Sonny’s Mazurka

Key: D

Form: Mazurka

MP3: (Played by Susan Reid)

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music:  



X: 1
T: Sonny's
R: mazurka
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
K: Dmaj
|:DF|A2 AG FA|d2 dA BA|G3 B AG|FA EA DF|
A2 AG FA|de dA BA|G3 g fe|d4:|
|:Ad|f2 fa gf|e2 eg fe|d2 df ed|cd Bd Ad|
f2 fa gf|e2 eg fe|d2 df ec|d4:|

Youtube: (And as a bonus, Tommy People’s Mazurka and Silver Spear follow in this video.)

Source: Traditional

Other Tunes in Set: A great four-mazurka set includes The Irish, this tune, Francie’s Mazurka, and Tommy Peoples’ Mazurka.

Region: Ireland
