Key: D
Form: Waltz
MP3: (played by the Vermont Fiddle Orchestra)
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet music in PDF: rockin-my-babies-to-sleep
X: 1 T: Rockin My Babies to Sleep C: N: R: waltz Z: 2020 John Chambers M: 3/4 L: 1/8 K: D FG |\ A2 B2 A2 | G2 A2 G2 | F2 A,2 D2 | F4 FG | A2 E2 F2 | G4 B2 | B4 A2 | F4 FG | A2 B2 A2 | G2 A2 G2 | F2 A,2 D2 | F4 FG | A2 E2 F2 | G2 C2 E2 | D4- D2- | D4 :| |: FG |\ A2 fA fA | B2 gB gB | f3 e dB | A4 AB | A2 E2 F2 | G4 B2 | B4 A2 | F4 FG | A2 fA f2 | B2 gB g2 | f3 e dB | A4 AB | A2 E2 F2 | G2 C2 E2 | D4- D2- | D4 :|
Source: Jimmy Rodgers
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Country (USA)
Notes: Our local version differs somewhat from the sheet music above.
*This tune is not to be confused with Rocking the Baby.