Key: G
Form: March
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X: 1 T:Red River Valley M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:100 R:March F: 2022-04-23 204531 UT K:G DG|"G"B2B2|B2A>B|AG-G2-|GzDG|BBGB|ddcB|"D"A2-A2-|Azdc| "G"B2 B A | G2 A B | "C"d c3-|cz E E|"D"D2 F G|A2BA|"G"G2-G2-|Gz|
Source: Traditional
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: USA
Notes: This tune refers to the Red River of the North which flows north between Minnesota and North Dakota into Manitoba, not that other one in Taxas.