Scotland the Brave

Key: D*

Form: March

MP3(played in G  by Art Edelstein)

Download this MP3  If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions for different browsers).

Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF: Scotland_The_Brave


X: 1
T:Scotland The Brave #2
C:Joe Buchanan's Scottish Tome - Page 107.1
"D"D4 D3 E | "D"F2 D2 F2 A2 | "D"d4 d3 "G"d | "D"d2 A2 "D7"F2 D2 |
"G"G4 B3 G | "D"F2 A2 F2 D2 | "E7"E4 A3 B | "A7"A2 G2 F2 E2 |
"D"D4 D3 E | "D"F2 D2 F2 A2 | "D"d4 "G"d3 c | "D"d2 A2 "D7"F2 D2 |
"G"G4 B3 G | "D"F2 A2 F2 D2 | "E7"E4 "A7"D3 D | "D"D8 |
"A7"e4 e3 e | "A7"e2 c2 A4 | "D"d4 "G"f2 e2 | "D"d2 B2 A4 |
"Bm"d4 d3 d | "F#m"c4 d2 c2 | "E7"B2 d2 c2 B2 | "A7"A2 G2 F2 E2 |
"D"D4 D3 E | "D"F2 D2 F2 A2 | "D"d4 "G"d3 d | "D"d2 A2 "D7"F2 D2 |
"G"G4 B3 G | "D"F2 A2 "Bm"F2 D2 |"Em" E4 D3 D | "D"D8 |

YouTube: (Not exactly the same version, but too cool not to post here.)

Source: Trad.

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: Scotland

*Notes: most renditions of this tune are in D but the MP3 audio clip above is played in G.