Key: G
Form: Reel
MP3: (played by David Kaynor)
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MP3: (played slowly for learning by Sarah Hotchkiss and John Mowad)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T:Shove That Pig's Foot a Little Further in the Fire L:1/8 R:reel M:C| K:G GA \ |: "G"BdBA G2E2 | "C"GAGE "G"D4 | DEG2 B3c | "D"B2 A4 GA | "G"BdBA G2E2 | "C"GAGE "G"D4 | DEG2 B3G | "G"A2 G4 GA :| |: "G"Bd-d2 dBdg | "C"edBc "G"d4 | "C"g4 g3d | "d"e2 d4 dd | "G"Bd-d3dBdg | "C"edBc "G"d4 | BABc "D"BAGB | "G"A2 G4 GA :|
Source: Traditional
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA
Notes: From a comment on “Further research shows that a “pig’s foot” is a blacksmith’s tool that looks like a crowbar used to hold a small piece of pig iron.”
VFO 14-4