Key: D
Form: Reel
MP3: Recorded at the Northeast Heritage Music Camp, June, 2017.
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)
Sheet Music*:
X: 1 T:Rock The Cradle, Joe T:Fancy Version C:Unknown M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 K:D |:fg|"D"a2 ag f2 fg|a2 ag f2 f2|g3 f g2 b2|"Bm"a6 eg|\ "D"fAeA d2 "G"eg| "D"fAeA d2 ef|"G"gfed "A"cABc|"D"d6:||:A2-|"A"Acec Aceg|"D"f2 d2 d2 ef| "G"g3 f g2 b2|"D"a6 A2-|"A"Acec Aceg|"D"f2 d2 d2 ef|"G"gfed "A"cABc|"D"d6:|
Youtube: (Played in B♭)
Source: Traditional
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA (Appalachia)
*Notes: There are literally dozens of midi versions onJC’s ABC Tune Finder, but as David K. noted, the version in the MP3 and sheet music above is “du jour” and differs from all that I had time to sample.
VFO Spr16