Key: A mix
Form: Strathspey
MP3: (played by George Wilson)
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X:939 T:Sarah MacArthur's C:anon. O:Scotland R:Strathspey M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=192 % god that's fast! K:AMix scordatura [A,2E2A2e2 % the usual Cape Breton "high bass" tuning F| EF EG | F>D - (3DDF G>EF>D | EG F>GA>e |({f}g>)fe>d ca - (3aag f>(g (3a)af|({f}g>)fe>d cF | [1 [EA,]>a - (3aag f>(g (3a)af|({f}g>)fe>d c<A({B}A>)F:| [2 EF Ee |({f}g>)fe>d ({cd}c>)BA |] % as written in the book... E|DE DF|E>C - (3CCE F>DE>C|DF E>FA>e|({f}g>)fe>d c<AB:| E|[DG,]>a - (3aag f>(g (3a)af|({f}g>)fe>d cE | [DG,]>a - (3aag f>(g (3a)af|({f}g>)fe>d c<A({B}A>)E| [DG,]>a - (3aag f>(g (3a)af|({f}g>)fe>d cE | DE De |({f}g>)fe>d ({cd}c>)BA|]
Source: Traditional
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Cape Breton
Notes: VFO 14-4