Spotted Pony

Key: D

Form:  Barndance


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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".


with low accompaniment

harmonized low

harmonized high








Sheet Music in PDF:

Spotted Pony
Spotted Pony (with low accompaniment)
Spotted Pony (Harmonized Low)
Spotted Pony (Harmonized High)


X: 1
T: The Spotted Pony
R: barndance
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
|:D2DD E2EE|F2AF G2FG|1 ABde f2ed|f2a2 e4:|2 ABdA Bd2B|AFE2 D4||
|:f2af e3e|efed B4|ABde f2ed|f2a2 e2de|f2af e3e|
efed B4|1 A2BAd3A|BAF2 E4:|2 ABdABd2B|AFE2 D4||


Source: Traditional, arranged by David Kaynor

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: American, Old-Timey

Notes: Some folks prefer to start this with the B part first.
