Key: D
Form: Jig (Quadrille?)
X: 1 T: Bouchard's Quadrille M: 6/8 L: 1/8 R: jig K: Dmaj |:dfd cfc|B2 B B2 A|dfd cfc|B2 B B2 A| ege dgd|c2 c c2 B|A2 A ABc|1 dcB A3 :|2 d3 A2 G|| |:F2 D FAd|(f3 f2) d|e2 d c2 d| (g3 g2) f| e2 e e2 d|c2 c c2 B|A2 A ABc|1 dcB A2 G :|2 (d3 d3)||
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Sheet Music in PDF: Quadrille Bouchard
Source (if known): Joseph Bouchard
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Quebec