" D2B3 A| B4D2 | "C"C2A3C | "G"B,2G3G | "D"FD D2GF | "G"G6 :|
Source: David A Kaynor
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA, New England
Notes: Composed in 2021 by David Kaynor on an eye gaze computer using EasyABC while dealing with ALS. David says: “This is a musical affirmation of love and support for two people who have really made a difference in our world. Stephan and Lori liked to waltz at my Friday night Greenfield dance, so a waltz seemed right for my tribute to them when they had to confront some terribly rugged news. It’s unusually phrased AABCC, but I hope it’s easy on the fingers and the ears.”