Key: A
Form: March (4 part)
MP3: (Played slowly for learning by Gina Fehr)
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X: 1 T: Siege Of Delhi R: march M: 4/4 L: 1/8 K: Amaj |AB|:c4 c2e2|eAfA e2AB|c4 c2e2|{f}a2ec B2AB| c4c2e2|eAfA e2AB|c2ae fded|c2A2 A2AB:| |:c4 c2e2|d4 d2f2|c4 c2e2|{f}a2ec B2AB| c4 c2e2|d4 d2f2|c2ae fded|1 c2A2 A2AB:|2 c2A2 A2g2|| |:a2af e2ec|A2Ac e2AB|c4 c2e2|{f}a2ec B2g2| a2af e2ec|A2Ac e2AB|c2ae fded|1 c2A2 A2g2:|2 c2A2 A2AB|| |:c4 c2e2|fdad fdad|c4 c2e2|{f}a2ec B2AB| c4 c2e2|fdad fdad|c2ae fded|c2A2 A2AB:|
Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet music in PDF: Siege_of_Delhi
Source: Traditional (pipe tune)*
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Scotland
*Notes: A comment on about the tune’s origin goes, “I’ve long suspected it was written by a gentleman piper of the officering class, hence the lack of attribution.”