Key: Em
Form: March
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF:
X:19066 T:Staines Morris T:Then Away to the Maypole R:March C:Trad. Playford 1651 O:England; Staines Z:Paul Hardy's Session Tunebook 2024 (see Creative Commons cc by-nc-sa licenced. M:2/2 L:1/8 Q:1/2=60 K:Em "Em"B2 e2 "A"^c2 "B7"^d2|"Em"e2 dc B3 c|"G"dedc B2 AG|"Bm"FEFG "Em"E4:| "Em"GABc B2 AG|"Bm"FEFG "Em"E4|GABc B2 AG|"Bm"FEFG "Em"E4|| |:"G"G2 GG D2 D2|"Em"EFGA B3 c|"G"dedc B2 AG|"Bm"FEFG "Em"E4:|
Source: Trad. Playford* 1651
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: England
Notes: There seem to be dozens of versions of this tune, in several keys, minor, major and dorian. See This page on JC’s ABC Tune Finder.
*I’m told that Playford is a British term meaning what North Americans know as English country dance.
We play the three parts AABCC.