Key: E♭ Major(?)* Can you help?
Form: 3/2 Scottish pipe tune
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Sheet Music: Click image to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
Sheet Music in PDF: A Bhriogais Uallach
X: 2 T: A Bhriogais Uallach R: three-two M: 3/2 L: 1/8 K: Amix |:AAAB A2AB AGd2|deee c2Bc dcB2|deee A2AB AGd2|[M:C] eAA2 (G2G)A BA(A2A4):| [M:3/2]|:aeee edde eeg2|gaaa f2ef gfe2|deAB GAAA Bde2|[M:C]gAA2 (G2G)A Bd(A2A4):|
Source: Trad? Can you help?
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Cape Breton / Scotland
*Notes: Being most often heard as a song, but also a pipe tune, its key varies.