Reign of Love

Key: Em

Form: Reel?

MP3: Played by Susan Reid

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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...". 

Sheet Music in PDF: Reign of Love


X: 1
T:Reign of Love
C:Keith Murphy
|:"Em"E F/2G/2 A B|G2 F2|"D"A G/2F/2 E A|G/2F/2 E F/2E/2 D|
  "Em"E F/2G/2 A B|G2 F2|"D"A G/2F/2 E/2F/2 D|1 "A" E3 B,:|2 "A" E4||
|:"Em"e B d A|A B/2A/2 G F|"D"A G/2F/2 E A|"G"B G"D"d2|
  "Em"e B d A|A B/2A/2 G F|"D"A G/2F/2 E/2F/2 D|1 "A" E3 B,:|2 "A" E4|]
W:(C) Copyright Keith Murphy.  Black Isle Music, BMI


Source: Keith Murphy (copyright)

Other Tunes in Set:

Region: New England

Notes: Susan Reid writes, “Apparently at the wedding for which it was written, the weather was uncooperative as well. So it could be ‘Rain of Love’.”
