ey: Dm
Form: Polska
Download this MP3 If it plays, right-click on the page and “Save as”. (Detailed instructions)
Sheet Music: Click images to enlarge. To download, right-click in enlarged image and "Save as...".
X: 1 T:Över sjö och land R:Polska (hambo) Z:2007-09-05 S:efter [[!Skinnar Albin]] i Malung O:Dalarna M:3/4 L:1/8 F:http://www.folkwiki.se/pub/cache/�ver_sj�_och_land_a3cdc0.abc 2022-04-21 184927 UT K:Dm f3/2e/2 d3/2^c/2 df|e3/2^c/2 A3B|A3/2G/2 FE D^C|D3/2E/2 FG A2| f3/2e/2 d3/2^c/2 df|e3/2^c/2 A3B|A3/2G/2 FE D^C|D2 D4:| |:^C3/2D/2 E3 E|D3/2E/2 F3 F|E3/2F/2 G2 GE|F3/2G/2 A3 A| B3/2A/2 G^F GB|A3/2G/2 F3 F|E3/2D/2 ^CD E3/2^C/2|D2D4:|
Midi: This is apparently an MP3 version of a MIDI file.*
Source: Trad.
Other Tunes in Set:
Region: Sweden
*Notes: The Midi/MP3 above was found on the Swedish website, Stefans musik. Thanks, Marge Garfield, for this and for finding the correct Swedish title, Över sjö och land, which we think translates to “Over Sea and Land”